big if true
I want YOU to call CNN and tell them that your car broke down, and when they tell you it's not newsworthy, tell them an anecdote about flowers for twenty minutes, then demand a refund and hang up.
I can't believe this is real.
Are we all living in an episode of black mirror now?
Is life real anymore?
when will it start?
5pm EST I think
so in 1½ hours?
Truly we are living in Idiocracy.
go to 23:38
Post winners.
You're going to see some shit.
maybe, maybe not... all's what I know is that this is the most entertaining show in history
I take it all back mr. bones, I want to stay on this ride forever
I cancelled netflix after watching the new season. The end of one episode showed a school play and half the boys were in dresses and make up. The ep. didnt even acknowledge it, just acted like "its normal. Nothing to see here"
Fuck those kikes
What ever one thinks about this man, he shows his unique genius every step of the way he takes.
Does anyone remember how immediately after the elections, the leftist establishment and media along side with those brain washed by them, invented the term Fake News (on Facebook and such) to shift the blame for the loss.
And this fucking madman took their weapon and shoved it so far up their ass, they now have continuous pipe from their mouth to their rectum.
Is this going to be live on YouTube at all? Anyone have a link?
>Monolithic if Authentic
>Kike producers using netflix to produce their own jerk off material
holy fuck
I'm glad Fake News took off instead of Alternative Facts.
Nice Thoth digits
I don't think there will be any awards show hosted by the president
I only have this one. 80 mins from now.
Well said. I remember a month after the election seeing 'Warning this news story has been deemed false by Snopes. Are you sure you want to continue?'
Bob Dole congressional medal of honor. Been on for awhile now. Similarities of an award broadcast.. It's happening.
Just got trips before in another thread. Today truly is a glorious day
Thank you
Is this guy the modern day Caligula, if so I see why the people liked Caligula but politicians didn't.
>Rare Flag Is Rare
It's truly unfortunate that there will not be at least an honorable mention for 'Worst (((Journalist)))
God damn the balls on this man are massive.
I am almost more impressed by Trump than I ever was by my own father. And he's pretty fuckin genius
I'm calling it.
The Fake News Awards will draw in all the Trump haters & Fake News MSM will be watching with great anticipation. Trump will begin the show by highlighting all his accomplishments of the past year for 55 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Fake News Awards.
The MSM falls for it every time.
or he will just say 6 gorillion was exagerrated
"Alternative facts"sounds like it came from a Carlin bit.
>Not a rape victim, she's an unwilling sperm recipient
Welcome friend
They wouldn't fall for it twice ... would they?
>That debate where Lemon tried to say he wasn't a liberal
Lemon's a turd who gives gays and blacks a bad name.
2 hours left?
Freaking amazing haha
Changed from 1hr to 3?
Best game in the series
jews did 9/11