Why do americans like to LARP as Europeans so much?

Why do they do this? Do they suffer from an inferiority complex?

>im 2/512th German, 1/256th Italian, 1/256th Polish, 1/2 African, 1/4 Cherokee, Im white right guys??

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don't you have feministas to worry about?

thats the LEAST of my concerns, mongrelicans and their inferiority complex pose a greater threat to my good mood

I wonder why all these Amerimutt memes attack MAGA and Trump so much. It's almost as if they were made by lefties.

The Argentine mutt

H982 FKL


i take no offense, mongrelican, you need to go back across the pond
did u even see my flag?

>Why do they do this? Do they suffer from an inferiority complex?
I'd assumed it has something to do with family traditions they'd pass down over generations and finding Americans with descendants from the same country as them they can relate to

That is the problem, you CAN’T stop thinking about us. Everyday there is another American thread in which they try to decide who is white or not. As if you mutts have any authority on that. Fuck off and leave us alone.

You would do the same if you weren’t all Spanish or Italian. Not much diversity there

I drew this one, and I am by no means a leftie. It's a fucking meme lmao

Whiter than you Miguel.

>did u even see my flag?
From an even more irrelevent country than those in Europe.

its a fukken good one m8

Sup Forums has decided that true master race is a combination of British / Dutch.

One side I can trace back to the revolution, the other side is typical Midwestern German Americans. I surely have mixtures of other euro groups but have better things to spend money on than a 23 and me, especially since they add .01 sub Saharan African on there no matter what.

Don't know of any distant negro, Indian or other shitskin genes. I know I'm not European since my family has now been here for 100s of years, but I'm definitely white.

whiter than you.

Because they have no sense of racial identity. They’re really just a mongrel mix of different European countries

Thanks, I did the bavaria one as well, planning to make more when I have time


Kek saved

>divide and concur
>proxy posting

Just sage the nigger and move on.

Not european in terms of nationality. Anyone, including sub saharan africans, can be european with regards to nationality. European in terms of RACE. That is why if I were to get a dna test it would say 100% EUROPEAN, not american. That's how genetics work. It doesn't matter if two genetically european people move out of europe and then have a baby. The baby will still have european dna. Even you, as a non-white, likely have a percent or to of european ancestry.

im 100% african so anyone is whiter than me Mr.56%
good, i'll be here to save & spread them ;)

Dividing is exactly what an ethnostate is about m8

no there arent you tard

Nobody pretends to be europoor

lmao the shit you come up with
if one hides their flag "omg show ur flag"
if one shows their flag (but doesnt fit your narrative) "omg proxy posting"
"haha ur gna be unplugged dude lmao"

americans have shit for brains im sry bro

I dont see how asking a question is divide&conquer, specially when i see americans throwing their ancestry tests onto my face all the time like I care or smth


Our ancestors came from the same place as yours, ours just weren't cowards and went a-conquering.

most of my family can be traced back to scotland and ireland though


Looks like an app they added african to in case you were a racist

>meme flag

Like your opinion matters..

>implying you're not some 12/549 Spanish Argentimutt

Consider the following
>If you are Spanish, you are white
This is, quite understandably, an objective fact.

Can the same be said if you are an American? Doubtful. The only two Americans I've met have been black and "part native American". I've only ever seen white Americans on (((television)))

hmm please show your flag, i have no Spanish blood in me (unfortunately given how handsome Spanish men are)

this is what i Mean
they've been on foreign soil for so long that any admixing is virtually impossible...
also in the mixture of many Europeans one loses his identity

This is my flag


Yeah I'm not certain the validity of this one. I've read that 1 percent are normally false positives or some fuck adding it in. I'm thinking about taking another one because I'm not certain how accurate this test was.


Guise looky here M better than le 56% see i have le jpg to prove

Pathetic faggot



lol, its a big country mate, you should go sometime its quite nice and beautiful, keep away from the niggers and spics tho, they might kill you

>Why do they do this? Do they suffer from an inferiority complex?
>Argentina flag

>23% iberian

did that ancestry shit.
I'm primarily Iberian, but also have an Italian and French mix.

but this makes me a le 56% face?


Because most of them are europeans.


I made this one. Do you like it?

At least America is relevant.

You haven't had your country in the spotlight since we thrashed you in a war.

Absolutely repulsive.

buhhh buhhhh.... WHY!?

wtf coño... we are hermanos.. no?


They mostly are but i like it since maybe it becomes mainstream and then people will see the disgusting results of racemixing

No, it's because one's history defines him, and America has too short a history for it to work, and on top of that the cultural definition of "American" is extremely opaque, to the point where there's no inherent value grand enough to compete with people's ethnic heritage.

MAGA and Trump are just tools of (((them)))

why do people still think non-whites are american? the founding fathers of america were white nationalists (see: naturalization act of 1790) americans are white. non-whites are not american.

hmm yet ive never seen an argentine boasting his heritage unless asked
america is also responsible for the fall of your empire, as well as swarming your country with shitskinned subhumans, you sure you prefer americans? they are willing to kill other Europeans for their jewish overlords any day, dont forget

>inferiority complex?


but the constitution was modified sweetie ;)
should have thought twice before doing the jews bidding dont you think so? "white" americans essentially caused this, they are the ones who went to die for the jews

Is is weird to grow up in a country that isn’t the most powerful in the world? I don’t know how people out there feel safe.

do you know how the >argentina >white meme was born? It's pretty much ancient Sup Forums muttposting
Only Italians and Portuguese are brothers. New world cuntries need not apply.


Fuck that.
The majority of Americans don't pay much attention to things outside their own immediate lives, let alone things out of their fucking control.....
like our government sucking the dick of Israel.

I like to think that most of us care about our country and our European brethren

23 and me is fraudulent. Ancestry is legit.

stop projecting my dude




how cute, mutts defending mutts

>have blue eyes and light blond and red hair
>niggers astonished by my eye color and hair


Well what about España? I still have family there.. telling me I'm some 56% face?
-probably have more pride in España than you do.

>Viva Franco

that's like saying black people in america aren't african because they don't live in africa

who cares about nationality?

yes, it was born because of the world cup ad of 2010 with the niggers and the argentine tshirts
idk how it is on Sup Forums, went on ther twice and everyon seemed autistic, im just talking from my experience here. I haven't seen argetines saying what their heritage is composed of unless asked. Never have i seen them larping as Euros in my life, not even the cockiest argentine
both are run by jews = both are fraudulent
>The majority of Americans don't pay much attention to things outside their own immediate lives
this is what caused you to fall for the jewish trickery in first place idiot

>have blue eyes and light blond and red hair
>niggers astonished by my eye color and hair


They aren't African. They are of African ancestry.

this meme is so fucking spot on lmaoo

Hang on Ancestry is Mormon owned.

>this is what caused you to fall for the jewish trickery in first place idiot

No shit sherlock.
you think people don't see that? Shit all started in the 50s and 60s.
"life is good" type bullshit while the strings were pulled when nobody was looking.

Argentina seems pretty legit though.
not sure about your bitch ass though..

>[Note: AncestryDNA was founded by Mormons. As of 2009, however, Ancestry became a publicly traded company and since 2013 has been owned by private “equity” firms and members of Ancestry’s management team.]

Was allgedly founded by mormons, but no one knows who is in power now, maybe the mormons were a smokescreen or w/e, i wouldnt trust anything american

>you think people don't see that? Shit all started in the 50s and 60s.
nope, shit started alot earlier
be enlightened, a very riveting read
>Argentina seems pretty legit though.
not sure about your bitch ass though.
nope, we got jewed by u too

>Why do americans like to LARP as Europeans so much?

Why would we LARP as WWII losers when we are back to back champions?

ITT we once again call eachother "fat ugly virgins" on the internet and get mad when the mods remove our obvious spam effort

I'll check out the read.
Thank you.

Sorry you got kiked.
if it makes you feel better... it's worse up here.

by this logic mudslims and rapefugees are british because they live in britain

No it's still based in Utah.

Blacks were brought to America. Muslims just crawled in here. Completely different .

The reason it's such a good meme is because your kind perfectly live up to it.

all the identity that is left to white americans is basically their link to Europe, yes
american culture is fully judeo-negrified at this point

>willingly sending your DNA to a corporation

they were never supposed to be legal citizens. they were supposed to be sent back

funny that none of those countries ever reacted like amerimutts do to these, it just proves it's true and it hits a nerve