why do millennials call their pets "kids"? are they mentally ill?
Why do millennials call their pets "kids"? are they mentally ill?
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Fucking faggots.
They know they wont have children and instead "adopt."
Conditioning to insure that young white people do not have actual children.
Because millennials are too busy protesting capitalism and studying for their women's study degrees to have and raise children
Speaking as 23; married, and my wife and I both agreeing we don't want kids. Yea pretty much this. We have 5 cats I shit you not, and though I've never called them my kids, i've heard my wife say that an odd few times.
>why do Millennials X
The answer is always going to be: millennial behavior is the result of decades of Jewish rot in our society.
>Jeffrey Lin
uh no sweetie, just another AMWF cucking in progress! wh*Te bois cant compete!
they can't afford kids
pets are the new kids senpai , less responsibility , more unconditional love and worst case scenario they dont last more then a decade
>colored hair
first obvious sign of a crazy bitch
>We have 5 cats
jesus fuck dude how do you live
Have some fucking kids you faggot.
They're repressing their innate desire to reproduce, so they project what they wish they had onto an animal.
They’re fucking twats?
> My wife’s cat’s son
dude toxic plasma feels awesome in your brains
It's just a term of endearment.
>Have multiple cats
>Get diseased wife
>She now has a greater chance of giving birth to homosexuals and would choose the cats over you
Wow cucked by a rat disease, not even by another human.
unfulfilled parental instincts
you think toxoplasmosis contributes to homosexuality?
i've heard risk taking behaviour - motorcycle crash victims, successful athletes, but thats all
fucking gold jerry
Enjoy your divorce when she decides she does want them.
They are doing a global good for not reproducing, overpopulation is a big problem. Why are shithole countries reproducing so quickly when they can't even feed their offspring, do they not know about contraception? Either way gen Z are doing a service by going against the narrative that you need a job and kids.
100% this.
Those are chinks
>"why people love their pets?"
the absolute state of nu/pol/
for the same reason they want universal health care
for the same reason they watch cartoons
for the same reason they love nintendo
for the same reason they love star wars and harry potter but not lotr
millenials never grew up. they don't want the responsibility of raising kids so they get pets and pretend.
Yes, nobody treated their pets like children before millennials.
This is how 8 out of 10 cuckold relationships begin.
>The intelligent not breeding are doing the world a service by opting to not breed in favour of 3rd world, medieval, brainlets
It's like the population of Sup Forums gets purged weekly and replaced by literal simpletons who know nothing about white genocide.
how about you'll take that nuflag and insert it into your neovagina.
I think you'd have to dilate today anyway.
Drug/Needle abuse, higher likelihood of casual anonmyous sex and orgies, fetishes, etc, etc... You know, things faggots are far more likely to do on average. Coincidence?
your wife is cheating on you
Found the triggered liberal.
Don't eat their shit and you'll be fine, C'haim.
I won't call my dogs my kids, but I'd love to believe I'd go John Wick if anything happened to them
I've specifically heard my granddad correct his wife and say "i'm not that dog's daddy i'm its master"
>They are doing a global good for not reproducing, overpopulation is a big problem.
You fuck, thinking like this is part of why white people don't want children... I once saw a comment about not wanting children due to overpopulation being a valid world view on a Serbian news portal and I just about wanted to shit myself...
Changing cat litter can be enough for pregnant women to be at risk of getting toxoplasmosis. So, if you're doing this day in and day out you're practically guaranteed exposure to it.
I'd post an infograph but just google the connection between the two yourself.
It may be the only legitimate 'I was born gay' resolution since they literally had a mother with the disease and gave birth to them. The link is a much higher chance of boys in particular to be homosexual but not 100%.
>are they mentally ill?
Yes and seriously deluded thinking its alright having anima as a slave puppet.
Your view is normal..
Yes, over attachment to animals is the worst, dogs are for emotionally crippled people and cats are for closet homos
its typically a woman thing and they on occassion get their provider to play along. i am positive that they are just hinting at wanting real kids. but of course these soyboys are too beta to simply impregnate her
With your cats
Massive cope is why
My childless sister calls her dog her baby and one time I just flat out said that isn't your baby and she got all hissy and acted like I was retarded.
You're the other end of the extreme. Animal abusers and people who don't like them tend to be the most inbred, violent and dumb people on the planet.
Mexicans, Arabs, Asians (excluding Nips) and Africans are living proof.
This so much. I's just a delection of the normal parenting instinct, but it's pathetic.
yeah women are retarded, news at 11
>are they mentally ill
Yes. Most of my generation is insane, especially the women. I think its to do with not having actual children by the age of 25+. Their hormones go into overdrive and they displace their maternal instincts onto animals, so as not to go postal and kill themselves. The really insane part is that almost no one acknowledges this. No one seems willing to point to this behaviour and say "hey! it isn't natural to refer to animals as your children, haven't it occurred to you that you might be feeling this way because your evolutionary wiring demands you have kids, and you can't just refuse that instinct without serious mental side effects?"
Everybody is fucking crazy right now, and they're all trying to reassure one another that everything is fine with them, while their psyches go into fucking air-acrobatics trying to keep them minimally functional throughout the abuse they gleefully heap upon themselves.
Yes, but only if the cat eats a diet that puts it at risk of being infected in the first place.
bc they replace the void in their heart (((no kids))) with pets, they lack emotional duty
Lmao nah I'd rather have all my money than have kids, peasant.