France appreciation thread!

This thread is to appreciate France and their contribution to the world
Thank you for Lafayette, France! We haven't forgotten! He's an honorary US citizen too.

Fuck off helping you was a mistake.

I don't care about African countries.

France is the most degenerate country on earth. First country where racemixing with niggers was accepted and they’re proud of it.

My friends from Cuba went to France to escape communism before they came to the US. They were confused as to why all of the French girls were dating ugly nogs.

>la mas rubia que es, lo más negro lo buscan

Is what they told me, this translates to
>the blonder the girl, the darker she searches

Fuck modern France. I like 19th century France though

Right back at you. We shouldve never rebuilt you.

If we didn't help you you wouldn't exist, thus you wouldn't have rebuilt us, but at the same time WWI and WWII may have never happened

>t. brainlet

Yeah you should take care of that AIDS problem you have, your percentage is comparable to those found in Africa

>the blonder the girl, the darker she searches

So the more Swedish she looks the darker she searches ?
Is that specific to France ?


French bros, is Orléans a nigger ridden shithole like New Orleans is?




Ironically this




Meh, this place kinda sucks

Hear hear! We raise our glasses to France, aka the nation who made imperialism sexy.


best city in europe, pre niggers and mudslimes. i was lucky to see it before it went completely downhill. but maybe it's not as bad as i think it is?

Alexis de toqueville's works are very interesting.

The thing I hate most about france is the amount of alsace-lorraine in their country though.



I loved when they got taken over by the Nazis.