I've been listening to some alt right figures and I've came to the conclusion that the whole movement is a joke. Now i agree with some aspects such as closed boarders, race realism. But it seems that everyone attached to the movement like Greg Johnson who is a fucking idiot and Tara McCarthy who is a fucking Jew and a non american telling us Americans how to live our lives. Now i wont to touch on the people in the group. They seem like a bunch of anti constitutional retards screaming muh white genocide. I agree there is a lot of anti white racism these days but the alt right isn't the answer
The alt right is a joke
Other urls found in this thread:
All such groups are so infiltrated by FBI that they are essentially government ops.
alt right and racists in general are usually fat white trash that can't get laid and hate the world. I assume those types make up about 95% of Sup Forums
>listening to alt-right figures
>proceeds to list non alt right figures
Really makes you think
Movement will be easily derailed by government & (((opponents))) once they decide it has been enough.
They've had plenty of time to infiltrate, scheme and plan against it.
Yeah, sure you do Moshe.
Go back to your fucking discord server you fucking faggot.
It’s turned into non-stop gossiping, Eceleb worship, and money grabbing
It’s gay as fuck
A. There popular
B. They push there alt right views
C. muh ethno state
You sound just like the left. Some one opposes your views. Begin autistic screeching.
The constitution will be irrelevant in the coming years. Democrats will eventually get the majority in perpetuity, as they have in CA. Left wing judges will be appointed and they will reinterpret the constitution. Trump is the only thing that stopped this already. Hilary said she would have appointed judges to the scotus that interpreted the 2nd amendment in a pre heller v washington DC way. Civnat cucks who are white are going to end up white nationalists.
alt righters have small pee pees and live in trailers
Fuck off shill
Neither does that actually. Fuck off you kike shill
>I agree with the ideas but I don't like the people espousing them.
Cool story Shlomo
>the young alt-right
>"I blame niggers and the jews because tfw no gf despite that Trump is the kikest of the lot", the movement
I'm all for nationalism, but alienating a huge amount of the country is not going to help anything. the alt right is giving the left fuel to destroy america
Because you're an obvious fucking shill. If you are genuine (I doubt it), there's literally a sub-reddit called "debate the Alt-Right" where you can engage with people who actually want to debate this stuff. I'm suggesting Reddit because it sounds like that's where you come from.
What's the answer then, Shlomo?
>that writing style
Just needs to finish strong with a "The end." and itll sound like a 4th grader's first persuasive essay
Isn't Greg" fuck my ass" Johnson an alt-right guy?
Think you just answered your own question m8
I made this thread to start a discussion
Yet the alt-right, other than fash the nation, act like Mexicans aren't as big of an issue as blacks and jews . I constantly hear beaners are bro-tier. I get the feeling they don't even want to fight the only demographic that will actually replace whites.
>Tara is a jew
You would have to be psychotic to think 1.9% of DNA will have any significant effect
Fuck off you liar
>Implying overweight whites aren't millions of times better than spics.
Kill yourself, nigger.
What are you talking about retard? They are both alt-right. Just because you dislike them doesn't make them not alt-right
I thought being pro-gay and anti-alcohol was a big thing for the alr-right.
Lul you're as dumb as the white nationalists here.
There is no alt right. It's not a movement that even exists. It's an op by the FBI to identify neonazi terrorists like Christopher Cantwell.
People like Richard spencer are state agents. Look up Spencer's background. He's good friends with the Bush family.
But you're right that white identitarians are retarded.
Why is pussy all that matters to apes like yourself?
Implying this isn't staged. Literally alt right aren't that hot. They are all degenerates. That's just a bunch of interns at ABC or whatever the fuck making a "documentary"
Muh 4th generation holocaust survivor
The sad thing there are actually people dumb enough to believe this garbage.
Non whites don't give a shit about your constitution. If you want to keep the constitution and limited government, you better fight to keep America a majority white nation or you can kiss it all bye bye.
You really don't hear the constant bitching about blacks and jews and a lack of acknowledgement about the miztizo problem?
Spics are not white. I hate that shit too, man.
No shit, it was always a meme.
That's a dumb thing to say (she is trying to use Alinsky tactics, very poorly) but if she was "a Jew" Mark Collett would not work with her.
That's why national socialism is the only way.
Deviation from the core message of extermination will not win us the soldiers we need.
I want meritocracy, not socialism
> the constitution will be irrelevant in the coming years.
this desu
I've talked to upcoming lawyers who are so far left they can't wait to change the 1st and 2nd amendments to suit their liking. They scare me.
(((their))) plan after Hillary was supposed to win was to then allow full rolling amnesty to brown the nation until whites were less than 40% ... Trump's win was a temporary stop-gap
I thought Greg "no bud-lite for you" Johnson was the leading voice for homosexual alt-righters
half of the republican party is retarded
it's why they nominated a game show host to run for president
National socialism is a meritocracy.
The kike must be exterminated at all costs, either via genocide or sterilization.
We need soldiers, and fast.
we need to save the white race brothers
That might not be doable, but we can surely exterminate the Jew. From there we can figure out how to fix ourselves.
Stay mad.
half of the democrat party is retarded
it's why the rely on a coalition of niggers and spics to get elected
We have 20 years till beaners take over America. Do you think we can remove all the jews before then?
Definitely. Everyone hates Jews.
We just have to spread that message and continue to lower the Jews pr rating.
At a certain point natural forces will take over and the Jews will be brought to heel.
We just have to do the legwork.
how does jews being wildly over represented in media justify the alt right
Are these threads made by civcucks with daughters dating based black guys or are they made by JIDF? Hard to tell sometimes.
Lol nothing justifies either kikes or the alt-kike
They control the media and are trying to brainwash people. You're a retard if you don't see that as a problem. all the anti white bs in the media is driven by one tribe because they control it all.
We've already taken over the Southwest, good luck trying to stop us faggot.
controlled opposition to push Americans from the right to the center
Sure thing, boomer.
So, you admit to wanting to take over then? Hmm guess civic nationalism will never work after all.
you're not wrong. it's fine to believe what they believe, but it really does have no future in America.
Have we been raided by leftypol lately?
Yes I agree. I am starting to feel like trump election was just a fluke. A last breath for conservative white folks... the demographics are still changing toward more liberal ethnicities... plus the social media uprising in favor of trump really caught the establishment off guard. They are already making moves to counter this for next time around. I.e. Shills everywhere trying to sway discussions and distract people...
I see the problem but maybe screaming with your tiki torches jews will not replace us doesnt help a damn thing
You will never kill the alt-right.
Lol, you're a fucking beaner aren't you?
no sir ;)
Not meant for you
FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS yes the altright is shit and fake nationalism, its time we build the forth political way !! en.wikipedia.org
First post is always a shill. It's really sad that many real Sup Forumsacks unironically parrot this kind of idiotic shit.
Hahahaha, deport yourself filth.
Yeah, 1st the Southwest then Wisconsin, soon we'll be in your backyards mowing your fucking lawns. Yeah you can shoot us but we'll come back, and in greater numbers fella. Try bringing back Jim Crow laws bruh that isn't gonna stop us.
I hope you like a Cardenas in the middle of Kentucky soon to be assimilated bro.
the real altright doesnt have a leader. stop listening to talking heads and figure shit out yourself, all redpills get dropped here.
>Sup Forumsacks
Its not, its just boomers and civcuck plebbitors that say this.
We won a war against you brown manlets once already. Shouldn't be hard to do it again.
yes, really, you're insignificant now, but if you really started implementing that stuff you'd be out of power in no time.
the best you're going to get is some marginal changes to make you more comfortable.
im in the north east part of the U.S theres not a mexican as far as the eye can see
Because they make they're enemies look retarded aka using alt right, you don't see them making stories about screeching femenists, alt left
Well, I guess thats good for non whites like you.
I know, you super smart boomers are real hope of the white race.
I mean he is right that greg johnson and tara mccarthy are idiots
Yeah, we know. Lurk more
This, i hate that hypocrite bitch
Go suck eceleb dick, faggot
Anyone who says otherwise is a shill.
2015 and 2016 were the golden years. Since then the alt right has seriously lost momentum. Leftists have doubled down on just about everything and they're doing fine or gaining more momentum. And honestly Trump has been a disappointment. Hopefully things can turn around but I don't have a lot of confidence.
Yeah that was conventional warfare and Mexico had a shitty generalissimo running the shots. 'Murica couldn't even take down a rice paddy country in a 15+ year conscripted war ch'mona
This, literally everything is a honeypot
imagine living in a constant state of fear after a few thousand white people got out in the street with tiki torches
they're afraid
honorary european over here
you forgot that we shit our pants and fuck our cousins though, work on it in the future
>fat white trash that can't get laid
Shaming doesn't work any more retard.
Muh based non whites will keep muh constitution. Silly alt righters. What is white anyway, amarite?