>Every reason except for a correct one
>Every reason except for a correct one
Other urls found in this thread:
because whites fucked them over as they do all peoples of the world. Die white trash racist scum.
Too many Nogs
Clinton Foundation
>women writers
Ok, in all seriousness women's suffrage has been the one of the worst things ever wrought upon society
hmmm I wonder if the author of this article could possible be a jew?
>The white man comes to the hood at night and spray paints on the houses and throws trash everywhere
>The white man put a gun to my head and made me smoke that crack
>The white man told me to rob that store or my mother would die in her sleep
>The white man makes me stand on my desk at school and twerk everyday
allow me to take apart this article
> After a Haitian slave revolt defeated the French army in 1801, the newly independent nation became the first country in the New World to abolish slavery
no mention of the genocide the haitians did to the french
>The 1804 Haiti massacre was carried out against the remaining white population of native French people and French Creoles (or Franco-Haitians) in Haiti by Haitian soldiers under orders from Jean-Jacques Dessalines
something other than a mentally impaired child wrote that drivel? which fucking ''''''''schools''''''' did she go to?
>Haiti won its independence after a long revolution that destroyed a lot of the country. They were then required to pay a large indemnity to France
this debt was payed of by 1947
>The Dominican Republic and Haiti present a quasi-natural experiment; the two countries
share the island of Hispaniola and are broadly similar in terms of geography and historical
institutions, yet their growth performance has diverged remarkably since 1960. In 1960, the
Dominican Republic and Haiti had the same per capita real GDP at just below US$800.
However, by 2005, the Dominican Republic’s per capita real GDP had tripled to about
US$2,500, whereas that of Haiti had halved to US$430
>The Duvaliers left Haiti economically decimated. A large number of educated professionals left the country during the Duvalier regimes, and the period that followed was so unstable, it was hard to lay down roots and build infrastructure.
dictators are bad thats why haiti is a shithole, no here is a list of dictators from Argentina alone the list from all of latin america is too long
José Félix Aldao
Gregorio Aráoz de Lamadrid
Nazario Benavídez
Pedro Castelli
Manuel Dorrego
Pascual Echagüe
Pedro Ferré
Andrés Guazurary
Santos Guayama
Martín Miguel de Güemes
Alejandro Heredia
Juan Felipe Ibarra
Juan Lavalle
Estanislao López
Ricardo López Jordán
Bartolomé Mitre
José María Paz
Ángel Vicente Peñaloza
Juan Perón
Juan Facundo Quiroga
Francisco Ramírez
Julio Argentino Roca
Juan Manuel de Rosas
Juan Saá
Antonino Taboada
Justo José de Urquiza
bro without white ppl blacks would still be in the stone age. ur people run countries into the ground.
Please read up on Haiti's history.
Not just that. Rhodesia had nogs, and no problems. The issue here is nogs in a position of power.
If truth be told, black people have inferior genetics.
Lower IQ.
Lower ability to empathize with others.
Lower maturity (at the same level as an 11 year old white kid, on average).
>Haiti has a history of limiting foreign ownership of its land and industries. Will it need to open up its borders to multinationals and can it provide the security foreign investment requires?
there is moar people per capita helping haiti than any other place in the world
>With upwards of 10,000 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) operating within its borders, Haiti is known as the Republic of NGOs. Yet despite the billions of aid dollars invested in Haiti’s development, this island nation still has an unemployment rate of 40 percent and ranks as one of the poorest countries in the world. Why is international aid to Haiti not more effective? The reality is that a confluence of poor accountability and lack of local partnering by international organizations (IOs) have severely hindered the effectiveness of aid dollars, and hence, Haiti’s development.
>A lack of accountability for how NGOs spend their aid dollars also results in a huge waste of aid money. Since there is no actual oversight or well-defined metrics on how well many large NGO programs are run, programs are often run and managed poorly. For instance, a report put out jointly by NPR and ProPublica found that the Red Cross claimed that all $500 million dollars it raised for Haiti went to serving 4.5 million Haitians. However, with only a population of 10 million, this number is highly improbable and the Red Cross has not provided supporting details. The money spent on actual programming was likely far less than claimed. When asked for a list of their specific Haiti programs and their cost, the Red Cross declined. The Red Cross has also stated that it has provided homes for over 130,000 Haitians.
I can only wholeheartedly hope that this is the natural state of nigger-run countries, and Haiti is just ahead of the curve by about 100 years. Imagine how glorious the collapse of the whole African continent would be.
>Food aid from the United States has helped feed the poorest Haitians but it also seems to have put Haitian farmers out of business. How can Haiti build an effective farming system?
niggers can't farm exp Zimbabwe
Epic meme
> the collapse of the whole African continent would be.
>would be
>this debt was payed of by 1947
That's 150 years later.
The Duvaliers were particularly bad.
at least they dont deny its a shithole
>Work ethic
The hutzba
>niggers can't farm
Then who was put out of business?
This. Haiti is poor because they are accepting bad trade deals.
Why is Haiti poor? Clintons did a lot of plundering
>How have deforestation and soil erosion impacted Haiti?
Deforestation has drastically worsened the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms. On the southern border between the countries, you can see the green forest stops and it's barren on the Haitian side.
does not mention it's because haitians cut down the trees for charcol
>This World Bank map of the region shows the percent of land that still covered by forest. Haiti falls in the category of countries whose forest cover is rapidly diminishing. The proportion of forest area as a percentage of total land area that remains in Haiti today is estimated at 3.5%, compared with 41% in the neighboring Dominican Republic. Drought conditions have pushed people to continue this detrimental practice
the problem is niggers and the use of charcol
>Most of the ten million people of Haiti use solid fuels, primarily wood and charcoal, for cooking and heating, with the combustion of biomass equaling an estimated 70% of Haiti's annual energy use
Not rare, he posts the same links in every #shithole thread
He wants to nuke Haiti & MakeHispaniolaGreatAgain
>Why Haiti is poor
they eat dirt?
>be one of the most prosperous New World colonies
>nigs, like the typical animals they are, can't have that and so they overthrow their white masters, arrogantly believing they have what it takes to run a country
>Bueno. Time to get our gibsmedats
>turn the country into an absolute shithole in the space of a few years.
>WAAH damn whyppipo, please save us, it's ur fault our country is shit!
We see this everywhere. The negro never learns, he can't help himself.
>A lot of Haitians living in the diaspora are interested in helping back home
>Haitians are very proud of their heritage
Bullshit, every haitian will always deny his country and will express happiness for leaving it
>Lower ability to empathize with others.
Are you making the moral judgement that black people are biologically evil?
yes however by 1960 DR and haiti were economically equal and in this current year
>The Dominican Republic’s economic growth has been one of the strongest in the LAC region over the past 25 years. In the first quarter of 2017, the economy expanded by 5.2 percent, following yearly average growth of 7.1 percent between 2014-16. This contrasted sharply with that of the average 1.4 percent contraction for the LAC region in 2016.
and haiti is still eating mudcookies
yes and all the dictators of latin america were so nice they gave civilians free helicopter rides
>Then who was put out of business?
and of course no comments section
Every time some liberal journalism blames a poor black countries problems as other than the 85 or less national avg iq, i eat a nigger.
“Pretty soon you liberal clowns wont have anybody to make up excuses for!”
Im not even racist.
>A lot of Haitians living in the diaspora are interested in helping back home, and that will play an important role in rebuilding Haiti. At the same time, there are administrators from big international aid organizations living in Haiti who are paid well and live in lovely homes. These resources could be spent more effectively by employing Haitians rather than top-loading with international consultants.
I must agree with this one, let haitians fix haiti WHITE MAN gtfo
> work ethic
Years after the earthquake some of the debris still hadn't been cleaned. When the two earthquakes hit Mexico City last year, people got together to help each other and clean/rescue people in the collapsed structures.
Africans have been proven to have a lower ability to empathize with others.
Draw your own conclusions about evil based on your own worldview.
Haiti is literally an entire country of WE WUZ KANGZ, and this mentality results in poverty wherever it dominates, whether in Haiti, in the all-white Soviet Russia, or even in a city in the middle of the richest country on earth, Detroit.
What Island paradise is complete without a smattering of little piles of doo doo stretched as far as the eye can see, turds baking in the Sun, or little Kangletz frantically digging a hole to poop in?
>taking a monster shit on a White sands, pristine beach is completely natural, like rape, cannibalism and sacrificing virgins to the volcano gods; amirite tho?
BONUS: It's great for tourism
I released these two inventions into the public domain.
This one I released into public domain back in 2005-2006.
IT's a low maintenance water filtration system.
The reason I released it into the public domain, is because I knew that (((those bastards))) were watching everything I did, and if I DIDN'T release it to public domain, they would claim they made it, and sit on the patent.
I released it on Above Top Secret, in a thread called "Solving the global water crisis"
So, if anyone in Haiti wants to make this thing, you can, and you don't owe anyone jack shit.
Lol, my brothers went to Haiti and said all the people were lazy and retarded.
Heres anouther invention I made and put into the public domain for the same reason, it's a thermal power system.
It's also public domain, as I released it on Sup Forums (Sup Forums I think) in 2015.
>nigger reset webm
Must not like 'em coming over the border
Not that user but as a former schizophrenic, a white man DID make me do all of that. People don't talk about it often but undiagnosed mental illness is like the #2 big secret in the black community, right behind rampant incest as #1, that's why the "sister fucker" thing is the blacks go-to insult for whites, massive projecting.
French had a thriving farm colony there, how can it be the whites fault if it was successful up until they were all murdered?
>women writers
Are you implying Jane Austen was not the queen of Romantic Era shitposting?
Here's anouther power system Idea that I had back in 2011....
after posting it, I saw that Israel had quickly and quietly patented it.
Yeah. Mexicans are workers, most of them.
So are Japanese.
RAMZPAUL video is pretty good in discussing Haiti / Japanese reactions to tragedy.
>For fun, imagine the black losers in Katrina. Showing no initiative and dying while they waited for some white man to save them.
Well, she can always move there and help them personally.
>a white man DID make me do all of that
Wut? How?
>Haitians are very proud of their heritage as they should be. But when you've got a country that's constantly derided and accused of making a pact with the devil, it's hard to get the aid and investment the country needs
it's an historical fact haitians made a pact with the devil and all haitians are proud of it they just call it voodoo
>Bois Caïman (literally 'Alligator Woods') was the site of the meeting on the night of August 13-14, 1791 in the northern mountains of Haiti. The ceremony was historic because it was said to be the ritual that was performed to overthrow French rule in Haiti. Houngan Boukman Dutty led the Vodou ritual, and Mambo Marinette, who was possessed by the lwa Erzulie Dantor, a Vodou goddess of love and warrior mother, performed the pig sacrifice. All the slaves, and those living in the hills came together to be a part of this ceremony, to bond and unite and make a pact with Iwa Erzulie Dantor to rise up together and defeat the French.
>pic related
Great idea retard.
>This one I released into public domain back in 2005-2006
pic related is a record setting 12 or 13 years in MS Paint
I had an idea for a tesla based EM collection circuit back in 2011, again... the bastards patented it shortly after.
>Great idea retard.
it's MS paint, fool... I was in a hurry.
The poor are usually drawn to the supernatural to make themselves feel better.
You have to improve their material situation before they'll stop believing that crap. It's why poor countries are so religious ass-backwards while rich countries get progressively more atheist.
Saved! ty
I put them all in the public domain... no one can claim patent on them.
you can make them if you want.
>Saved! ty
no problem.
I'm just gonna drop this here
Watch it you fuckers
>To be the country that started the end of slavery is so powerful.
The author is a Jewess, isn't she? I guess we're going to gloss over Haiti massacring the entire white population and hanging little white babies and children from trees.
when the day comes of global economic collapse and the fall of the UN DR will cleanse this island
>your wacky uncle posts mspaint inventions on Sup Forums for the sake of humanity.
African low IQ / low maturity take some sinister turns when niggers rape and murder away farms from white families.
Rhodesia used to be a paradise.
Then Mugabe and many black people destroyed it all.
Niggers rape and murder white farm owners; steal white people's family farms; NIGGERS GET ANGRY AT DEAD WHITE PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY TOOK THE FARM'S MAGIC WITH THEM.
What magic?
The magic that makes the crops grow in neat little rows in the spring.
>Niggers are lazy and stupid at the same time all over Africa, certainly, and most definitely in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
>>your wacky uncle posts mspaint inventions on Sup Forums for the sake of humanity.
CIA I presume?
MOG contractors?
Red up on Haiti history. France imposed reparations on them for the crime of revolting against being slaves.
Push those niggers back into the ocean, my man. Make Hispaniola great again.
I have plenty more inventions, but they are sort of classified now, motherfuckers keep stealing them
Kill it with fire
I'm not a spook. Calm down Uncle Jeff go smoke a fat one.
Nignogs shitting on a beach I think summarizes them entirely as a race. Think about it. They could shit anywhere. They could shit behind a tree, or dig a hole and hide it (which even animals do), or I don't know, build a sewer system and do it in a toilet. But no. Instead they find a beach. A clean pristine tropical beach full of God's majestic beauty. Then they shit on it.
That's the essence of niggers, right there. They shit on beauty.
vid of u twerking at school?
>anyone in Haiti
who has internet and 1000 grams of brains
Empathy in itself is a meme though. Occasional apathy, compassion, and sometimes a cold, calculating mind is where it's at.
Why does this guy do his videos via telephone
There are pajeets on that shithole too?
Please make sure its a thorough cleanse, we don't need any more haitians washing up onshore alive here on the continent
Thanks in advance, DR bro
>ra are interested in helping back home, and that will play an important role in rebuilding Haiti. At the same time, there are administrators from big international consultants
Haiti will never be anything other than a shithole , race does exist and the reason why black domincans have good work ethic compared to haitians is because they have about 60% caucasian and 5% amerindian genetics on average. and we have a white population that are the ones who produce all the stuff of the country. any country with 100% SSA nigger dna will be fucked.
I keep trying to pitch Ideas to DARPA, but the emails NEVER go through, and motherfuckers keep stealing the ideas.
He THINKS he's being told to do all of that, it's a mental illness he's saying in the black community.
>blacks would still be in the Stone Age
Not sure they would even be that far.
Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti is has over 3 million inhabitants and is roughly the size of Chicago. It also has no sewer system. The entire fucking city is D E S I G N A T E D.
And niggers are doing it in South Africa, now.
But Europe wont let whites flee South Africa. The EU wants the whites to be genocided.
Lots of evil.
we tried the UN got its panties in a Bunch
>in October 1937 against Haitians living in the Dominican Republic. It was carried out by Dominican Army troops on the direct orders of Dictator Rafael Trujillo. Haitian President Élie Lescot put the death toll at 12,168; in 1953, the Haitian historian Jean Price-Mars cited 12,136 deaths and 2,419 injuries. In 1975, Joaquín Balaguer, the Dominican Republic's interim Foreign Minister at the time of the massacre, put the number of dead at 17,000. Other estimates compiled by the Dominican historian Bernardo Vega were as high as 35,000
pic related based Rafael "the haitian killing sensation" Trujillo
then to make amends with the UN trujillo agreed to allow european jews fleeing nazi germany to resettle in DR (in order to whiten DR) only a few came and settled in Sosua which coincidentally now happens to be the hub of prostitution in DR
Same guy, ignore the global warming part. Nonetheless, you should get the gist
>a language that is witty and creative
So, I might just have to release these classified ideas to the public, because having ideas stolen from me sucks ass.
So, maybe i'll just flip the fucking table over.
>To the country that started the end of Slavery
he's been dead for like 15 years i think most of the audio of him comes from tape recordings of shortwave broadcasts
>without white ppl blacks would still be in the stone age.
They weren't in the stone age when whites found them.
They were in the stick age.
Niggers couldn't even make fire.
my email has been compromised, and my phone is tapped, and all calls are intercepted.