Why White People stealing Black People's land?

South Africa: Black people waiting to get their land back


>Twenty-five years after the end of apartheid, land remains one of the most divisive issues in South Africa.

>The vast majority of the best land is still owned by white farmers.

>The governing African National Congress wants to change this, but it would require contentious amendments to the constitution.

it was never their land.

but they are doing a very effective job or rewriting history to say that it was their land.

inb4 they zimbabwe themselves

My guess is their land is best for a good reason: they took care of it.

It's not their fucking land. They're fucking invaders themselves, and they didn,t build fucking anything

>rewriting history

A true poo, you're dumb as shit
Look at Zimbabwe, what happened there when white farmers were driven out of the country? And now they're begging for the white farmers to return

>it was never their land.

>inb4 they zimbabwe themselves
And this.

I can't wait to watch them starve.

They’ll be starving in 20 years.

Land in South Africa was stolen from the Black People. Whites need to fuck off back to europe. We black people, together with our Jewish & local Indian allies will repair Apartheid damage here South Africa with the help of China and other Brics Countries.

>The best land
It's productive because it is farmed corre- i why do i give a fuck i just wish we would stop feeding these apes.

Okay good luck.

Oh shut up. You know nothing about Zimbabwe you embicile. Go back to europe

Get necklaced nigger

>chimping out

>Black people waiting to get their land back
To do what exactly?
Starve their children on it?

We don't need luck. We have China on our side. So fuck off

You fucking negro, you and your people only deserve nuclear extinction

Okay Good luck go make your own board popular while you are at it we dont need niggers on Sup Forums

>mfw Zimbabwe kicked all the farmers out, rival neighbor Zambia paid them to come in and handle their farming, now Zambia is running circles around Zimbabwe, who's begging the white farmers to return

It's the 'best land' because the whites are on it and looking after it

Why are kaffers such self-entitled fuckin apes. Look at them setting up fucking tin shacks everywhere. Before that, that piece of Highveld land looked beautiful. Why do they constantly have to destroy and break down everything. Black people really are a disease on this planet. They are completely incapable of critical thinking. Instead of building fucking shithole shack towns, why do they not think about agriculture? Fucking apes.

If I remember correctly there were no civilizations living in S.Africa when the Dutch settled there. No mud huts, no lip plates, no kangz, nothing.

Black people, not alive when the land became white people land, are now stealing land from people who were not alive when the land was “stolen”.

Fokken houtkop. Go suck zuma and gupta dick you pathetic Poes.

You remember correctly dear burguer. Negroes just arrived after white ppl makes that land productive.

Why do poos shit in streets?

The world was made for white people, Pajeet. We own all of it.

I didn't know that the Capoids were black as tar and drove around in trucks, hanging out the windows like retarded dogs.

More tot he point Why do niggers come to Sup Forums and hoot and holler like they own the place.

>whites fuck off back to europe
>niggers starve
>whites blamed for niggers starving, niggers demand more gibs.
Tell ya what - we'll trade europe's niggers for south africa's whites. Whaddaya say?

You are either baiting or you are a delusional kaffer.
>Implying china does not simply arrive when the white man leaves and enslaves everyone

I can only say pic related to them

Shouldn't they be dancing with their relatives dead bodies and catching black death?

Niggers do that everywhere they go.

>together with our Jewish
lmao enjoy getting enslaved again

As long as blacks occupy white lands ALL of African is fair game.


Who cares, whites should go back to their ancestral lands and kick every nigger on the continent out.


It was the white peoples land to begin with. Our DNA says we cames from mother Africas though. What do?

Don't hate our new white African skin. Hate Micheal Jackson.

Because pussy faggots like you aren't going to do shit to stop them. Cry more little bitch.

Even worse, he thinks the chinks will have an ounce of humanity or charity towards niggers.

This is my land and I am not going anywhere. What the kaffers fail to realize is, this won't be another zimbabwe. The rhodesians came to south africa because it was exactly the same kind of place and they were welcomes.

Now we have nowhere to go except straight into the ocean and we have absolutely nothing to lose except our lives. There will be a genocide, but it won't be us.

Can someone post that pic of the russian guy working in South African and saying abuot niggers shitting on elevator shafts until it fills up?

>this is my land
Who sold it to you?
Can I see a deed?
How much did you pay when purchased land?

>indian allies
nice proxy

I don't care if blacks genocide you Europe is more important than Saffa.

conquered people's doctrine, faggot.

If it's not the legitimate and rightful kang himself, I don't give a fuck what nomadic invaders and usurious kikes have to say.

You won't do shit faggot. Your country is cucked and your people are pussies. You're only what, 10% of the population? And your children are even fewer - only 5%. You live in security fortresses and they murder you in your sleep at night. It doesn't get better, it gets worse! And what are you doing to stop it exactly? Nothing, that's what. Nothing but crying on Sup Forums about your "muh day of the rope". You've already been pushed and pushed and pushed, if you didn't snap by now, you won't ever.

Best you can do is move because god knows you don't have the balls to do anything else.

>This is my land
No it isn't you fucking nig. Nobody lived there until the Dutch made it livable and then your congoid ass waltzed in and demanded gibs.

Payed in blood and it will kept in blood. My family came here in 1689. When did yours arrive in america?

Europe is beyond saving at this point. Where we try to resist it in earnest, they welcome their attackers with open arms and open legs.

I am a retard and a faggot. Please disregard this post.

>>The vast majority of the best land is still owned by white farmers.

Because all the land that was taken from the white farmers already has been turned to shit.

>my family
So its not yours then.
Also, my German ancestors arrived in the mid 1800s. (Don't see how thats related tho)

If tomorrow i was told to leave NZ and the blacks will Leave Europe i would go.

Get out of my country you baboon lipped nigger ape

nobody cares what you think, non-country

I am Dutch-South African.

>Waa waa I would be so fucking scared living in a country of niggers
>Waa waa lets just fucking move away from the niggers to a place thats white like US....Euro...
Oh fuck everywhere is overrun with niggers huh you fucking mutt.


You dont even have a flag you shit skinned ape.

It wouldn't piss me off as much if it was fueled by real genuine pride, rather than kike memery.


my flag is not new zealand which automatically makes me better than you

>I am Dutch-South African.
So force the Dutch government to take you in, they provide endless gibs for Moroccans and other assorted shitskins force them to face up to reality that there are persecuted dutch who they should be looking after first.

so who does it belong to? The niggers that came a hundered years after my family? Because its the same continent? By that definition, the USA is actually mexico and looking at the general demographic I can actually see that it is.

If you inherit land it’s your land you fucking commie

Okay nigger when you can post with your real flag let us know.


You family, obviously. Still not yours.

>It's not their fucking land. They're fucking invaders themselves, and they didn,t build fucking anything
Just like they are doing in europe, Let's make a deal we take all the white south africans, and every single fucking nigger goes out of europe
without exception. Sounds good to me.

I'm gonna get set on fire and stoned in the street like those nigger rekt videos. rip

Ok fine, enjoy the starvation then. India, and China would outright slaughter you.

Whites should have killed or expelled all negroids south of the Zambezi in the 19th century desu senpai

>get their land back
Topkek, I'll give you guys a bit of our history. South Africa was inhabited by the Khoisan people, before being colonized by Europeans, shortly after Congolese Africans (what is usually thought of today when you hear "black dude") came and moved in. The people saying they want their land back were literally the last people to arrive in South Africa, but I'm not gonna say any more than that because I don't feel like getting shot in the face during my smoke break by one of the Gupt... I mean ANC's paid killers, cheers guys, have a nice thread

Give the Russia some of your land so they can increase their territorial claims to Antarctica and increase their Naval territory.

Together with the Russians, even the west can't stop you. It will be the Negroids who will get nuked.


It's a good deal , you should take it

The kike occupied government will never let Boers back in

And also to add to the former, zero foreign aid of ANY kind to south africa once all whites leave it. Not on any terms, not at any point not in 10 years not in 20 years. Period. Just let them starve to death in 30 years the white south africans can go back from europe to SA if they wish, can go back and rebuild till another pack of niggers come from other parts of africa and then start the same shit all over again. But this time they should not be allowed to enter.

How can black people get their land back when black people never even colonized that area before.
Nomadic tribes don’t have nations or borders either, and no codified sets of laws that prescribe them that land.
I think these black people are confused from all the BLM they see on TV.

Sounds dreamy.

They will if it gets bad enough.

Support the King. If Europe is to reclaim itself, we have to offer solidarity to any people who've had their lives and history stolen by the commie kike globalist mob. They must be defeated on all fronts.

Worked for

Niggers cannot, I repeat, cannot make anything.

The existing infrastructure in Africa is all based off of colonization and white/asian investment.

Africa, in any sort of fair world, world be better off if it were completely overtaken by whites and Asians. Africans give nothing, they only steal and take.


My country has significantly less nigs than yours. You are on the brink of complete deletion. Yet you do nothing other than point and laugh about America. You're a moron. America is doomed too, but I can tell you for sure if I was only 10% of the population, I would probably stop caring since the writing is on the wall. Not to mention our local PD has more tech than your entire government.

You literally have no option right now. Yet you think you're winning? LOL. You're delusional. Put up or shut up.

black people commit the most crime
black people sold themselves into slavery
black people dont own Africa
now even Africa isn't there's?
can black people have ANYTHING at all?

It's fake.

>The vast majority of the best land is still owned by white farmers.
hmmm... i wonder why this is the case

>its in africa therefore it belongs to niggers.
This is their argument. But then let us have our own lands to ourselves then, no nigger immigration allowed to any european country.

No. No they can't.

Niggers truly are a disease upon the world

He's saying it wasn't the black's land you mong. The niggers that swarmed into SA after apartheid was lifted are not the niggers that lived their previously.

We used to have our own lands, now these revisionist Jews try to convince us that Europe was always "diverse" and that an ethnostate is a "pipe dream"

The same China that can't feed itself?
Niggers say the darnedest things.
Best of luck, Mbutuu.


>it's fake
Ever heard of an area of jozi called Ponte?

in all honesty we need to just send weapons to white South Africans so they can cleanse the nigger problem they have down there