Why is everyone here so fucking stupid? I don't get it...

Why is everyone here so fucking stupid? I don't get it. I casually come to Sup Forums just to observe idiots in their natural habitat. Since I'm not sure if this is all a giant meme or you're actually serious, I have a few questions for you.

1) Do you really think you have any control over the world whatsoever?
2) Do you honestly glorify Trump into a god-like figure?
3) Do you suppose you will live forever?
4) Is spreading hate working out for you?
5) Are you doing what you enjoy doing in life or are you just trying to negate your own depression?
6) Do you have any skills whatsoever?
7) If aliens parked a UFO on Earth today, do you think humans would unite for once?

Gtfo retard.
>Wouldn't even want to see you shitty humaynes.

You wake up and see this. Are you still a racist?

Would you fight side by side with everyone you hate right now? Or would you rather die alone?

Real master ayy says be silent or die.
>B-bu *dead.

I am not stupid, but apparently I am sperg

Who do you think sent them in the first place?

>durrrrr give me data

>This muh blue baym


Explain to me. Why I would ignore object reality because of an alien space ship in less than 15 words.

Being a racist has nothing to do with hate. I believe races have different intrinsic values given to them by the beauty and majesty of nature and evolutionary processes.

I also believe, frankly, that you're a faggot.


Because it points to the fact that humans should stick together in the event that we're put in a position like this. The question is perfectly simple, you're just trying to wiggle your way out of it.

>Being a racist has nothing to do with hate
Au contraire. It has absolutely everything to do with hate. Irrational hate at that.

Your gonna FIGHT aliens with ships with enough power to break after interstellar speeds?
Shit man they could just blast us from orbit with asteroids. If you can go interstellar those are TRIVIAL to redirect in the thousands and the math to predict orbital paths is trivial even to humans.

>It has absolutely everything to do with hate
I don't hate blacks, or mutts, like yourself. But I am highly racist.
>It points to the fact that humans should stick together
Why so. Why do you assume that we would be stronger in the face of an external threat by mixing? Do you think adding a few millions 80IQ africans to an engineering department will ameliorate that engineer department? Folly, and bad trolling/bait. Try better next time. Mutt.

Stfuu goyyy.

>Why do you assume that we would be stronger in the face of an external threat by mixing?
Says the mixed one.

1. very little
2. no, but he's a good meme generator
3. yes
4. redpills aren't hate
5. I'm enjoying life
6. yes
7. it wouldn't make a difference unless they were hostile

Nah dude, only way to win is to befriend them and learn their secrets, maybe we could do something in a few generations like India did but it would just be suicide at first.

Dued go somewhere else. This isnt even your thread at this point.

I've only realized recently how many leftists are that way because of taking science fiction too seriously


No I'd still stay racist, I'm not a dumb nigger so I don't believe in ayy

No I'd still stay racist, I'm not a dumb nigger so I don't believe in ayys

They won't visit they aren't retards. They wont even make contact. How naive do they think ayys are?

Your a fghaet di n fyr

>Do you really think you have any control over the world whatsoever?
No, just the people.
>Do you honestly glorify Trump into a god-like figure?
No, I appreciate him though.
>Do you suppose you will live forever
Forever is a long time, I've already died three times though.
>Is spreading hate working out for you?
We've fallen a bit far into the D&C trap, but it's still working, yes.
>Are you doing what you enjoy doing in life or are you just trying to negate your own depression
I enjoy and appreciate every single day I am lucky enough to see.
>Do you have any skills whatsoever?
Im an autodidact that learns incredibly fast. I can teach myself to do anything, literally. Everything I do, the goal is to do it better than it has ever been done. I know multiple languages (both spoken and programming). I have vision better than 20/6 and near instantaneous reflexes. I'm mentally unbreakable, and I embrace suffering out of stoicism.
>aliens parked a UFO on Earth today, do you think humans would unite for once
No, half would bend over and try to make them citizens. Half would fight them.

>6) Do you have any skills whatsoever?
If you go on a MGTOW thread 50% of the burgers are high powered lawyers or business owners.
If you go on a minimum wage thread 50% of posters are business owners or economists.

Pro-tip, 100%are shills

>humans should stick together
>t. Has no understanding of human nature or history

Average leftist desu

>1) Do you really think you have any control over the world whatsoever?
control perception, control the world
>7) If aliens parked a UFO on Earth today, do you think humans would unite for once?
Get rid of religion and you have a chance.

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

data mining thread

Just listen here and stop thinking this is a fucking fan-fiction story you little fucking cunt. You are no match for any et's none. Maybe that other humayne race on the other side of the universe.
But other then that you're fucking delusional.

the site in it's entirety is total chaos. there's no answer to any of your questions.

Lol if there is a civilization capable of traveling through space, they'll BTFO us anyways.

>You wake up and see this. Are you still a racist?
How would an alien space ship showing up change the fact that niggers are retarded?

Check’em dubz

LOL wtf are the nigs going to do to help us?

>Where are the Zulus?! We need their sticks and slings!

+1 for OP being a faggot

I come here to listen to the silent majority that has been silenced by a very loud minority

>Aliens that have the technology to travel through light-years of space attack earth
>Let's get in some Niggers to help us fight
What are we even supposed to do in that situation? Throw Niggers against the spaceship? If aliens attack earth, we are fucked. Period!

>1) Do you really think you have any control over the world whatsoever?
>2) Do you honestly glorify Trump into a god-like figure?
>3) Do you suppose you will live forever?
>4) Is spreading hate working out for you?
it gives me amusement so yeah i guess so
>5) Are you doing what you enjoy doing in life or are you just trying to negate your own depression?
not depressed. also don't care for my job but it brings in money for things i do enjoy
>6) Do you have any skills whatsoever?
i'm really good at magic the gathering
>7) If aliens parked a UFO on Earth today, do you think humans would unite for once?
no. they would try and kill it

gr8 survey have an upboat

Racism is a vacuous, shifting word; hedged entirely on emotion, it is only used to end uncomfortable discussion by the intellectually dishonest.

1. People are pretty stupid, just a fsct of life.
2. Society is falling apart.
3. Most of the content here is machine learning generated and caters to 1 and 2.
4. Paid shills, government psyops, and trouble makers love this website.
5. You

Any questions?

>1) Do you really think you have any control over the world whatsoever?
Bizarre question, literally everyone does, even peasants in the middle of nowhere, China.
>2) Do you honestly glorify Trump into a god-like figure?
>3) Do you suppose you will live forever?
Yes. We still die at some point but you live forever. Never go full materialism.
>4) Is spreading hate working out for you?
>5) Are you doing what you enjoy doing in life or are you just trying to negate your own depression?
Overall enjoy, but there is always more to be done, it's not some lazy contentment.
>6) Do you have any skills whatsoever?
>7) If aliens parked a UFO on Earth today, do you think humans would unite for once?
Certainly not. I for one could probably welcome our ayyyy overlords depending what they are. What kind of choice is it to prefer some sandniggers over a space travel civilization anyway? Not mentioning the kangz because they were a space travel civilization.

>1) Do you really think you have any control over the world whatsoever?
Not me specifically, but the USA is kicking ass at it.
>2) Do you honestly glorify Trump into a god-like figure?
Yes I do.
>3) Do you suppose you will live forever?
No, I expect to make it to 90 to 95 at the most
>4) Is spreading hate working out for you?
The truth hurts, doesn’t it?
>5) Are you doing what you enjoy doing in life or are you just trying to negate your own depression?
I enjoy my hobbies and activities.
>6) Do you have any skills whatsoever?
>7) If aliens parked a UFO on Earth today, do you think humans would unite for once?
No, I do not believe that aliens are the answer for world peace. That is stupid.

We will tell the niggers to kill the aliens

Funny how you seem to assume that any ayyyy would simply come and destroy everything.
A species so technologically advanced for that would likely have a mere curious interest in the humans of today. Anyway there is little data to confirm that.
On the other hand, we have had for a very long time many occasions of seeing various alien races come to our countries and most of them have been complete chimpout.
Basically in one case where there is little motive and no previous data, you want war. In the case with lots of data and clear motive, you want to stand down and get cucked.
Makes one think.