ITT: Tropes you would like to see.
Instead of corrupt church, corrupt bank.
ITT: Tropes you would like to see.
Instead of corrupt church, corrupt bank.
Grim detective story with no happy ending. It should have lots of booze and dead criminals/innocent people at the hands of semi corrupt cop.
Actually broken families, narcotics, coffee, depression and corruption. Police violence and unsanctioned killings of those who deserve it.
Just make an anime out of finnish crime literature
>Finnish crime literature
Tell me more
Usually has a charismatic but assholish detective with depression, lost family and drugs. Thats the main character.
Well its either about catching drug dealers or murderers. Finnish authors arent really shy about killing anyone off if you dont read trash like Remes. Overall they offer a grim view about the reality of crime and its effect on main character himself.
Plot of course varies
>blonde/blue-eyed finnish moegirl
>hardboiled detective about to go over the edge
Would watch
>Overall they offer a grim view about the reality of crime and its effect on main character himself.
Hope you aren't talking about Vares.
big Australian bulls cucking little Jap cucks
I dont really read much that stuff but I do like Marko Leinos stuff.
I think adaption of Ansa is on the yle currently
This has to be a Canadian shitpost, Australian shitposts have heart.
The word trope roll strangely in my tounge. Could I get a rope to think about it?
Mc continue to fight to make his dream a reality, even though his dream already shattered.
Supernatural/Horror anime series where Female MC slowly goes insane over time, and the story tells how she went from being the protagonist to the main antagonist
wow sounds like shit
maybe it would work with a man
The MC isn't even closest to the strongest person. He is just a sub-par person struggling to be competent in a world where everyone is better than him.
Touro Majutsu no Index
But his power is the power to nullify everyone else's power. He is basically OP.
His power can only nullify weak magic and you can always just shoot him.
If you read Dashiell Hammett, this is what most of his detective stories are like. 'The Maltese Falcon' is a great movie and is based off of one of his stories.
All the girls in a harem series have other romance options than just the mc
And he pushes them all away because he doesn't like any of them
I've hated this picture since forever, the nose bone looks fucking retarded.
There's a Higurashi arc literally about that.
And she's still best girl in spite of it all.
Benevolent church
God is actually a pretty cool guy
Girl trips, falls and pulls a guy's pants down
If any of those have been done before, I apologize.
The bara gets the girl.
>God is actually a pretty cool guy
Shaman King
Full Metal Alchemist
Kageoru Daze
The story of a young man and his girlfriend after the harem story ends. They slowly fall out of "love" and realize they're both melodramatic hormonal teenagers. But they remain good friends.
Girl genderbends into a guy. Lewds and learning abound.
But she needs to be a cute boy, not a trap, because being a trap just cuts corners.
>you can always just shoot him
But no one does this
How the starter friends take the MC leaving them for cooler and better company.
Just an episode or two that shows their friendship slowly drifting away even though the two are on decent terms and the friend hasn't don anything to get on MC/FeMC's shit list. It always bothered me that they never thought about it.
People have literally done it before.
Not in the anime
>starts off as generic shounen
>mcs power revealed to be meta shounen knowledge
>shoots his first antagonist
>villains have to become more realistic and stop telling plans/saying attacks in order to win
> knows exactly what archetypal girls will do to the point where it freaks them out and they develop actual personalities, and maybe the meta knowledge rubs off on them
Sounds like hellblazer minus the occult stuff.
>Main character your typical Japanese teenager ending up in fantasy world
>The powers that be figured he'd be the typical heroic archetype beta male with a harem.
>Sees how much of a crap sack world this fantasy land is.
>Decides to conquer the good guy kingdoms to unite them under his new empire
>Bulk of the story is about how the gods now send would be heros to try to kill MC since he's more or less another evil overlord to them.
>Civilians and other peasants think he's a saint, when it's shown he's a competent and decent ruler.
>All the nobles and rival kingdoms thinks he's the devil more dangerous then the ancient evil that threatens all of existence.
>MC's success is his dangerous genre savviness in being a super villain he learned from video games and comics.
If any of you know a anime or manga that does this already, please share. I really want to see that.
so, cyberpunk?
that said having the mega-corp be actually benevolent would also be nice for a change
These two.
I want heroes with meta knowledge that deconstructs tropes.
When I first saw the episode of Nadesico, I wanted to believe that Nergal was one. Not because of any goodness, but because bad guys cut from their profit margin.
I'd make it a humor genre, where those tropes are torn to shreds by the MC. The villains don't learn there lesson, and the girls that would be romantic interest become even more zany in their pursuit of the MC.
>God is actually a pretty cool guy
>Full Metal Alchemist
forgive me for not finishing the manga, but where was this? God in that series seemed pretty sadist to me.
That would probably be a OVA for the TV series.
The bankers are good people goy
Make the main character a decent person who is already learned life lessons. Make it so that he does the captain Kirks speeches to all the supporting characters and the episode's villain. An actual standard Boy Scout that's not a parody.
That's not a new trope. Persona 5 already did it.
>Benevolent church
>God is actually a pretty cool guy
Dragon Quest had an anime right?
You mean, the classic American comic book superhero?
Only very few pull it off well, and the rest are boring as fuck.
he said bank, not yakuza loan shark who thinks he's one
which do it well?
Cap (Steve Rogers) and sometimes Supes.
>goes 200% insane over a guy she spoke like 6 lines to
Mion literally never did anything wrong aside from fall in love with a dunce; she's easily best Sonozaki
Not since they've gone the whole Darker and Edgier route with them now.
Not really sadist just neutral. If anyone wants knowledge they can have it but they must pay for it.
Superman's current book is really good though
This is why people hate Indexfags.
Uchoten Kazoku is great for exactly this reason and many other.
what about batman?
Overlord is the closest thing I could think of.
Pyschopathic protagonist. Not a flat character but a character who is indeed a well rounded monster but fails to address his or her own faults which result in her conflicts.
Batman is literally the exact opposite of what you described, he's a jerk in public and an edgelord in private
The Main Character is a side character who is the true antagonist of the story who is stuck a time loop because the woman he loved in the first loop got together with him, but after him and his crew stopped the evil god, he got sealed in the world the evil god resided in and watched his love live a lonely life till her death.
After an x-amount of time alone in a void, he (MC) breaks free and merges with his past self containing all his experience and memories from before. The loop is occurring because the Evil God is using the Main Character as an (permanent) anchor to the world, so it can reform itself and then jump back to way before it was defeated to try and figure out a way to defeat the main cast once and for all.
Now the MC must live infinite loops of watching his love live a horrible life without him and must find a way to destroy the evil god while losing his sanity from the different variations of the same adventure he went on with his friends.
tl:dr MC and the Main Antagonists are bound together in an endless cycle trying to figure out who can kill who first and break the cycle to live as the victor.
The Americans/foreigners are honorable good guys. This one's been on the rise lately
What series is that? Americans seem to always be selfish incompetent assholes in most medium I've seen.
>Explain his technique
>It's not a correct explanation
I just want another good yandere. The anime doesn't even have to be centred around the character, just a good yandere in an anime.
Yuno in my opinion the one yandere I would actually not mind to marry. She's only insane to kill those that threaten the target of her affection, and not harm her love (for the most part).
Magical girls getting carried away with their powers and abusing them for personal reasons, gradually changing from innocent allies of justice to selfish sadistic reality-warping lolis.
So like the anime moralfag with a bit of maturity. I could see that going over well if written properly.
Ah yes, your typical unfit Japanese teenager with zero applicable (to a medieval setting) skills who somehow gets hold of an army and, with no logistical knowledge, conquers a kingdom
A shounen from the perspective of the shoujo demographic. Any genre will do for this one, but it'd be pretty cool to see if they both have a genre with some common ground, like romcom or fantasy.
A lot of the 'clever' MCs you see are usually engaged in some sort of fight where they have to figure out some kind of loophole or puzzle to how the OTHER person is fighting, and win with some contrived, on-the-spot gotcha moment.
I want to see more MCs who win through interesting, practical and realistic plans. More proactive, less reactive, the kind you'd see more in a heist movie then a battle shounen.
On that note, I want to see more MCs with a sense of agency and independence. Very few seem interested in directly pursuing their own ambitions, and mostly just follow plot threads to wherever they go. I think it would be cool to watch/read a story about an aggressively ambitious and idealist noble/whatever, and their calculated rise (and unexpected fall?) to whatever they were going after.
>guy is the intellectual of the group
>he is also the most ripped
But that would require actual thought from the authors
Yandere tsundere. At first a normal tsundere, but then her dere overflows into maniacal obsession, and leftover tsun finds place in assaulting everyone who even vaguely threatens her relationship with saint pie.
Was this not literally Mirai Nikki?
Pff oh yeah, silly me
How about a heist anime? Could be fun
>Girl trips, falls and pulls a guy's pants down
TLR:D did this. Twice. And even implied that one of the girls took a mouthful of MC's dick.
Nope, Yuno wasn't ever tsun, even before first episode.
I meant a classic kugirie tsundere like Louise or Taiga at first, but instead of becoming soft and cuddly over time, she realises he's the only one who accepted her despite her shitty personality, and that she can't live without him, so she separates herself further from the rest of the society that shunned and rejected her and gets extremely protective of the guy, yandere-style.
The MC hears the water running through the pipes around the house and doesn't walk in on a girl showering.
what are you, gay?
What are you, a retarded child?
Only way I can see someone wanting to watch the exact same thing over and over again
Sorry I like to see the female characters without clothes on. Faggot
go have sex
I often hear hear the water running even if I'm alone in the house and not using any water.
Boy walking in on a kuudere showering. Her reaction is a sparse "Close the door, please, it's cold."
That means you have ghosts.
What does the great outdoors have to do with sex? What would I talk about there?
Who are all these reddit faggots who keep making and replying """tropes""" threads?
You seem to be the expert on reddit, user. You tell us.
Nothing, because you wouldn't. Fagboi
Anime about ww1 where Ottoman officer barely feeds his men and must defeat the Lawrence of Arabia
Anime where MC is a stereotypical Japanese struggling with their fucked up work culture, having to deal with a slave life after graduating school.
MC walks in on a girl showering but on purpose because he has a healthy libido
Hataraki Man
Autistic character manages to integrate into society
Standard isekai bullshit where a teenager gets sent to a magical world to defeat a Demon King, but something goes wrong and he's arrives centuries late, the Demon King is dead and the world has stabilised under his descendants rule. Society is prospering. It's the Roaring 20's with magic. To wage his holy war against the established and popular monarchy would be more evil than the King he was sent to defeat. Completely thrown by his new reality, the plot would just be about him trying to adjust and get by in this new world.
The angry douchebag rival kills himself in the 3rd episode for reasons completely unknown to the mc
Now, a salaryman would fit just fine.
What if we took one of those battle harems like Akasic Records, and Genderbend it. Quick someone submit this to Narou.
and then in the final episode, she takes his disembodied head for a boat ride?
>His muscles aren't fortified brains to assist in mental and physical labor
>battle harem
>each girls get happy ending and end up with their own boyfriends
>How about a heist anime?
Various entries of Lupin III involve this.