How can I finacially support this based woman?

Since the kikes took down her patreon, is there any way I can donate money to her? I already got her book so I'm looking for a more direct way for sending her money.

I know some of you will probably laugh at me, but she has done a lot more for the advancement of the white race than the average Sup Forums shitposter. Plus I'd send her money I'm not using anyways.

Other urls found in this thread:



Based vegetable


>Being this new
>This incapable of using google
>lurk moar fgt, sage

Don't do it

Lauren is a man. Why would he write girlfriend?

I'm seriously considering donating $200 per month so I can talk to her for 15 minutes per month over skype.

>falling for the tradthot´s

Jesus, dont be a thirsty beta user.

Lol she's now talking shit about Faith Goldy because Faith gets more gibs than her

Sup Forums is such a sad and embarassing group of people.

>"publicly sitting on a couch and showing off their new boob job"

Just buy her book. So you can read all the ideas she got from molyneux and other original male thinkers.

would she suck my penis if i gave her a large sum of money all at once? could i at least figure out a way to get her nudes?

You can support her by making her pregnant.
(Don't matter if it is against her will or not.)
But if you are from Chile and you are not a descendant of former high rank national socialist officials then you should consider to gas yourself to support her.

>Be me
>Go to rally in Berkley
>Lauren shows up
>Super scrawny guy in early 20s goes up and fawns over her, thanking her for "all she does"
>She thanks him but is clearly uncomfortable
>She finds an excuse to walk off
>He turns to me and says "10/10 would wife"

Turns out some of you faggots aren't beta larping

This whore again? Where's Finnbro, her great defender?


Pay up here sucker

Links are in her video descriptions.
Her website is:
You can donate there.

Do i need to kill this bitch before you stop your faggetry.

Shills are gonna shill

She's so hot.

Maybe she has sex with you. No pics though, I suppose.

thats a great investment

Do this but for lauren

you'd be lucky if she let you suck her penis

Dead, hopefully. That cringetard was an annoying dishonest autistic loudmouth.

that book will go down as the "mein kampf " of our generation. you may not like it, but this is what peak literary performance looks like.

not that based tho
I would employ her as mi housekeeper

Cringe. Shitwhore is trying to be Lauren.


just fucking lol if she thinks she's convincing anyone that shes a virgin

Silly Texas. Go give your money to some findom whore while you're at it.

Just wait. He'll show up to this thread.


You'd be the envy of Finland.

Women's backup plan for male attention. When you can't convince them you're pure, convince them the other girls are even less pure.

what is this from?

How much do i have to donate to become her personal sex slave? She makes me so moist.

>she has done a lot more for the advancement of the white race
More like the advancement of her bank account. She just preaches to quire and is too edgy to attract viewers that aren't alt righters. Face it, you wouldn't be giving her one penny if she did the exact same thing but looked like pic related. You know this is true.

No idea. I've emailed her two different times asking if she would be my findom mistress. I'd love to have her force me to max out a credit card or two buying her stuff from her amazon wishlist.

fake news

She doesn't need your money. She's already taken in a shit ton. And she put it into bitcoin before the getting was good. She's likely a millionaire now.

probably fake news

>Paints herself as a virgin

Wow how much has this coalburning incident killed her beta bux?

if you were a chad for 45 years of your life, fucked loads of bitches, and drop out of society and sit on Sup Forums everyday now, are you transformed into beta?
Can a chad finally retire?
>asking for a friend

>wanting to financially support a woman
Fuck off white knight cuck

>$200 to have a skype call with an e-thot
Jesus lmao, tell me nobody is this thirsty

She could get a job

Millennial Matt was in a skype group with all these tradTHOTs. He leaked a bunch on twitter and on discord

That's just the bra with padding

>half black
>half irish
Full nigger

Lauren is so ba- based guys. Right gu- guys?

fucking shit
you better spend those $200 in whores or alcohol or even invite your friends a beer
my gooooood

take it up with mudshark southern

This is me at 32.

Feels good desu

>false flag
every time

who jess?

lauren's older sister

Is mudsharking genetic? Why do the Southern sisters love Pajeets and Tyrones?

where did she post that?

>being so cuck you actually fund this kike dog
>on Sup Forums

who cares, I hope they both end up killed by some antifa faggot.

Coal burns in the family.