Trump's 4D chess ?

First i thought 4D was a meme but now after numerous things like this i don't know what to mean... Guys how likely is that he's not just smart but a real fucking watchmen genius and that it's all part of his plan?

It's not 4D chess, you fucking reddit nigger.

late to realize this


>leaf chimes in

Shut up Hassan this is none of your business.

Trump is currently in the longest game of 7th dimensional mahjong I've ever seen

just fuck my shithole up

Fuck that makes sense
How are liberals gonna spin this i wonder....

Literally everything he does, if it was anyone else that would be the end of him, yet somehow, whatever he does, somehow unexpectedly he's never wrong.

Obviously you don't get to be a billionaire if you're not "like really smart", but it seems that he's looking so far ahead that he very well might be a genius while CNN looks like bunch of shit throwing apes compared to him.

8d chess confirmed

Someone make a press-1-button meme out of this please

Remember that time he leaked the audio of that phone conversation from like 30 years ago and everyone thought it was the reporter? That was a great piece of live television.


One of the best rhetorical attacks I've seen. Totally makes 'people' from these places look like shit, and the counter attack either makes those defending shitholies look deranged or justifies physical removal.


big if true, send them all home to their paradises so they don't have to suffer whiteys racism in white shitholes

>what to mean...

Maybe i am retarded

I've been observing from the 64d chess level and completely missed this 4d move. Flawless play as usual, thanks Trump!

You think that's 4D Chess?? Wait until you see the Fake News Awards...

You are asking people embrace their cognitive dissonance, people tend to not do that. And they have a large echo chamber they lean on to validate for their contradicting believes

I hadn't thought of it the way that tweet puts it, but I fucking love it! Trump played them again.....not only that, but he got CNN to say "Shit hole" 195 times in one day......there is an FCC fine for every one of those times that it was said BTW! I love how the prez keeps breaking it off in these dummy's asses!

He does kinda look like Ozymandias..

Teflon Don

>you fucking reddit nigger
This is, like, reverse virtue signaling. That's why it's so obvious.


>And they have a large echo chamber they lean on to validate for their contradicting believes

The problem with that is that it only works when it isn't being discussed publicly and when the two points aren't brought up side by side. Have both of them in play at the same time, ie bringing up both conflicting views in a public forum, and then it exposes people to how retarded they are and turns those people away from the retardation. The ones that don't turn away are the same retards that are guilty of doublethink, the choir to whom is being preached to if you will. Have no fear NorBro, it's happening, so strap your lutefisk in and enjoy the ride.

He's a wizard.......

And just think............................................................................... He hasn't even played his Trump card yet.

You can dissolve the lugenpresse in its own acid. Just wait

The DACA for the wall is the greatest 4D Chess move right now. Literally pay for the wall or export your voting block, Democrats. He veils this with "I'll keep the current illegals but I want to make sure no more get in" which is reasonable and makes them look like assholes for not accepting.


If it is a public debate you are talking about, well there is a reason why debaters say nothing with as many words as possible.
And besides, even if you were to find a contradiction in your believes on views, finding validation for it is a easy as typing three words in your browser's address to find your favorite media to tell you it is all fine and kosher.

The problem here isn't honestly fringe believes/believers, the issue is just that the majority of people don't give two shits about stuff until they are knee deep in the shit.

Who cares about immigration, right? migrants tend to flock together in little communities and don't bother the majority of populace, so who cares.

Nothing will change until shit is going down real hard and real fast. With a propped up and manipulated economy, that won't happen anytime soon

I said this on day one. Either your country is great and you should stay there or go back. Or, it really is a shithole and we are full.

*Oh no... Not again!!*
*WHIIIIIIRRR-RRrrrrrrrrrrr r r r*
*walks away*

Trump is playing intergalactic alternate universe mine sweeper.

>*Oh no... Not again!!*
>*WHIIIIIIRRR-RRrrrrrrrrrrr r r r*
>*walks away*

Is that from the latest script of "Rick and Morty"?


Fucking hell, he's playing sqrt(-1)D Backgammon isn't he

a large portion of the left doesn't realize there is something called obfuscating stupidity

This is going to be a recurring them...the liberals fucked things up so bad that Trump can maneuver them into picking a couple of different solutions and though not perfect is still better than the status quo.....

We are so fucked if these idiots get much power again....socialism/communism is fail all ways at all times.....

Yet he always wins. Why don't you start just "saying stuff" and become a billionaire or POTUS?

Yeah i didn't think so....

>doubting Trump ever

Sounded like it.. a bit less cringy though...

He is a genius and insecure plebs such as yourself can't admit it. You don't have to suck his dick and call him God Emperor, but you should be 'mirin.

As a liberal, I hate how most liberals can't see their own hypocrisy at all. I agree with their ideology and policy most of the time, but their blind arrogance ALWAYS winds up shooting them in the foot. Then they wonder why they can't get shit done or why people don't trust them.

Even though I'm not a conservative, I respect the fact that most conservatives at least wear their hearts on their sleeves so you know they won't bullshit you to fuel their ego.

It's literally just boomerposting from Trump. There is no grand scheme. He just says what he thinks.

I have a genius IQ, I have seen plenty of smart people, and I have never seen anything like Trump.
The undoing of the Jewish media, is that they always paint the Republican President as an idiot for strategic reasons, and that does not allow them to plan effectively to the Trump's menace. That's why Trump triggers them to no end, because this "idiot" is pwning them every single day. It has to be depressing being a liberal. If you are a liberal, please note that in order for a con to be effective, you have to believe that you are the smartest person in Earth, and that the con artist is a complete idiot. It also requires you to lack any morals.
It just happens that the elite has brainwashed you to become the perfect con victim, something that Trump is exploiting amazingly well.
Now, why would the elite do that to you? Hmmm....


remember that time he made reportere wait for hours to hear him apologize and instead he had a dozen vets and moh recipients honor him.

4d bubblecannon

It's one reason why the 2016 USA election period was so intense and why Trump won- it gave everyone the freedom to speak their mind and argue their points in a public ground. With social media, debates and arguments were viral and it showed the real position the "democrats" took.
I haven't heard much of counter protesting in a while. It was so active before Trump was elected. Where did it all go?

They lost access to public funding.
The Women's March happened because Trump was no longer paying them.
Also, Trump made illegal for NGOs to directly attack Trump, by registering himself as a candidate for the 2020 elections as soon as he won. Electoral rules say that NGOs cannot attack political candidates. Sucky times for all the leftists in fake NGOs, as they are only allowed to insult the GOP, and insulting them helps Trump.