Femoid tears







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I think most women don't actually care about this other than a few fringe feminists. Like most people, they just think it's a little weird and sort of pathetic.

It’s the other way around sweetie, men will become useless once the superior robot cock is perfected.

good luck trying to squeeze child support/alimony/ and a house in court from a dildo-robot.

>superior robot cock is perfected
Already done, it won't listen to their bitching, nagging, boring stories, or pay their bills, so they still want a man

>tfw debating blowing my pay cheque on one of these


>Look at me, I'm the penis now

Until a robot cock can say "I love you" and mean it women are fucked.

I own a sex doll that's 5'6 tall and weighs 100lbs and it's considered an athletic kind. It's pretty nice to have around for draining your balls. In a accidental way it helped me not be lured in by the vaginal jew my ex tried to use on me. Yeah I did fuck her too but having a sexdoll made me realize that I don't need her vagina when she sucks as a person anyways and wanted my pay check. It's a good investment in my opinion. If anyone tries to give me shit for owning one I usually just tell them two things. 1. It's an over accessoried fleshlight, just like any other toy and no I'm not a freak that turns plastic into some stupid relationship like a woman wouldn't date her dildo right? 2. It actually helps me with my premature ejaculation and it helps me distinguish between girls who try to lure me in with their pussies or are actually genuine.

Sex dolls are literally the saddest shit I've ever seen. Spend that money on a prostitute. At least then you're fucking an actual pussy instead of a shitty rubber imitation.

>could buy a doll with the face of any girl
>buy one that looks like Toadie from the Gummi Bears

>t.for the money in exchange for stds
You're looking at it the wrong way bro. You think people buy that shit for a lack of companionship or try to get emotionally attachments then you're wrong. It's literally a closet prostitute you can use whenever the fuck you want with a little investment. I haven't had to jack off since December and it feels like the real deal meanwhile I still get dates for the purposes a real woman provides. It's like having a sidehoe without the bs. Unzip, handless jacking off and clean up.

>Until a robot cock can say "I love you" and mean it
top kek, no one can do that

Men can't say it and mean it either lmao

Pretty much this. But not every guy has his shit together and wants the doll to spoon them after they cum.

women cannot either
actually women do not have "romantic love" emotion

Guns games and Anime yay! Guns games and anime yay!

I hate this world I hate this place! I hate witnissing the destruction of my race!

So I'll turn tail and run away! Into my guns games and anime! Yay!

You guys ready for 4k VR? What about all these hot new summer 2018 anime about to come out? Yeah I recently painted my AR to match my waifu Konata! Lets get on discord and do our daily's bro! Gotta get those potions for the raid next week! No? We'll lets go play X-wing or Magic! I got my new plainswalkers in the mail and my Raider Class Corvette finally came in with my anime figures! You going to comicon? Theres a steam sale! BASED gaben!

Sometimes when I get lonely at night, I listen to this.



The sexbots dolls/bots are a good development then. Men can leave women alone, and vice versa.


Post a pic to explain that statement

The only reason women think they like a man is the Oxytocin that they produce more easily.

But when it comes time to end a relationship women will do it in a heartbeat, they are condioned to not deep love someone, as they constantly lost many of their children and providers through out human history, it's only natural for them to dispose of people because her beauty will bring more along.

trick is men are ok alone
women are miserable alone

That's not really accurate. I know a lot of women who are content being alone, especially more introverted women. I'm sure it's much easier for introverts though, of either gender.


Meanwhile females have been shoving anything that is longer than it is wide up their snatches for ages.

Came here to say this. The only demographics who will care about, at least for the foreseeable and not-distant future, will be incels and tumblrwhale females, both of which are an extreme minority. I don't think there will be enough outrage over them to spark a legal discussion if other sextoys haven't yet.

Content by owning tons of cats? I know 3-4 cases of single math teachers that are fat, borderline insane and own 4-5 cats. They ace "content" indeed. Fuk off roastie

>I know a lot of women who are content being alone
o ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

Well then yeah it is pretty sad if they actually try to turn a doll into a gf instead of it just being an expensive sex toy. If the stereotype is removed and prices drop lower I think a lot of guys would buy it and it wouldn't be too taboo.

That's beacause they're never really alone, there is always someone (man) helping them, be it their boyfriend, fuckboi or some mangina from the community.

And althoug normal men do MUCH better alone than normal women, there is a limit to it, otherwise they wouldn't commit suicide.



No, just content being with friends or focusing on hobbies, goals, exc. 3-4 cases doesn't mean that every woman is miserable being alone. But whatever you say.

true and kek, in that order

Once their beauty dries out, nobody will give them attention anymore. That's when they start to panic, and the real crazy starts to show. Men don't get that much attention, not even a turbo chad gets attention as much as an average girl does...until a point at least.

Those are all the women math teachers i know actually. And they are usually the ones that end up single

I know plenty of women who don't have a man helping them, especially since most men want to 'go their own way' now and don't really pursue relationships with women, and therefore don't have much use for them and avoid them. This number will only grow, because people are most isolated now. With relationships especially, people are realizing how pointless marriage is so I believe that romantic relationships will decline significantly.

If you aren't too bothered by what goes on inside your head, you will be fine in solitude. Regardless of gender.

lel, there is joke about normal teachers and math teachers fuckability and it is funny cause it's true

I really hate people, but I want to be productive at my job. Maslow law is shit, but it works for the most part. Probably should get one of these.


>If you aren't too bothered by what goes on inside your head
oh user

I know a lot of women who've always saod they're content being alone but are increasingly complaining about how chivalry is dead and that there are no real men left on social media as they cross into their 30s. Not many guys though. Except me, I want a wife and kids desperately but I dicked around in my 20s for too long and didn't date a lot, now I'm stuck with all the 35 y/o reformed sluts I knew in my youth who suddenly show interest in me now that I have a good job and a house.

t. mad roasties who don't realize that the only thing aside from cbildren that women provide - sex - is now avaible for much cheaper than any woman is.

>red lipstick

>me putting effort on
not enough obviously

>who suddenly show interest in me now that I have a good job and a house.
because they are not interested in you, they are interested in stable income and house
such is the cruel truth

No Gummi Bears in Straya?

that chick looks like a tranny lmao

They'll get over the "where have all the good men gone" stage (hopefully). Because nobody cares. People need to learn how to be comfortable alone and not depend on others.

I'm sorry about your situation though. Hope you find someone to marry and have kids with it if that's what you really want.

Again, specific cases don't mean that some women aren't content being alone. And my point still stands, as long as you are fairly comfortable with yourself, you can be alone with falling into a pit of loneliness, because you inevitably will have a lot of time thinking. Though I should add it also helps to have a productive hobby.

>women can handle being alone


Keep looking brother, do not give in to those 35 years used up bwitches, find one young and fertile and who would LOVE to take care of her children. Be careful with whom you have kids with.

>loose blow-out vag roastie freshly removed from a cock carousal

When you're a 4/10 guy like me (who probably appears as a 1 or 2 when adjusted for the female standard metric), it's painfully obvious when the only thing they want from you is material wealth. I should've skipped college, learned a trade, and snapped up one while I was young.

Most women get tons of attention when they are attractive and young. ESPECIALLY NOWADAYS with social media. Once they start showing aging signs, they will stop getting as much attention as they used to.

If they didn't get it in the first place then yes, it won't matter for them. But those are but a few. The average female gets way more attention than the best looking guys get. And that's where women lose, because they overvalue themselves until it's too late.

it's only natural to assume grown men that post on Sup Forums aren't able to get laid. i can't get laid so i am assuming most of the posters here are in the same boat. why would we be here if we could get laid.

She looks like she has a great personality.

The mix of legal prostitution and sexdolls (especially when they’re more advanced and have AI) will be the chemo that kills the cancer of western degeneracy.

When the woman’s holes become a commodity, or have adequate substitutes they will have to revert to traditional values to stay desirable.

The future is looking bright

Because boredom.

no. social media is for boredom.

>Again, specific cases don't mean that some women
user pls vol.2
post your neck, as I suspect you are female

This kills the biocunt

Social media is for attention seeking faggots and whores

If these got really popular, I could imagine someone opening a business that cleans them out. Here's your big chance, neets!

I'm not even sure how to get into relationships in sense because of similar situation. The last thing I want anyone to know really because that completely changes their perception of you. I don't care much for younger women, so the issue is. Is there anyone my age who isn't a fucking washout?

170cm H cup?

Well, it's true that specific cases can't represent everyone. But I see that you all refuse to accept anything but what you already believe about women. So I will stop trying to explain.

>i own a sex doll
post pic of it

I am 6, maybe 7 if groomed well, but I don't care
I refuse to date 1s, 2s and 3s
I'd rather fap to 2d

no. it's for people that are normal and can get laid.

Is that a bump stock

>So I will stop
ok female user, whatever you say
>Is there anyone my age who isn't a fucking washout?
yes, but you will never meet them

False on the laid part though

There is probably a few of them, good luck finding them.

google siliconwives "blake" for dimensions
from a couple of nights ago , couldn't care about the wig falling off and it feels weird combing it to put it back on, kinda gay.

I have a sex doll. It's called my wife.


What's up with a sudden influx of robogf threads everywhere? I've seen two on KC today, now here and this particular model even appeared on some obscure japanese imageboard now.
I'm not complaining but something's fishy here.

Missed your chance for "hump stock".

When I get home I could take more pics. Sorry. But in my opinion it's worth the investment.

we can always check if manufacturer is jewish

They've been going nonstop for at least a year now.


LOL I have the same model, but with the YL dolls succubus/vampire head.


Being married isn't so bad honestly.

>"I'm not a gold-digger"
>Breaks up with the guy because he seems poor
She has the self-awareness of a woman.

Shills trying to get us to lose interest in real women and have sex with dolls like a bunch of degenerates instead. Just your standard JIDF tactics, slide these threads

In about 8-9 hours when I get the free time. Though I might not be able to do anything extravagant except for quick body pictures in my closet user, I'm having my other ex come over tonight for dinner.

Nice, I knew the heads can be exchangeable and I find it pretty convenient how you can unscrew the head for the same feeling of a blowjob.
Also did you buy that tall too because anything shorter felt almost pedo like in my opinion. Lots of options for 4'11 and around the same size but that's just weird.

Can I get myself a thicc thigh loli robofu? If so I might change my mind.

Giving more power to the vaginal Jew is exactly what the Jews want. Women are destroying civilization so the more power they have, the more effective they will be.

The future will be White men and their loyal waifubots versus bitter white wymyn and their Jewish handlers.

I can't help but think about a matrix-tier plot now where the machines bound by the 3 laws of robotics came up with a plan to eradicate humanity through replacing women with this.
Since they're not harming any human in particular it'll work just fine.

I'm 6'3 and she was the tallest I could get. I would have gone for a smaller cup size, cause the M cup model with the same body is ridiculous.
The H cup isn't so bad thou. And I got a deal with one head free.

>create robot nannies/governess/nurses
>advertise them as helpers for families where biological parents are too busy with work to tend for their kids/elders on their own (real problem)
>not a word about sex, but nowhere implied it's not possible
>wait for just one generation where the kids raised by their perfect nannies that always love them, always smile and are always there for them unlike the mom and dad
>kids grow up and become the robogf evangelists

I can get behind that.

>MFW Skynet is just sexual fetish server

AI will immediately realise that women are Man’s greatest problem. It will eradicate them, and Humanity will thrive, each man happy and free to focus on furthering the specie, with robowaifus, artificial wombs and genetic engineering making perfect men.

there is pasta about that