Raphi on the front page
Raphi on the front page
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when is Raphi gonna show up in Satania's new show? Lucifer keeps on hogging all the screentime.
5 minutes
Someone post the feet pic.
>literally best design and body
You're the faggot here.
Best girl after Vigne
Best flavor and best girl
Raphi has big titties
So dropout thread?
and no satania fags?
count me in
Only a matter of time before they start.
She's my absolute favourite when it comes to looks but I actually love Tap
Semen angel
Comfy thread
I'm a Sataniafag but I have to agree Raphi is a great and entertaining character with an absurd sense of humor. And huge titties.
>he has ascended
I wish I was Raphiel.
I wish you were raphi so I can touch those cheeks
Thread theme
S2 when
Is the manga even alive?
those cheeks are so fucking shiny
Why is she so scary?
i want to LOVE LOVE SEX with raphi
Would Raphiel make a good wife and mother? Or would she be a bitch?
>this thread
Is she a sociopath?
>ywn lick Raphi's feet
loo at this qt angel
what an innocent girl
, who is best girl after Tapris, who is best girl after Satania.
I would have vaginal intercourse with Raphi and anal fuck Satania.
where are my satanichia and vigne nendos!? president-san would be nice as well
Vigne looks good when she's on her knees.
Yes. She's praying to G-d.
That's sinful
I want to share an umbrella with Raphi.
I want to get dominated by Raphi
You gave him a (you) and nice trips
Is this the new maybe her butt hurts?
Satania is Raphi's girlfriendo
>underarm hair
boner instantly shriveled
I want to brutally fuck a small girl like Gabu!
Raphi is the cutest psychopath I know.
>S-she's fast
>Coconut curry doritos
Holy shit want
I want to fuck Satania in front of Raphi.
Crossover fanart when?
Whose feet smell better?
T-this thread is fine.
Raphi a qt pure beautiful angel who did nothing wrong
inb4 brap pasta
I'd take any of the girls except Raphi.
1:Today is valentine's day!
2. Yes, Chocolate
Raphi sneak up on Satania at night to sniff her feet, lick her inner thighs, kiss her shoulder, breath on her neck and then sleep next to her while holding hands with interlaced fingers
>satania fags can't compete
>ralhpie fags can't compete
>vignette fags can't compete
Raphi needs more porn desu
Next time please post a good DropOut. Yeah so anyone other than Raphiel. You cunts have the worst possible taste.
>ywn have vigne clean your ears with you head on her lap
Raphi's tits are good dropouts.
What is happening here.
Raphi is just a stupid psychopath
Literally her only appeal is her va, Vigne and Satania are both far superior
She's attracted fat, feet, and flatulence fags, so the latter.
Salty Satania fag is obvious.
>hating on yandere
>hating on Hanakana
I want to triple-team Rapie with Pepe and Kermit
>implying she's even a yandere, let alone a good character
>a character is good just because the voice actress is good
This is beyond retarded
Nah faggot wrong again, I'm a day one Gabfag who does however recognize that Satania is best girl.
>It's a satania fag false flagging episode
Literally a personality that is just getting off over manipulating people.
You don't have to relate to nothing. Just spread 'em.