really makes u think
Really makes u think
im eateing chips
Eh, wether it's true or not, the logic is consistent.
inb4 Obamaleaf
This is demonstrably false. Unemployment plummeted and economy recovered under Obama, then continued to soar under Trump. Both should get good grades on the economy. Their differences are more about entitlements and immigration and foreign policy and pollution, not economic success.
Nig nogging. Yeah, deep shit.
This, it seems like its supposed to be some kinda GOTCHA but it isnt
>unemployment plummeted
eh, on paper sure, but not in reality
they just took a bunch of welfare leeches and instead of calling them unemployed they took them out of the labor force
so while technically unemployment numbers went down, so did labor force participation
Yeah yeah you know economics and others don't
And also Trump is a stable genius
we know the usual reponse
he knows enough about business to get investor confidence up
Literally the opposite of consistent.
>boomer memes
it's not though, the logic is that the economy has a delayed response to policy, so the economy under Obama was because of Bush policy and the economy under Trump is because of Obama policy
It's logically consistent, but it's factually incorrect
a propped up stock market and an inflated economy growth does not mean the economy is healthy
it will most likely crash even harder than 9 years ago within 2018
The charts are wrong tho. If you wanted to be accurate here, you should show the post-recession turn around in 2010-2012. Likewise, the "trump economy" should show positive growth going into Trumps first year, the big gains in the stock market have only come in the last 6 months.
Stick to the facts right wing retard
That I doubt. It wasn't until 6 years into Bush's term that the deregulation bubble popped. The deregulation bubble was created back in the 90's by the (((Neocons))) destroying Glass-Steagal.
The Trump tax cuts and deregulation will probably not be "felt" by the mainstream until well after he is out of office.
Is this an official Obamaleaf containment thread?
Boo-hoo, my botty hurts.
>Niggers stealing credit
>Nigger stealing
Whys that nog standing in those pictures? All he did was hide.
why doesnt this have all of obamas years in office?
now show obama's first term numbers
Next time drop the watermark you blatant shill. It’s like you’re not even trying any more
When your company outsources its jobs overseas and you have to get two part-time jobs to stay alive, them democrats consider that making 2 new jobs
Nice try, shlomo
after every depression there was a quick recovery not so under Obama. that is why he lost
1. first term numbers
2. considering the unemployment rate what trump has done is impressive. its easy to add jobs when the unemployment rate is massive (LOW PAYING ONES)
okay shariablue wavelet
What business of the government is it to meddle in the free market?
Obama inherited the greatest republican economic crash since the Great depression
Why does everything have to be a competition in American politics?
Bitcoin is plummeting, what's he doing about that?
>stick to the facts
now count faggot
agreed, logicians will understand
>chinese miners are leaving china to go to canada
>hundreds of literal warehouses of high tier computers/servers are being moved to canada
>Somehow its trump's fault
absolute state of lefties
Nothing, why should he?
And he managed to make it worse.
The next guy did more in 12 months then Obama did in 8 years and never used Obama as an excuse for why he couldn't get things done.
I bet they're CRISPY
Even if this is based on bullshit it's something I imagine Obama would say. So I believe it.
>Unemployment plummeted and economy recovered under Obama
Structural unemployment worsened under Obunga
Thanks Obama
Wait Trumptards think this isn't actually a bubble? My opinion is the elites are trying to cash out, drive up stock prices etc so when and if shit starts leaking out (GPU slow downs, Apple fucking your phone, Google lawsuit) they've already got their payday and the rest of us suckers are left holding the bag. I imagine if the summer isn't great to everyone and we have an anemic Christmas again peoe will start panicking. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if were already caught in a squeeze.
Except the economy wasn't going down under Obama lel
yeah, everyone downgrades to retail work or part-time and it's a miracle!
choke on it you dumb fuck:
Kind of like Obama changing 'deportation' stats to include those caught and turned away at the boarder so that he would have the 'all time' high number of deportations.
everything about you all is fake.
>everyone downgrades to retail work or part-time
Turn off Hannity right wing retard
obama is bad cuz nigger
>calling NYtimes hannity
>taken seriously
The economic "boom" during the blair government was "THATCHERS LEGACY!!!!"
Face it politicians dont make any impact on the economy. They think they do, but its all smoke and mirrors
keep trying dumbfuck
the NYTimes is sooo biased
Obama created lots of part time jobs in the wake of Obamacare and businesses not wanting to pay bennies to full time employees.
Trump's jobs are from the void left by falling immigration, deportations, and positive business environment, ie taxes.
The biggest redpill is that near every mainstream political party is the exact same and it wouldnt mean jack shit in the long run if Trump or Hillary gets elected because (((they))) will always still be in power
We need a revolution
Well, to be fair, your country's economy grew at the fastest pace in 10 years, last year, and you didn't even have a government for three quarters of 2017.
It might not even be that incorrect, either.
I agree comrade
The biggest redpill is that everything alive is designed to die and that nothing, not even humanity can avoid the inescapable heat death of the universe, in the end nothing matters.
>Six years
Really activates those almonds
>8 years of stagnant growth under obongo
>"muh bush, muh global economy, muh new normal!"
>1 year under Trump
>Economy explodes to life
>Across the board record breaking numbers
>Everyone from the lowliest porch ape to the wealthiest jew is seeing more shekels in their pocket
>"B-but its really because of Obongo guys!"
It never ceases to amaze me the mental gymnastics these liberals take to avoid dealing with reality.
Don't know if it's true, but Stefan Molymeme mentioned that while the US population has grew by something like 20 millions, the total amount of hours worked stayed almost exactly the same throughout Obama presidency.
To be fair Blair wasn't doing a single thing Maggie wouldn't have done. The only new thing he brought to the table was that fucking shit-eating grin and better PR.
look at this absolute POS, you probably actually believe this.
Compare the first year to first year you ass.
>2008 was the same as 2017
...sometimes I wonder if people on this swedish bread baking forum are even capable of thinking
For the Trumptards screaming about the booming economy it's mostly kept to the top 1% and those who own stocks. Real wages, cost of living, taxes haven't helped average Joe all the that much so far. It might in the long run but his policies towards corporate deregulation will just cause a crash like they always do. That besides being a new loving socialist.
>The economy was tanking post 2012
I wish people would finally stop to shit on facts Jesus Christ
>The economy was tanking POST 2014
That's not a redpill, that's nihilism famalam
kys now, you'll only infect others
People who are unemployed longer than 18 months are no longer considered unemployed or part of the workforce
Nice fake stats faggot. You need to get you mandingo fetish in check.
>Structural unemployment worsened
Why is that obama's fault?
>comparing the second greatest republican economic crash to a solid economy
Really activates those almonds
>both should get gud grades guise
You my friend are a faggot
>Obamaleaf using the same images with a memeflag
Definitely not a hongcouver slant eyes trying to persuade people a shit economy was great.
then don't try and make a stupid comparison you dumb fuck.
>shows widely distorted comparison
>critiques other widely distorted comparison
>doesn't realize he just reduced his own to an absurdity
>'you can't doooooo thaaaat
you unironically vote democrat.
Wages are way up right wing retard
Why the fuck should he care about an unregulated speculative currency that isn't even formally recognized by the US?
When buying into this, you and I knew the risks. If you invested more than you could afford to lose, that's all on you.
It's not completely wrong, it takes years for the economy to accurately start reflecting policies. Which is why I wish our politicians were held accountable for the laws they pass even if they've left office.
>m-muh strong dollar
>muh 2008-2016 best economy
It’s completely fair because it was the fault of the republican economic crash that jobs were not created in his first years
gibs me credit for dat
Ah yes, the timed economic boom the second Trump took office. Based Obama!
The numbers were fake until SUDDENLY they weren't.
So the Reagan and Bush 1 administration's are to thank for Clinton's strong economy in the mid to late 90s, good to know. Trickle down confirmed successful everyone.
Underrated post.
Yeah, all those people in your Hayer Analytics graph with the high paying jobs surely voted trump.
Yeah, all those whites in the rust belt who lost their jobs during the great recession got the Hayer Analytics Graph (TM) jobs but forgot to vote.
>nytimes is wrong per brilliant dem user
>people in the rust belt who disagree and swung states red.
fucking moron
keep trying to refute reality:
>even leftest media calls out obama for sham jobs
>entire swing/rust belt went red after 2 elections of electing a black man for president.
>dem user doesn't agree with that reality
surely these graphs will show them!
>meme flags are literally this stupid
>changing the scale of the graph so that gains at lower numbers look massive and gains at higher numbers are insignificant
democuck always manipulating the truth
Yes, it's called economic optimism due to a business tycoon being elected the president. Why do we only now see a surge in the economy and not under Obama in his 8 years of office? I'd need a time machine to prove it but the economy would not have gone up this fast if Hillary Clinton was elected and any honest citizen knows that. Business Republicans and Democrats knew if Hillary was put in taxes would likely increase and with Trump they would decrease. It's simple economics.
>doesn't get macroecon
>wants high US dollar
>wants US goods to be FUCKALL expensive for foreigners
>Disagrees with admin econ moves to make US a net producer again
>Disagrees with admin econ moves to negotiate trade deals with US being the net gainer
>Doesn't get that if we're going to be producers, we want our goods to be affordable on open market.
>durrrrr dem talking points