I am in hell. Have 2 kids, wife, great job, house, friends etc

I am in hell. Have 2 kids, wife, great job, house, friends etc...

I am bored out of my mind ans kind of waiting to expire. I am 46, 5'11, and 178 lbs. I walk and run 3 days a week.
I also wfh. I work on house outdoors and garden when summer. I love beer and vidya.
I am pretty much sick of it all though.

Any user have this when older? Been going on for 10 yrs so not a mid life.


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find Jesus
seriously, it's something to do at least

You are without struggle. As a 20 something crypto rich neet I can tell you the only thing that provides happiness is the act of overcoming adversity. Everything else, even reaching the peak, make you feel less alive than the struggle.

THAT IS ALL I LACK user. Cradle to grave catholic. Just makes no sense to this high iw individual.
I so wish i could accept jesus. I would be happy. The great existential philosophers just confirmed what i already knew.
Even corresponded with irv yalom.

I struggle greatly everyday with life itself.
Congrats on coin bux tho! Sell!


Kill yourself?

Kids man. My life.

You should go camping. You appreciate nature but you have lost your connection, leaving you hollow.

camping, get a boat, purchase land, get into cars. Make sure to involve children/family.

Two words: Unrealistic expectations. It's endemic in the west.

You need to sate your primal instinct for community and action. There's a reason why tribal men who simply stab antelope with sticks to feed their village don't have midlife crises.
I recommend rock climbing or martial arts, personally.

I have a desease that's going to kill me in a few months. Wish I had your problems mate.
Anyway... search for things that interest you and study for yourself that you can later be proud of, like a language or something. Acquire a new hobby, do some new activities with your kids. When you die, you will only regret the things you haven't done.

they probably don't even have a concept of a midlife crisis. Language is infectious.

Start with asking the right board you useless cunt

Move to a different state/country.

That board is for teenagers who don't know how to talk to girls

Typical manlet issues.

this, user.


atleast you will get off this wild ride my man

You should talk about it with someone. Just not here.

Why are you bored? You do love your family right? The only reason I keep holding on is so I can get to where you are now, so I hate to hear this

Getting involved politically? Try making the world a better place?

I chop trees but yeah. I have lost my way.

Fuck you, plenty of anons here would kil to have what you have. Ungrateful bitch.

Wanted martial arts with boy. He is 10

Muhammed no! What is your affliction?

I think it is my depression coming back. Winters in nj suck!

Not a jew tho. Never a jew.

Take Vitamin D supplements if you aren't a Vitamin D deficiency can wreck your mental state and happens a lot in places with low sunlight.

Download guitarpro, start making some music - choose an instrument and start messing with the notes - go figuring out how music works. Then when you get serious about it learn musical theory and some instrument in parallel. Creating is the best thing a man can do. Then you teach your kids, it is not rocket science user