Who do we side with when Russia and China go to war with the United States and the Jews?
Who do we side with when Russia and China go to war with the United States and the Jews?
Side with our alien liberators
Trump has already formed an Alliance with Putin and Xi against the (((Cabal))).
First Finland annexes Estonia (diplomatically) then stays neutral until it becomes clear who is the winner and then we invade Russia or Sweden
Always against the jews
>fills his cabinet with jews
>sucks jewish cock more than any president
H-H-He's fighting the jews, guys! Drumpf is based!!!
Back to r/donald.
Let Russia China USA kill each other off then it's time for the Saffron world domination.
You will be the one to start the war. India declares on Pakistan or Pakistan on India.
China joins, USA joins, Russia joins, France, Britain and all other US vassals join. Finland and a few other countries stay neutral
Will you have toilets and a working sewage system in this world empire?
you side with us because you have no choice in the matter
>Finland stay neutral
You would like that wouldn't you Finjew. We ain't starting any war, we're gonna watch from sidelines and take over over the ruined ashes.
It wouldn't matter for you, being America's bitch no. 1 you'll get nuked the fuck out by China Russia.
Based as fuck
Keep up the work
>It wouldn't matter for you, being America's bitch no. 1 you'll get nuked the fuck out by China Russia.
>thinks I'm not going to side with Russia against the jews
Russia and china? Holy shit.
Is that an actual question.
Jews backstab usa amerimut gets btfo and losses. Jews win again.
Russia wouldn't want a washed up whore on their side. You'll be on the US side, like you have always been.
more like Shitfron
The poo revolution.
I'm talking about me personally.
russia is very jewish friend
It's Western jews that the biggest problem primarily, the ones that rule the USA.
Putin is a puppet