Is there any studio with better visuals than Ufotable?

Is there any studio with better visuals than Ufotable?

Other urls found in this thread: order:score

Trigger i mean, they aren't quite as good visual wise but then again they don't have 50 departments working on the animation

the one that makes naruto

Kara no Kyoukai was quite good.

studio pierrot

Since when does lazily slapping some character in the middle of a screensaver and drowning everything in filters and digital effects qualifies as good visuals?
Ufutable is terrible. Bad compositions, bad coreographies, bad use of colors and designs, storyboards without any thought out into them. Just cover everything in digital effects.

hands down their best production


Man I really want to play Tales of Berseria now. And I've never played any of their games before.

Gonzo (R.I.P.)






Their character models always look either ugly or bland. They somehow made Rin look ugly. The 3D visuals look really awkward and out of place. All they do is put flashy spark effects everywhere to impress normies.

Madhouse is superior not only in how more fluid/detailed their animation is, but also the body of work.

Has more fun and creative visuals at least

>They somehow made Rin look ugly.
Type Moon designs will do that to you

Disney Animation Studio

I want fate fags to leave

what do you mean?

White Fox

You were saying?

it looks like amateurish crap filled with cgi


Look at all that bad CG and horrible overblown filters.

>3d pedestrians: the animation
>good visuals


KyoAni or old Gainax

This narutard shitposter needs to die already though


studio pierrot has achieved more in the visual department than either of those 2 has-been studios

>Look at all that bad CG

Dude thats nothing when you guys find any cgi bad.


Ufotable has the magic ability to suck the soul out of everything they adapt.

Ufotable has been deliberately trying to put Takeuchi's artstyle into an animated format. The weird rhino noses were the result of that.

I still prefer it better than Deen's designs, however. The design looks unnecessarily shiny there (like any other 2006 anime)





I'm glad that you're always there to show the truth.
I'm not into naruto but I have to admit that the visual direction is at the top.



Stop samefagging, narutard.


>more than one user can't disagree with me
If it's samefagging, how come his pass is from 2012 and mine 2016?


no samefagging here m8 ;)

i guess people have just rightfully acknowledged that naruto is at the top of the totem poll when it comes to avant garde visual direction

Stop being contrarian. KyoAni's storyboards and visuals are fucking garbage compared to the best of Naruto including the legendary Toshiyuki Tsuru and carefully drawn sakuga. Fuck off retard




Phantom World had the most offensive writing of anime I watched in 2016

Even worse than Mayoiga



Please go and stay go

Cool, he asked for visuals


It was offensively bad

>it's a "cgi looks good" episode

These shots are not that interesting. If you want to make a point, take 9 shots out of the 8 fucking pictures you polluted this thread with and post that. You're an attention-seeking underaged Sup Forums pass using retard and if you just claimed Pierrot had good visuals instead of shoving it down people's throats maybe someone would agree.



Avatar had some really nice visuals, IDK if the were by perriot though.

>These shots are not that interesting
they're interesting to people who actually value good visual direction and know a thing or two about cinematography


Better than literally anything Ufotable has ever made.




This blew my mind






how are they trash?


I still can't believe the amount of quality Kyoani invested into this 2-cour show, plus they really adapted the mangaka's weird punchlines well too. They don't click very well in the manga because of the amateur-looking art style but thanks to their art and animation style Kyoani managed to really land them all.
It's too bad they're adapting mediocre LNs now, their manga adaptations are almost always much more enjoyable than the manga source material.



These threads are just for that one narutard to pick fights with the kyoani fags. Actual discussions no longer exist on these threads.





>It's too bad they're adapting mediocre LNs now

Can narutards actually provide some animation and not just still shots that are obviously ant sized, is that supposed to impress me?







>this counts as good order:score

This level of QUALITY holy shit.

it does, sorry!


correct, it is high quality



>MS paint lightning effects

>QUALITY back-skating up the tree
>shit frame rate
>0 polish
>camera shakes

>literally just a horizon that follows the rule of thirds
>implying this is in any way impressive

Just stop posting


>360p high quality
More like eye cancer.