I've lived around white people all my life

And I feel like I've been treated like shut by them. They made fun of my skin color, my hair, and my facial features. They always try and push some racial stereotypes on to me, some have even said a few hateful things to me, one even physically assaulted me for standing up for myself. But all of this happened when I was younger.

Should I feel justified in hating white people?

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You absolutely should hate them/us. This is why blacks need their own nation

It's best to expect people to act a certain way, for better or worse, but allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised if they surpass those expectations.

I expect blacks to act stupid but I've met a few who are alright.

Slide Thread
KYS in all fields

A radical idea: stop living among white people. It'd be the best for all.

Move to one.

I've seen this thread before and it was one post by this ID

need to live in africa*

You were raised with a pre-conceived notion that white people not only care about your ethnicity but also hate you for it. Every time a white person didnt smile at you, didnt hold a door open for you, was rude to you, etc. it was evidence to you that they hate your race. Any time they were friendly, polite, or good to you it was either forgotten or considered an exception that proves the rule

This 100%

Nigs gonna nig.

Go back to where you are from. You are not welcome in America.

You have 50+ chromosomes why don’t you give some to your sister

Sounds like you've lived around democraps all your life.

The tough process of a virus... replicate without end.

We literally made a country for ex-slaves in your natural habitat. Just for you. No war necessary, no revolution necessary, the white man did it all for you already.

How about you just MAN-UP and stop being a bitch about people making fun of you. I have an idea, how about you stop being a faggot nigger.

> be a mexican american, parents cake here legally.
> look like an irish person, red beard blue eyes, white skin, broad shoulders and chest, easy muscle building, etc. the whole genetic lottery won
> white people treat me like I'm white.
> I fucking love white people.
> niggers treat me like I'm a white slave owner
> niggers call me white boi
> niggers would try to bully me cause I looked white even though niggers usually side with spics when against whites.
> be literally white and mexican at the same time where even mexicans think I'm white.
> spics call me white boi too
> surprised when I talk shit to them in spanish.
> mex people do a double take when I speak spanish. whites do it too.
> be in this weird gray area where sometimes I'm fucking white and sometimes I'm fucking mexican.
> be transrace

La muttado en disgusie

Go back to your homeland

You should feel justified in not wanting to live with them, as they clearly don't want to live with you.

nor really disguised. just don't look like a stereotypical mexican. family is mostly spanish descendant from the original conquistadors and irish and british with a little bit of indigenous mixed in but shit is so bleached we dont look like the typical mexican anymore.

>Should I feel justified in hating white people?
Cant you just go to your nigga ethnostates in africa?

Fuck off mutt don't you have some greasy burger to eat!!

El Ogré de diablos

t.Asshurt nigger
You're clearly not wanted where you're at, so fuck off.

I'm not even white lmao what a 56% fail

There is an entire continent full of niggers. You can experience what it is like living in a place whites dont run. If Africa is too far then move to Haiti. No one will make fun of you because of your features but expect to be assaulted not for standing up for yourself but because you might be carrying something of value. You should be grateful to white people you dont have to live under the conditions people of your own kind create.

But I've done nothing wrong but just exist.

>Some white people treated me poorly because they judged me by my skin color
>Doesn't that make my reaction of hate for that race justified?
Uh no, two wrongs don't make a right.

Niggers shouldn't exist so there you go being born was your mistake.

inbreeding is more common among blacks and europeans than southern whites

Yeah, you are violating their Oikos and find none yourself. You look, think and feel different, because you are. That's not a bad thing, but you should leave for a place where people are like yourself, because you need your own Oikos to feel like you belong where you are. Without it, you will likely end up suffering from depression and withdraw from the world.


"I r the niggest" has a challenger!

No you should hate yourself, if goyim is making fun of you it means you have flaws

Oh. Okay.

>I'm not even white

>I've lived around black people my whole life and I feel like I've been treated like shit by them. They made fun of my skin color, my hair, and my facial features.
>They always try and push some racial stereotypes on to me, some have even said a few hateful things to me, four chimps even physically assaulted me for standing up for myself. But all of this happened when I was younger.

>Should I feel justified in hating black people?

T. True story

Move to a nigger country. I moved to a white(ish) country and I don't have these problems anymore.

Have you tried not being a nigger?

No they didn't

I can tell you that they didn't because I grew up in Southern California as a white kid, went to school with mostly Hispanics and blacks.

The white kids were always cool with me as a mixed race person, the blacks and mexicans were the ones that would bully me for being a "white boy" even though I'm part Mexican myself.

Go fuck yourself lying faggot


Hey, way to push racial stereotypes on white people. You are the problem with this country.

>the blacks and mexicans were the ones that would bully me for being a "white boy" even though I'm part Mexican myself.

No they didn't.

See how you're logic works buddy?

Grow up white in black neighborhoods, and experience the same thing but with more violence.

Should I hate black people?

kill yourself nigger

Americans are pieces of shit who treat everyone like shit, you should hate american amernigger 'whites' and also yourself for being a amerinigger

You should make a protest by going to live in a shithole. That'll teach 'em.

if this were the 60s id believe you. but it isnt so stfu shill

Yes, give in to the hate. The only way you will be happy is to move to a place where there are only people like you; no white people. You need to go back to mexico or you will always be miserable.

Whites are the least racist people on planet Earth, no other race has opened their borders, their governments and their society to outsiders like whites have.

you have no argument

you are one stupid faggot.

Most of the world isn't white, so go live in a nation in Africa or Asia to improve your life. Please.


Don't get why he has to move if it was his and your ancestors who brought his ancestors here lmao

>How to end racism
>Leave the country


there's always been faggots on Sup Forums but lately a new breed of faggot is on the loose

>See how you're logic works buddy?

This. Plus
>But all of this happened when I was younger.

Kids are mean. Grow up.

Why would whites give free something they built?

All the same happened to me as a white man but done by blacks. Am I justified in hating black people?


Now you know what it's like to be white amongst non-whites.