New California happening!

Cali Bros get in here!

Other urls found in this thread: of Citizenship/Citizenship Resource Center Site/Publications/PDFs/M-654.pdf

Great news. This is de facto about race, even though it is disguised as a tax issue. Even if this doesn't succeed, balkenization is eventually going to happen. It will happen not just in CA but everywhere in the formerly united states.

You racist drumpf supporters will still lose

>sacramento is a liberal coastal city
>san jose, a liberal shithole, included only for dem tech monies
>alameda county excluded because muh oakland and berkeley
>contra costa included for no reason, even though it is liberal as fuck (over 2x as many registered democrats as republicans, and more independant voters than republicans)
>butte county, the money grubbing lib jews that they are, are included
>humboldt isn't liberal

this is retarded.

Time to move out of Sacramento county. Hopefully there will be an underground bullet train to take me there.

Yeah, the way it’s splitting does seem weird.

NCR time lads

bout fuckin time. I am sick to death of all of these liberals in Los Angeles and SF. Please god take me out of this shit hole state.

Holy crap California would collapse within weeks!

You still have to go back Felipe.

both would collapse instantly
we are on a road to insolvency
any economic downturn will ruin us

That's because that's an edited map. This is the real map. Silicon Valley can get fucked.

why are they including san diego? isnt that another shitty city full of illegals and mexicans?

New cali flag when

One of the most conservative cities in Ca

interesting but weird, why is that?

Yeah what's up with san diego? You don't want that shithole in your state! Give the illegals the easy passage to California that they want..

>contra costa is still included

This is how I know this is some low effort shitbait

"Oh no, the libtards are taking over the state and I'm getting really scared! Whatever shall we do? Hmmm. Oh, I know! Instead of fighting, or trying to come to an agreement, or trying to improve my community to better ourselves and others can learn from us, lets throw a hissy fit and demand to be a separate state! We'll turn the tables on them and make it seem like we're the stronger ones. Yeah, that'll do it! Heh heh. MAGA!!!!"

San diego and orange county whites are mostly conservative

Southern california before the 90s where as red as texas

How many people live in the New California area vs the Old California?

dems will win even in new cali..jou just give them more senate seats you moron..

jefferson or nothing

but why do all the illegals and mexicans skip that city and go to los angeles and stuff?

Barely any.

Why should the seats change when its population based


The House of Representatives is population-based.
Each state gets two seats in the Senate regardless of any other factors.

The House is population based, the Senate is two per state.

This will never happen, the blue areas can’t support themselves.

My bad

That's the point

wurst please....

stop backing this shill california is shit. It will be controlled by dems same way as todays california is

"Oh no, the libtards are taking over the state and I'm getting really scared! Whatever shall we do? Hmmm. Oh, I know! Instead of fighting, or trying to come to an agreement, or trying to improve my community to better ourselves and others can learn from us, lets throw a hissy fit and demand to be a separate state! We'll turn the tables on them and make it seem like we're the stronger ones. Yeah, that'll do it! Heh heh. MAGA!!!!"

Mmm, salty degenerate afraid that the PC capital of the world could lose its economic backbone. There is no discussion to be had, there is no compromise to be made, there is no reasoning with the moonbeams that have been dictating to these people for decades. This is the most peaceful way to end this, simple.

Bakersfield fag here. This town is 10th most conversative town in the nation. Liberals are moving here in mass. Liberals call it armpit but wanted to live here. Goddamn it.

"the blue areas can't support themselves"

Wow.. that's totally the opposite of reality..



No worries, our government doesn't make sense to us either

funny thing is, that it will not even solve anything..there are few big cities even in new california that will flip the state just gives dems more senate seats

retart level on this board..

They don't, there still are Mexicans when I go there every couple of months, they're just a lot more conservative. I see way more "white washed" Mexicans in San Diego than I do Pablos.

what the fuck lmao

They can't.
.t blue area

I need some feasibility on this shit, what's the actual chance of this happening? It seems slim to me considering the saturation of dems in most counties.

They are taking Orange County with them? There is still hope here (i think)

for you my fren

>telling Americans to fight back

yeah but the main issue is that they are a minority, SD is run by spics, niggers and asians who love the gibs, just leave that shithole be and get the good ones

fucking brainlet, KYS.
If liberals lose California's electoral votes there won't BE a democratic party anymore. The people you accuse of whining and running away will have effectively destroyed liberalism's bastion in the USA. If that's not "fighting," then wtf is it?

San jose and the two counties around San Fran should go too, fuck that border gore.

His definition of fighting no doubt involved a pink vagina hate and screaming at the sky...


>San Jose green and not blue

yeah ok

Will new CA actually be red though? It still seems to have some compromised territories.

It's not.

add san diego to the blue side, they voted for hillary. which is weird because SD used to consistently be repub. but they've been cucked out and there's even a whole area filled with gays now. they have their own lgbtq district

>idiot britbong thinks the repub voters cannot support themselves..
who do you think pays for all the rampant welfare abuse in cali? hint: it is not the businesses who have sweetheart tax deals with the state and feds (its the repubs in suburban areas of cali) ... its the republican voter therein

Yeah that's better, but that one county splitting it in two is pissing me off.

New Cali would certainly be red. San Diego would lead that. Liberal CA will be worth the electoral college points they deserve (probably 30-35) and conservative voices can finally be heard outside the coast with 15-20 points.

Is there any way we can help? I'm from North of California and I'd love to help vote this into reality


it will not be will flip democrat very easy..its all part of the plan and retards are cheering here

Some braindead right wing nutjob spews shit on kikebook and /polfags think it's habbening. Kek.

Rural California can be pretty redpilled.

>San Diego and Orange County is included

Bad move. Both Counties used to be based as fuck. But over the past decade they've become purple/light blue thanks to mass immigration.

t. Carlsbad fag

Calexit > New Cuckiefornia
The US government has been corrupted from its founding principles on many accounts and that includes restricting immigration and PEOPLE (no person is illegal) from naturalization.
>he has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. of Citizenship/Citizenship Resource Center Site/Publications/PDFs/M-654.pdf

Can we meme this into reality?

>mental illness and retardation.

dont count on that..have you seen the density of population in those districts? population of new california is made Mainly of cities. As far as I know San Diego is leaning democrat city...

You vastly underestimate how conservative the mountainous areas in the north and east are and how conservative San Diego is (Republican mayor and good policies).

Conservative vote in CA at the moment is WORTHLESS. Hillary's vote advantage can almost entirely be explained by CA. Conservatives will actually bother to vote in New Cali. Coastal Cali will be 100% blue - good for them. Let them pay for water.

Purple at worst. Voter apathy in Cali is high because the cities strangle red votes. You can be damn sure that'll change once we're rid of them.

Spread the word, keep it going on twitter and other platforms. There's also a Discord and plans for a general to keep interest alive. discord,gg/ASNc6bb

No, because it just makes another blue state.

yeah..with few thousands of people living there..0 impact. It will be decided in San Diego and other cities..all leaning democrat

>That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when

a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
This partition with "New California" from Cali is an attempt to establish a right wing state with its own right-wing Senate representation to undermine all opposition. There's a lot more in the Declaration of Independence complaining of undermining of authority to evil ends.
>For abolishing the free System of english Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary Government, and enlarging its Boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit Instrument for introducing the same absolute Rule into these Colonies

there are not enough people in those districts! IT will be decided in san diego and other cities - all leaning democrats

tfw i want a 51st state no matter how detrimental it is


All the Californian degenerates are preparing to jump ship anyway, trying to contain the cancer is pointless.


Shouldn't the spic inhabited areas in the south be part of Old California?

Can we please give commiefornia a few counties to fix the borders and make it look better than dogshit? My eyes are bleeding

that s my point...those spic libfag districts are trojan horse..they will flip new cali blue and you will just ive dems more senate seats...
new california as it is proposed is bullshit

I talked to my coworkers about this in hollywood and all of the non commies were saying they want to move to the east side of Cali if it happens. I'm hoping. I live in LA and its a dump.

Here's a better map

>implying it will ever be allowed to get on the ballot

this looks like my eu4 colonization attempt


Orange County standing by.

Confirmed never been to San Diego

San Diego is massively blue, its not even fucking close.

I've never been to San Diego either. What it's like?

Well yeah SD is right next to the border..

I just wanna say I lived in san diego for a while and the homeless people were the most reserved out of any I've ever seen. They wouldnt ask for anything. Shit was crazy,.

but california is generally a dystopian hell but ina different sense.

>cali chads
>posts nigger

Not if you leave the coast fgt

wrong the only true currencies are labour, thoughts, and food and as long as we have enough food to feed the niggers the federal government isnt going anywhere.

Why wouldn't they be able to support themselves?

No Water
>b-but muh desalination
Made illegal because some idiot hippies wanted to protect some invasive fish species.

Tax issues are about race idiot, Socialism literally takes money from whites and Asians here in America and gives it to blacks and Mexicans. Whites and Asians pay into Socialism more than blacks or Mexicans which take more then they put in. When you hear Dems say look red states take more welfare, remind them that California is entering poverty, and that the state has more welfare recipients per capita then other states. Mexicans are literally sucking Cali dry, especially since the influx seen after Trumps inauguration. The state is rogue, by declaring the whole state a sanctuary state. Conservatives and many whites in California are pissed off. It is comparable to a type of tyranny in that Socialism is imposed despite peoples will, and the taxes are raised to try and cover it. If your not a Socialists this is Tyranny. The rift between urban and rural Californians is nothing new ie the state of jefferson. and things are getting worse. Realistically it wont happen in all likelyhood, however pressure is mounting against the left in california. I suspect Trump will try and remove by force if necessary some of the rogue dems in the state, this will cause backlash and massive protests on the coast, this will lead to further division between Socialist Cali, and New Cali.

>Live in rural, agricultural California
>Come from a conservative, white, military family
>MFW there’s no fucking way California is splitting into two states

Socialism is about nationalised industries, not wealth redistribution by tax. You're not wrong that is exactly what they do, but that's not socialism.

No, desalination isn't illegal. You're confusing the fight about the Delta Smelt. Water transfers from the Sacramento delta to Socal were stopped because that fish was getting ground up in the filters. That's ordinary fresh water from rivers. Nothing at all to do with desalination.