Arabs hate dogs

Arabs hate dogs.
Black fight dogs.
Asians eat dogs.
Whites love dogs.

Why is this? What is your country/culture's position on dogs?

We let them blow us.

That's odd, because whites have to keep their dogs on leashes or they will run away at the first opportunity.

Compassion for animals is an advanced trait.

Not well trained dogs. My dog will wait at a store outside for me, with no leash. Dont adopt a dog if you arent willing to train it well.

We've never had this problem with any dogs we've ever had. If your dog runs away you must really be a shit tier human. You keep a dog on a leash so it doesn't bother other people. They are energetic social animals and want to run around and explore. That's not always acceptable behavior in public spaces. That you don't understand that tells me a lot about you.

I get what your saying, but I've seen instances where a white persons dog will bolt out the door never to be seen again. Wtf? They have to put up posters and shit for it.

...Is the dumbest sentence i have ever read

Dogs can sense good people from bad people, so naturally most white people get along with them...other races not so much.


Dogs were the first to partner with man in our quest for civilization.

A man who doesn't care for dogs is no man at all.

>My Dog

Why would you get such a trash dog? Are you poor?

Well trained dog will not run away.

Our ancestors did co-evolve with wolves/dogs when they were still hunter-gatherers in the Siberian tundra. Other 'peoples' came into contact with dogs much later and some co-adaptions never really happened ... btw I do not consider these other 'peoples' true humans anyway...

Let me take a guess, you saw this in suburbia, probably in a blue state like California, or maybe it was in a household without a man? Keeping a dog is a big responsibility, and if no one is there who can be dominate, the dog will take that role. If you saw someone who's dog ran away never to return, that means the dog didn't even see them as worthy betas for its pack.

lol my dogs follow me like a shadow

We raised dogs to help us survive as a species. Mudbloods never did to the extent us whites did

this only happens when your dog is a hunting dog and not trained well

This. If a person has it, you know he is a good man. Subhumans usually don't because they're animals themselves and see dogs as competition.

Why do Sup Forumsacks think that we Muslims hate dogs?

Rotties were the Roman work dog. They are great, just unlucky to be snatched up by niggers, along with pit bulls, because through abuse their guardian nature can be turned into fighting dogs. You can't blame the dogs for what niggers do to them.

They hate dogs because they realize that they're easily trained and lead by white men as well. It's a constant reminder of their genetic shackles and inferiority. Blacks know this better than most, that's why they openly abuse the animals.

Almost all the shitskins I see on the streets are fucking afraid of my dog ... and the little nigger is not even that threatening looking.

>Dogs were first domesticated in Eurasia


Lots of white people leave their dogs at home alone all day, and are too tired to give them decent exercise when they get off work.

>be me
>went to Kazakhstan
>literally every Kazakh who lives in his own house has at least one dog

>>trash dog

You are obviously a nigger, a faggot, or a nigger-faggot....

Rotties are the noblest of breeds, with roots going back to the Roman Legion

What is that image? The walking dead?

Because dogs are marginally sentient, a force multiplier, and whites have compassion and empathy, which are traits completely absent in Arabs, blacks, and Asians. One white man could kill a whole gang of blacks with a pair of trained dogs.

we don't. We just know that they hate you subhumans

Whites have a 40,000 year symbiotic relationship with dogs. Other races either lacked the IQ or the empathy to develop that relationship.

not all dogs can be trained though, sometimes their instincts are just too strong. I've had a few greyhounds and you can never leave them off the leash in public, their instinct is just too strong and they will chase anything. They are lovely, gentle animals but are as dumb as a stump

Oh Canada

Most shithole-tier countries have problems with packs of wild dogs roaming around and chasing kids. Kumail Nanjiani always talking about how he's a cat-loving beta because of how many times he was chased down by packs of stray dogs in Pakistan.

Cumskins adore them because dogs are servile and totally dependent on them unlike their liberated women.

> totally dependent and servile
If I were starving, my dogs would get fed first. Whites have a mutually beneficial relationship with dogs. Your people aren’t inteligent enough to understand how that works.

If you get a dog you need to be ready to cater to the breed. The breeds aren't for fashion, they are fit for purpose. Greyhounds are born to sprint, to run down prey. You need to train them young when it is run time and when it isn't, then you need to make damn sure they get their run time in big open areas. If you can't do that don't get that type of dog.

Dogs are friends. Sometimes they protect us sometime we protect them.

Du bist ein guter Hund! Ja!

Whenever our dog would lose his tether when we let him outside he wouldn't run away; he would just sit at our front door like he was guarding it. Even as people walked past he would still stay in his place.

>Rotties were the Roman work dog.

Yes, and thanks to you for speaking in defense of my beloved Rottweilers.
Here's my girl as a pup....

>literally forsaking your own survival for your sycophant canine servant

I'm glad white people are dying out desu. If nothing else you can breed with your mutts and create dogmen to rule over what's left of your ethnostate

Quit projecting how white women treat you onto dogs faggot.

Long term symbiosis between us probably led to genetic predisposition between us and dogs, which manifests itself as a more empathetic relationship between whites and dogs. Maybe just talking out my ass but it's an explanation that also would explain the lack of basic empathy towards dogs in other races. In truth it may only be cultural rather than genetic, but it is so deeply ingrained in the culture that it seems innate.

its okay to diddle daddle with dogs unless penetration occurs

fuck sakes i hate the laws of canada

I don't love dogs. I would never hurt or eat one, and they're fun to take on walks and stuff, but I don't love them. I don't like needy things.

If I were like a hunter living in prehistoric europe and dogs helped protect from predators and helped hunt and stuff Im sure I would feel much more warmly towards them, but in the modern world I have no idea what they're for other than vaguely ridiculous pets.

Best dog coming through

This, it's why you see white people walking their dogs religiously, and blacks leaving them chained up in a yard. Somehow they just lack any compassion. I don't fully understand it. Probably related to black fathers abandoning their families, it's not even them being selfish, it's that it's not what they do.

White men developed relationships with the K9 during the ice age. It was cold and brutal, wolves found it easier to survive by following packs of humans and eating our scraps. Soon we began to enjoy their company, and breed for traits we liked. White men and dogs have been bros ever since

This is retard-tier shit. We have to keep our dogs leashed because niggers get scared of 'em and the dogs chase the fear.

All dogs are my friend.

I cannot say the same of all people.

Dogs look up to us like Gods. They understand we are animals but we are so complex they also fear/love us because they know we choose their fate.

Where is this? Looks /cozy/. Cute doggo too.

I think that user was being a little generous. The dog survives for as long as possible but in the end he would be butchered for meat to ensure the survival of the humans. That is the other, less spoken, benefit of the dog. They are walking emergency food.
Still if things go bad I can shoot animals with my rifle and I am confident by lab will bring my dinner back to me with that stupid grin he has.

>Whites love dogs.

No, just no.
Dogs are trendy right now, but otherwise there is no surer sign of dealing with a fresh off the farm yokel than dog loving. If you are not going to eat the dog or have it herd dumber animals then the dog serves no purpose to the dog.
Exception being various forms of degenerates (blind need blind dog, autistic retards need Cujo because REEEEEEE cannot make human friends)

> servant

Be careful, shitskin. You owe your humanity to my ancestors. The ones who took pity on your ancestors and allowed them to be our servants.

Being our servants was 1000X better than running around in the jungle naked, while starving in a land of plenty.

here are the three indicators of a country:

1. Can you flush toilet paper?
2. Can you drink the tap water?
3. Do they treat dogs well?

I've never had this problem with my dog.

They are likeable animals for sure, and they seem to understand us more than any other animal does. they're sort of like natural slaves I guess.

I fucking hate dogs and I hate their owners even more
in Russia they never, fucking NEVER clean up after their degenerate pet finished shitting so our streets and parks are covered in dog turds
not to mention all the homeless dogs here
if only dog-hunter was an actual profession...

>You need to train them young when it is run time and when it isn't
you've obviously never dealt with greyhounds, if they see small prey be it a hare, rabbit or smaller dog they are off, there is no amount of training that will overcome thousands of years of breeding

>muh straight out of Africa theory
Dogs are from China. How could domestication have occurred in Africa when it isn't common at all in Africa, but it is common all across North Asia and Europe?

Not everything is out of Africa brainlet. Dog domestication happened in Asia not Africa.

Exactly. Whites are the ONLY race of people on the planet that have a well developed emotional capacity. Many animals have this same capacity and are able to largely sense good people from bad. Thats why most animals like whites and don't want to be anywhere around a nigger, an asian from the east, or a sand nigger. Dogs have a well developed ability to sense out good from bad people. They are mans best friend. Not a subhumans best friend. Niggs and sand niggs are simiply too stupid and primitive to understand this. Asians from the east simply lack most emotion. Animals don't like nigers and sand niggers for a good reason. They are subhuman beasts that are of a lower rank than the lowest animal. I truly feel sorry for pitbulls. Here is a breed of dog that likely would have been like any other dog had they had a long history of relationships with whites. But somewhere along the way, niggers started to view them as fassion accessories, and now the breed is doomed. Pitbulls are destined for a life of violence and abuse. The fact is that no sand nigger or nigger should be allowed around animals. Most will have sex with them at some point and they will always abuse them. Sand niggers and niggers really do have no place in this world. They are a disease. A pestilence and a plauge.

It makes sense. If you have property to protect they will warn, protect and defend you and your family.

You mean "toy" shit tier dogs

Amen to that.
Dogs do not belong in the city. They are an archaic remnant of a pastoral society which has disappeared.

Considering that your country is populated with dog-turds its only fitting that the same applies to your streets.

leaf, no leaf... FPBP

>they're animals themselves and see dogs as competition.

This is true. By the way is it illegal to have a dog protect your house in Bongland. Does that count as a weapon or something

Deutscher Schaferhund Master Breed

Whites love dogs but they can't handle them. I see dogs attacking people all the time.

>Pretending white neighborhoods didn't have that "mean" dog that no one would dare test, just had to kind of let him have the ball, or wait until his owner came around.

Do you need a servoce dog or something? Because you're fucking retarded.

It should. Both weapons and dogs are a danger to their owners, their families and anyone nearby.
Cujo will eat the meat you give it and sleep under your roof for a decade, and then just maul your baby to death because it pulled on its tail or whatever BS goes through its atrophied doggy brain...

Pit bulls are niggers. Most other dogs are okay.

>archaic remnant
We tied our fates together a long time ago. Yeah, now 95% of the benefit of the relationship goes from human to dog, but it hasn’t always been that way. They kept our ancestors alive. I’m not going to throw them away. I guess honoring the oldest contract in human history is an exclusively white thing. I’m not surprised.

The white saw an animal with semi intelligence and taught it to be a loyal pet, much like we saw niggers as good work beasts, they unfortunately were not loyal, some animals cant be taught

Lease laws were put in to protect the lawns of suburban yuppies. I grew up in a neighborhood with no leash law it was great. All the dogs were well socialized and even ran around in a pack together. If one dog started bark fucking nine would come running over to see what's up. Needless to say everyone could leave their houses unlocked and the kids were safe to roam around unsupervised.

Thanks to the leash law, the vermin population exploded, rabies outbreaks every summer, the dogs trapped in their yard are vicious and never stop barking. Then people started buying those little shit dogs that are fucking useless but don't shit as much. And let's not forget the inevitable nigger with his nigger pit bull that thinks it's cute he has a vicious dog he keeps chained up and brags how it kills anything that moves. Before the leash laws dogs like that were put down. No kid can walk around with at least one paranoid soccer mom to keep the Podestas away.

Yeah, I think having to deal with the occasional pile of dogshit was worth the protection.

Only nigger tier breeds do this

we love dogs, no homeless dogs on the streets.

I came with a source, where is yours? And Wikipedia doesn't count

Oldest contract is to your woman.
When a tool is no longer of use it is discarded, let alone one that will bite the hands that feeds.

Or maybe when some asshole who I don't want on my property shows uo and he warns me, or maybe I don't lock my front door because my homie cujo is waiting for whoever the fuck is stupid enough to open the door.

Fuck you, suburbia trash.

we wuz dog trainers n shieeeet

This. Whites feel empathy for dogs, dogs feel empathy for their masters. If you take care of them, they'll take care of you. I would never starve because my dogs would track down dinner. All I'd have to do is kill it, cook it, and divide it up between us. They're not pets, they're allies.


Actual city dweller here, keep your redneck mouth shut and stay on your farm fucking your relatives.

It's all down to the treatment. If you have a lap dog and treat it well but still keep the ierarchy steady, he'll be a good dog. If you have a guard dog and treat it as such and always be aware of the fact that it's not a pet (lap dog) and make sure your family realizes that too, then nothing will go wrong.


There is something wrong with that fence.
Oh yeah its not electrified.

top tier cringe

The first settlers brought dogs. The first native animal to be domesticated was the dingo. They've been an integral part of life since arrival and continue to be indispensable to rural life today. Largely unnecessary to urban life, they're now just companions to the family unit and occasionally a security measure.

1. Women are human,retard. That’s not a contract. It’s biology.

> when a tool is no longer useful you throw it away
2. If you are white, you come up with another use for it instead. That’s how we built civilization.

3. Your post is a perfect example of your lack of empathy.

>city dweller

A willfully retarded human. I don't waste pity on you at all. Stay in your high rent, aids ridden cesspit. Disgraceful.

The only people I know in the states who do not like dogs are blacks.

>Women are human
let's not get ahead of ourselves

In a perfect world why not... But in practice, this happens far too often. Banning urban dog ownership would be far more effective. it is cruel to the dogs since they do not get to roam/run free as they were meant to and in turn makes them into hazards to the public, the owner and his family.

Banning urban areas would solve more problems, achmed. Why don't you go back to your home land instead of fucking up western society? And I'm not posting my arm again to show you how white I am. I am more aryan than my dog I posted.


You are a disgrace to your ancestors.