Every time

Fucking whores these days man

better off without em

Be very careful with women!

That has to be fake

I like you.


Fuck you

ok sure,
>>no evidence to support any sexually activity
user is in the clear
moving on

Take your (you)

OF course, it had to be a Faggot!


That's a LARP. No sex = rape kit will find nothing. No bruises/cuts = no one will move forward with a battery case. Even retarded Redditors know better.


omfg between this post and reading the endless asshurt on /biz/ I've never experienced another day with as much bantz and salt mining


*Blocks your path*


You can't negate immunity cat
Immunity cat is always with me

Fuck you

What the hell does this have to do with /biz/?

guy will probably be handcuffed and taken to the station none the less, sucks to be him

nah dude literally just snapped it from reddit
inb4 fuck off reddit fag we all do it


Joke's on her, my mom already died in her sleep 11 years ago.

Shit that’s scary. Women are truly disgusting creatures. Even though the guy would never be prosecuted once it came to light that they matched on tinder, he will still have an arrest on his record he will have to explain.

Nothing I was just mentioning the laughs I was getting out of this and /biz/ theyre not related but are funny in their own ways.

Classic get back together with the old boyfriend and accuse rape because you were slutting around while you were separated. Seen it a hundred times.

What a whore

Thats not how background checks and arrests work.

The state and feds will know you were arrested but if you werent convicted its not going to show up for employment screenings.



True, but for many jobs, university applications, etc., you will explicitly be asked “have you ever been arrested for any reason.” Some will also add “even if the incident was expunged.” If you answer yes, they will ask you to explain.

What the fuck is this image even conveying


/b got loose again it seems

No, even b is more rational than this.

BF rapes her
They blame other guy instead

fuck off




>we all do it
Nope, now kindly kill yourself.

when you call for mods treat them as human fyi

No. Fuck off.

They're not, fuck you faggot

>inb4 fuck off reddit fag we all do it
wrong, git gud or kys plebbit fag

Any man who isn't MGTOW in the current year is fucking retarded.
>inb4 good goy don't reproduce
Artificial wombs have that covered

nigger no one here goes to reddit, not even ironically. reddit fags come here though, and you niggers have to go back we dont like you, cant you understand that?

So just tell them no? How will they know if it doesn't show up on your record? Tell em to fuck off

>meet girl hoping for sex
>cries to you about her chad ex boyfriend
>comfort her and tell her 'you know, not all guys are like that'
>still don't get laid
>get accused of rape
Lmao I hope this beta piece of shit rots in jail.


And you're not required to answer that or answer it truthfully, unless you apply to be a cop.

This. These fucking pathetic beta orbiters need to finally learn their lesson. Women are NOT YOUR FRIENDS.

become gay

it doesn't even matter, his name will be all over the news and he will be known locally as the town rapist even though he literally dindu nuffin, and he will never be employed again.

Well, this is what he gets for being born wrong.

Beta, back to rebbit pls

fucking kill yourself

I dont get it

Am I supposed to feel sorry for a guy looking for a casual fuck? Casual sex is degenerate. Getting accused of rape is just deserts, imo.

>playing mario with a Xbox 360 controller
I'm triggered af


The thought process of a transperson. Considering they are psychotic it is only natural that their thought processes are convoluted.

The mind of the "artist" who draws the assigned gender comic.

Yes sir based gay mod.

Hope this dude and all of you have learned your lesson about using dating sites to pick up roasties for easy sex.

Don't date women that have exes. Don't date women that have children. Don't date women that post slutty pictures online. Don't date women that post favorable things about ghetto trash wiggers and niggers. Don't date women that are going to bite you in the ass later.

If you can't find one that's worthy of you, don't find one, or your soul will be sucked out and turned into Zog reptile shit.

>Using tender

He had it coming.
Get your life together.
Go to church.
Marry a good girl who is just graduating high school

Go your own way.

>someone wrote something on the Internet
>It must be true

Kys yourself redditor

>we all do it
Nope only you subhuman mutts do it

>Implying eye witness proof isn't enough.

This. These LARPers who cry about white society going down the tubes but don't know what made white society great should off themselves.

> Don't date women that have exes
> Don't date women that have children
> Don't date women that post slutty pictures online
> Don't date women that post favorable things about ghetto trash wiggers and niggers
> Don't date women that are going to bite you in the ass later.

that about covers 100.0% of all attractive women today, so you are saying that we should date men ?

he says we should all remain virgins like him

It's not as bad as you think. If you set some concrete standards for yourself and filter based on them you will find the nice girls who are worth your time. You don't need to be a virgin forever, but also don't need to fuck trash.

There's nothing wrong with having only one sex partner in your whole life--I admit I've had 5, and I'm not proud of 3 of those 5, and one of the remaining 2 broke up with me in a text message after fucking me every weekend for a year. I was fucking heartbroken because I cared, but I should never have given her my dick before she agreed to take my hand. I wanted to marry that girl but I gave her what she wanted before I trapped her. Regret. Don't let this be you. Extra pussy is not that important.

This is the state of modern America.

What is dna?

You can't get DNA evidence weeks after a rape.

Agree, rid yourselves of degenerate trash and your life will be 100x better.

>not dating a women whos a virgin
>not dating a women who has class
>not dating a women that respects herself
get your shit together

Oy vey soygoy, why don't you ever talk to women?
They are pure, innocent, kind, honest and pretty!
HEHEHEH, at least they used to be...

So there will be no evidence

t. Roastie

Ah they never learn.
One would think that they'd have wised up to the vile vagina trickery by now

>I should never have given her my dick before she agreed to take my hand.

Kill all the cops and you won't have to worry about this kind if shit happening ever again.

You may take comfort in knowing that I ruined her for anyone else by flooding her womb with the incredibly thick loads I saved up for her by edging all week and then cumming inside her doggy style and not letting her go for 5-10 minutes. She'll be carrying my DNA for the rest of her life and so will all the others I've fucked.

Sounds like it's time for double homicide followed by a suicide!

And people wonder why men are dropping out of society.

What part of *no contact* didn't you understand?

Don't stop tinder. Rape acusations as tactics is greatly reduced if stop participating in hookup culture.
I'm not even saying to go to the other extreme. Just don't relate in a sexual way with anybody that you hadn't personally know for at least a year. Things are getting pretty grim for you guys in the north and like always, that means this is our future since every cultural phenomenon in USA is then clones and replicated in all of it's cultural colonies.
Take care of yourself, don't even think about sexually interacting with unknown females.

theyre rare af tho

its not the whores fault its the plebbitors fault, no plebbit people in the real world means no real plebbit problems in the real world they brought EVERYTHING ON THEMSELVES willingy because le drumph and alt right nazis

hope he commits suicide not even meming

how poetic indeed, warms the heart

What? Seriously what? How does this apply here? Where the fuck are all these lefties coming from trying to 'out shitpost' us

You guys shine like a fucking lightbulb and are only tricking lurkers.

It just depends. If you are flawed, the you don't have claim to a perfect girl.
Aim to find someone you can really trust, then work together to improve and overcome bad decisions of the past.

this is why I always tape any personal interactions with new women. There was a guy in Australia, he fucked some NZ slut off Tinder and she turned out to be batshit insane, tried throwing a marble statue at his head and other crazy shit. So he locked her on the balcony to get her to calm down. Crazy bitch tried climbing down and she fell 17 stories or something and died.

Guy was charged with 1st degree murder, prosecution said it was premeditated because he ate a slice of pizza after and called his father before the cops.

Turns out he recorded the whole thing on his phone, and it turned out she was just a crazy bitch. He was acquitted. ALWAYS RECORD RANDOM FEMALE INTERACTIONS.

>pic related

It's 2018, virgin, women only shout "RAPE" if they want something out of you, didn't enjoy the sex or actually got a 10 inch dick shoved in their ass, no lube.

You are worth the wait. That's what we're trying to get you to understand. Don't waste yourself on whores that won't stick by you. Whores that will use you as a chance to win points with the leftist-liberal morons they suck up to by accusing you of rape because it strikes their fancy.

If you never go to bed with a woman until she belongs to you, this will never happen. Simple stuff. You have the ability to be completely safe from this outcome by not associating inappropriately with women you don't know. If you absolutely must have premarital sex, at least do it with a nice girl who has been your friend for a good while and has made it clear on more than one occasion that she wants to, so there's no chance on your part of mistaking her meaning or catching her on an emotional downswing where she'll fuck you and regret it and revoke consent later on.

Use the 1 week rule. If you're friends with a girl and she wants to fuck you, NEVER make that decision in the heat of passion. Tell her if she means it, and she still wants to do it with you in a week, you'll consider it because you want to but you also want to be 100% sure it's what she really wants and that her mind doesn't change with the morning light, because there is a very real risk of having your life ruined.

I will personally buy you a fleshlight if that's what you need to make a wise decision to wait before fucking whores, user. Find the strength to be smart about this and think about your future instead of your next orgasm.

i really want to fuck this syrupy leafette
im sorry, lads. i know im a degenerate monster but i cant help myself