How do we stop it?
The Soyboy Smile
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We don't.
What is it with soyboys and nintendo?
Looks more happy than 98 percent of Sup Forums
Making soy illegal
It remembers me of that guy that made No Man's Sky.
One pic he was smiling, the other he was shitting on his pants once the reviews tarted comming.
Nintendo has been doing extremely well and coming out with really good games and the switch has been selling really well because of it. After the blunder that was the wii u it is no wonder why nintendo has beeing getting their shit together.
Why do you care so much
that posts looks fishy, the step son part raised flags for me
ie oneofus
son ? neega looks 30
put a cock in their mouths. repost.
Nintendo, not even once.
I should thank my father for giving me a Genesis instead of a Super Nintendo.
Much more different games instead of 300 different Marios.
If I could look that happy even for a moment I would become a limp-wristed pencil neck with a high propensity for testicular and prostate cancer like him
What? There isn’t a single trans related thing in the game... wtf??
that's the smile you make when you are so dead inside that a real smile doesn't look happy
>trans positivity
Is this one of those Samus is trans kinda bullshit deals?
It's a way for them to show how fake happy they are due to lack of gf or sex.
Nintendo did well with the switch, the soyboys are just whoring out for bandwagon internet points
Putting a gun in it.
Nintendo has the eternal normie appeal because they're the only vidya company that's remained relevant for 3 human generations. Manchildren (and "nerdy" girls) can cling to Nintendo because they probably grew up with one of their systems or have good memories of playing with someone.
Being a /vr/ guy, it's crazy to look at the resale value of anything Nintendo vs, say, Sega or Atari. Rarer stuff like TG16 games are sometimes more expensive than Nintendo, but on average Ninty shit is just retardedly expensive in the collector/retro enthusiast market. As long as Nintendo doesn't ever truly shit the bed I bet that'll never change even in the future as shit like the wii starts edging over into 'retro' territory. Dance Party 2009 or won't be worth shit but copies of Mario Galaxy will probably be $60 or more in 10 years
You shut your mouth. BotW was GOTY, bitch
The question is, why would you want to?
>they will spend thousands on stupid shit and can make you rich of you start a business
>they stay at home most of the time and don't get in your way
>you can get them to do this for you
>they make competiting for women much easier
Looks like Post Malone lol
Stop women from having kids in their 40s because it increases the chances of having a retarded baby, like Switchboy there. He really does look special.
I'm so excited for two good games!!
Godlike triple-numbers and nobody notices.
this board truly is nothing but bots.
I did a soyboy smile at a vape shop where I won a raffle and they wanted to take my picture. I did it and now I'm ashamed to live. I wanted to look excited for them to post the picture. But it was numale mouth. Should I just an hero?
>article posted in august
that shit is old news, no one does that anymore
they also spammed the plaza with furry shit but people reported them all and that stopped too
We take away anything they could smile about.
Its childish ("recaptures their youth"), non-threatening (lmao no shooters), and there is no depth to their games (muh girl gamers)
Even the best swallow some soy every now and then in this age
Worry about ending the Federal Reserve.
Not this insignificant bullshit.
the soy boy smile is actually a sort of signaling method. they're using the opportunity of "receiving a 'gift'" to show how much dick they can stuff into their mouths. i call it spermchew signaling.
>Should I just an hero?
why is it bother you?
Mandatory 2 years military service.
Yeah it was pretty good. I hope more open world designers take a cue from Nintendo and focus on gameplay and leave the storytelling to you Pollacks
Keep making fun of them until men get it through their heads that they're acting like women.
As if that will stop me from enjoying my switch
This would be a good start. Stop pumping chemicals into the water also would be helpful.
there are a lot of retarded people out there these days that are eternal children. they buy switches and listen to nigger beats.
I enjoy my Switch too but I don't post pictures of myself holding it with that retarded soyboy smile on my face.
there's nothing wrong with the switch though
Counter it with the black smile.
Didnt work in Germany.
Until a few years ago men had to serve 9 months of basic military service (or civil service) while german women and kebabs (used certain loop holes via dual citizenship) didnt.
Result was German men literally being humiliated and having their time wasted playing nusoldier while their girls where hooking up with shitskins.
And the moment they got rid of that military service they literally turned the german army aka bundeswehr into a affirmative womyn power organisation that can not and will not defend shit once it goes down
>no shooters
The Switch has several shooters and more are coming, Nintendo's learned from the Wii U.
>there's nothing wrong with the switch though
Theres something weird about it at least in the West. The obsession with that short time frame in the mid 90s and its franchises seeing grown men across borders act like giant fucking faggots is a huge turn off
The stick and buttons on the left controller are flipped and this triggers my autism
Make it a class B felony to smile with mouth wider than 1 inch in diameter, have specially trained “smile sheriffs” enforce this law whilst wearing helmets consisting of lips and teeth in proportion with the law.
no u
what the fuck
We need to go back to being expressionless for photos, whoever invented the smiling meme deserves cancer
Who ever decided we need to force people to smile in photos in an authoritarian commie. I just want to look bored because I probably am if im in a situation where someone wants to take a picture with me
I like Travis Scott and Kodak black tho
top kek
it's a product of shutter speed. as film emulsions improved spontaneous snapshots became possible. the reason no one smiles in old photos is because they had to hold the pose for several seconds lest the (no doubt expensive) picture blur