New York Immigrant Activist DEPORTED

Another one bites the dust

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His removal order was signed by the Obama administration, but the sob story is being used to attack Trump.
Should've sent his family out with him.
What kind of cunt leaves his family behind.

Being that Haiti is going to be portrayed as a paradise by Conana O'Brien and other nutty's all good.

31 years and too busy to fill out some paperwork?

>What kind of cunt leaves his family behind.

A nigger


What kind of place is he being sent to? It’s not a shithole so he’ll be fine.


So? I thought Haiti was an awesome country full of opportunity?

It's my understanding based on recent round the clock media coverage, that Haiti is in fact, "not a shithole." As such shouldn't he be excited at the idea of returning to his ancestral island paradise? He should take his kids as well, to better let them experience Haiti's rich culture.

What paperwork?

>the indYpendent

I think most of these are fake. You posting liberal scare propaganda is giving us a false sense of achievement unfortunately.

The anchor baby paperwork. He had every opportunity. But more likely neither he nor his kids can read.

He should be happy going back to Haiti. Afterall that racist Drumpf was wrong about calling it a shithole.

He was born in Haiti
There's no "anchor baby" paperwork

If you've lived in the country for more than three decades and you haven't applied for citizenship you have no one to blame for your deportation except yourself.

That's amnesty
Which doesn't exist

>immigrant rights
Lol okay. I hope he enjoys being returned to utopian Haiti.

>immigrant rights leader
Its smart to deport the leaders first. This is good news,

Yeah, once you come here illegally, i dont think you can just sign up for citizenship. He got what he deserve. Hope he enjoys his homeland.




He'll be fine. Haiti is a paradise.

Also, please bump good threads.

For his kids.

god what a faggot. how did we even survive those 8 years?

High five!

>there is no place like home

You racist drumpf supporters are laughing at this? That person of color has done more than you ever did! He is still laughing at you racists as he is going to a better country than drumpf's america

its over racists

They actually can't leaf, posts have been made of this cases of the guy being DACA and unable to apply for permanent residency.

could someone please ad my groyper in this pic

Will Conan give him complementary tickets to the show?


Good thing we have recently learned Haiti is the greatest country on Earth right? No need to worry!

So he broke the law by staying

Why do his niglets get to stay?

you're missing just how fucked the system is here
there is literally no anchor baby paperwork

the kids are fully legal citizens just because they were born here
they don't have to apply for anything. it's just given to them

maybe you're getting your anchor baby and DACAfag mixed up.
dacafags were born in another country. anchor babies are born here

He had no deportation order until recently.

Well thank god Haiti isn't a shithole

Fucking good.
Haitian gulf apes have been getting a free pass for too long.

I'm sure he and his family (when they go to Haiti to live with him) will prove Drumph wrong, we're the ones living in a racist shithole.

as a NYer and friend to some Haitians i approve of this.

Yeah seriously. The entire media is insisting America is a shithole and Haiti is NOT a shithole so isn't this just a golden ticket to freedom, success and happiness? What's the problem?

he's going to Cucknada, most likely. He'll get 600 a month just for dropping in.

Haitians are already going up there and are surprised they qualify for the gibs right off the bat.

Immigrant communities are already spreading the word that Canada is a free-for-all.

Pretty soon, the US will have to build a border wall to the North. the colored are going to take over Canada.


Conan is gonna green screen that shit, no way he’s going to Haiti for real.

New York times trying to talk out Haitians and Dreamers from going to Cucknada. lel

When the rapes and murders pick up, I wonder what Trudeau will do.

>I wonder what Trudeau will do.
Apologise for not being inclusive enough

How fucking stupid are you?

The ones in the pic are all twitter profiles. Look up @that_groyper, he's the guy who made a lot of content initially under the account @groyper (now suspended)

Teach me oh wise one
tell me where I'm wrong

heh shul beh ovajoyd!hati is uh pafwect plac tah lib!wite guyz!?fuk blumpf!

If illegals actually do this I'd laugh my ass off.

wasn't there some sort of amnesty during Obama's administration?

last amnesty happened under Reagan

wow they need to send his kids back too. when is trump going to take that born citizen shit to court already?
Fucking retard.

that's for kids born outside of the country

well considering haiti is not a shithole according to him i dont see the problem

>Immigrant Activist

Fucking good

Digits of truth. Canada is fucked.

>unable to apply for permanent residency.
why doesn't he show his successful business to the department of immigration? how him leaving would be a net loss to the nation?