Hey Sup Forums it is me /x/

Hey Sup Forums it is me /x/.

There was an "meteor crash" in Michigan, that cause an earthquake magnitude of 2.0. People say the sky lit up green, but in all footage over the media it is blue. The people of the town Taylor claimed the meteor destroyed a truck inside of a garage. There is an article that claims the fire has absolutely nothing to do with the meteor.


The hashtag #taylormeteor has been filtered out on Twitter. I think this might be interesting.


Other urls found in this thread:




It was on Pardee Street in Taylor.



Thats a fucking missile. not a meteor.

bump for interest

bump and hump for interest

Here we go, the shills are operating on Sup Forums right now. Don't listen to silly excuses.

And, magically, this shit happened today.


Try Michigan meteor. Lots of results.

bumppetty bump bump


Garage is fake news, it was unrelated to meteor some guy working on his car.

It's not a meteorite if it lands dumbass.

It's weird how the sky always turns blue when it's lit

ohhhh shit.. it's happenning

that's exactly what I said on 9/11/2001

A couple weeks ago, there was a massive migration of fighter jets of some type over Western MI. I saw over two dozen flying around 5000 feet from several directions East/SouthEast to West/NorthWest. Pic related. There are more than 10 contrails hidden in the clouds in the background.

Meteoroid - in space
Meteor - in atmosphere
Meteorite - on impact

ya dingus

oh wow, no, not Islamabad, i mean michigan

Bump if tru.

>taking anything serious from /x/

no sources what-so-ever in that article saying it wasn't the meteor. Just saying


I dont know what you guys want to make of this



check out twitter you mong

I rewatched the Season 7 Finale of Stargate yesterday. Goverment covering up Anubis attack on powergrid with meteor strikes. Syncronicity?

Is the space war real guys? Is Oneil gonna save us?


Seen these images circulate a few times today. Does anyone know their origin?

they appeared on twitter right after the impact.

Cams around Metro Detroit.


>tfw it wasn't the mothership. It was the diplomatic envoy.

The sentient beings over at Gliese 581G will not be pleased.

That was me. Ate too many tacos and fried onions, got gassy, went outside to fart, and the damned thing took off and caught fire!

Fuck off back to your containment board scum, it was created so you'd leave us the fuck alone

Thanks Sup Forums , curious as to why there hasn't been any mainstream news in coloration to the impact. If the second image is authentic, then this seems to be bigger than just a "Meteor that lit up the sky"

Are you ignorant or a shill?

The angle made it look like it was impacting, but it's just on the horizon. It went over my house (Dearborn Heights), the sky glowed bright blue and then a double sonic boom.

ironic to say for a Sup Forumsack


You fools! It's space aryans from the future comin back to do battle with the interdimensional kike!



That's not the same place, or the same night

Do you have facts to back up that claim?



MIanon here. Is there anyone on the ground? Ive been watching the radar all day. 45m out from Taylor

Could this be retaliation for the hoax missile attack on Hawaii?

Looks like the Germans could be building a new free submarine?

third impact is a go


lil bump


Aeon we have alredy warned you to not post this.

A meteor is a metorite that hasn't been found

dont tempt the timeless ones, archon.


Why would anyone shoot at Michigan except to kill misquitos?
Why would aliens land in Michigan?
Why would Michigan hold any importance of any kind?

Exactly. Neat pictures and all but whatever. This doesn't even have the conspiracy level of that russian meteor from a few years ago.

Please don’t ask for names because it is impossible for me to disclose.

This person is very high up, that much I can say.

‘’I've been holding back a little, wasn't sure when the right time was to tell you.
Here goes ....

‘’US govt is in the process of creating an in partial ELE. (Extinction level event).’’

‘’They have set " party favors " in certain locations . Some are being set off. They are located in lava tubes. Cascadia is going to go.’’ (Party favours meaning- they are deliberately setting off earthquakes in certain places using their energy sources)

‘’All the volcanos are cold in Western US....there chimney is hollow . They will pop, like Helens did. Gas driven provided by magma push.’’

‘’USGS( usbs ) has been altering locations.’’

‘’They shutdown graphs when they begin to indicate.’’They " move the pin ".

‘’Old Faithful has been shooting out black steam and plasma balls. Lightening actually struck nearby last year.
New geysers are appearing .
The steam chamber has been breeched.
We have what is known by magma glow appearing in different locations.
New fissures have opened.’’

‘’Last video of old faithful shows new Geyser at the basin appearing, then the camera pans away to show bison.’’

‘’Lord help them if bison fall over dead. That will be a big red flag.’’

‘’Washington state....
Mt Rainier , Mt. St Helens, Mt Hood, Mt Baker....All being primed. Party favors in place being used.’’

‘’Quakes occuring near each location are intentionally set quakes....gas pushing for an escape...like St Helens...May,1980....’’

Like I’ve always said, the elite depend on the pole shift, the core expansion, the earth facing CMEs.

It’s all connected to the same outcome.

Take it as you will.

Stay safe, stay vigilant.

2018- year of change.

War of distraction and project blue beam will start to come into play soon.

>a killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill

info dump

here is an example of how to ball your tungsten electrode on a tig welder.
you guys may be onto something.

compared to



Rods From God, he's pissed. Gave the blueprints to Trump and they sent it up last week aka failed "Zuma"

Check this out. The thing last night showed up on a lightning satellite.

nobody cares?

> People say the sky lit up green, but in all footage over the media it is blue.
i basically showed you verifiable proof of it being blue and even explained what material it was.
that was either a meteor with high concentration of Tungsten or some sort of bunker buster "rods from god" weapon

Green meteors?

We Day of the Triffids now?

Or just space trash.

So now we know what. Now we ask why.. Why bumfuck Michigan, what military installations are near and between said landing zone?

>He actually typed that seriously


Anyone reminded of the orbital strike systems from Fallout with this stuff?
>Liberty Prime getting destroyed from an orbital system
>Helios One/Archimedes orbital strike system


why would space junk be made out of tungsten?
underground bunkers, the Clinton sex tunnels maybe.

Eh there is a lot of trash up there would not surprise me.

open ended vacuum tube particle accelerator used for firing tungsten. First invented by Tesla, Russia had some, america had some as well. Used to fire tungsten with as much force as a nuke with out after affects of such. I had found info on them a half a year or so ago but now cant find anything.

If a Kinetic rod hit MI a geyser of steam and gas would still be erupting like a volcano.
Everyone knows nuclear fuel is blue when it burns.
The blue light was a gamma flash. Actual meteors are mostly iron and burn orange like ferrous metals do.
It was a satellite. Nukes are not allowed in Space so any satellite that could be a FOBs is getting smoked now.
The cabal is behind it. The Deep State/ Israel mystery stealth sub. DUMBs.
Its all true that's the scary part.
The Hawaii missile was moving west towards HI.

you could be right, meteors also have tungsten some times


are you certain a kinetic rod would spew gas and steam? it goes hundreds of feet into the ground in theory.

I read that its a good radiation shield that's why I thought it was some trash something off a space craft ect idk


dare i say?


your right, tungsten is used on re-entry vehicles.


The prophecy is almost complete

>Three branches will become one.
>An island will drift away.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
>Idols will speak and move about.
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
>The ravens will starve.
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
>The rod and the ring will strike.

Try a mile.
All a satellite does is release them. Tungsten doesnt burn up. they fall straight down to Earth, no guidance involved.
The kenetic force can drive a sharpened 20 tonne rod almost a mile deep and fractures the strata.
Yes Methane and steam would be spewing from the hole.
They tested one.
Just look up burning mountain Eagle Alaska.


now that i read about the rods from god,
>The rod and the ring will strike
would be cool if it ment a series of kinetic weapons targeting the "Ring of Fire" ending the world

Dont you understand. Michigan has the largest finnish population outside the nordic countries. Since the nordic countries are protected by the Kekkos-class anti-air field developed in the 60's in Finland they attacked the next largest finnish population. Where were you when Finno-Korean Hyperwar 2, the electric bogaloo started?

Zircon oxide Ceramic actually. Tungsten is as heavy as gold.
Ceramic dissipates the heat, tungsten would cook the crew.
Every RV has ceramic tiles.One broke off the Colombia and it burned through the hull.

i think they just tested another one, it may have been smaller. Also from what I have read it has a rocket to propel and guide it. reaching speeds of 11,000 ft per second


How come no one has gone there to have a look, you`d think one fucking guy would drive to see what it was

sorry your right,


should be easy to find.

Doubt its true

ops wrong pic kek


Ohio exerting its dominance over Michigan as per usual.

It was a Transformer. Sector 7 is keeping it top secret.