>Fake News Awards

So I guess this was all a big ol' steaming pile of bullshit, huh.

Not even a tweet.

I see bullshit, I call bullshit.

Bullshit. He fibbed to us. There are no awards.

I've been cheated. I was promised lulz. I even bought popcorn.

Other urls found in this thread:


5pm EST, it is currently 3:XXpm EST

shill harder

Personally I am not only hoping that it is a lie, I am hoping that it pans out to be the most intricate rickroll of our time.

If it's real, I'm gonna love it. If it's fake I'm gonna love it even moar

It's at 5pm eastern.

Stay tuned.

Was it fake news that he cheats on his wife and kid?

[Citation Needed]

lol, you MSM goons sure are worried about this... I've seen like a 100 threads made by you cheap whores scraping for any bit of info about it

Lurk harder and shill somewhere else faggot.

5pm EST


Where? When?

All I see or hear is some crap about Bob Dole with some FOX pundit faggot wishing for the golden days of Clinton, that cuck


how did everyone get this idea that its at 5pm?


Im gonna need a little more than that, but thank you

>I was promised lulz.
t. Normie brainlet
You aren’t intelligent enough to hide that you are an outsider who hates everyone on this board.


same time different day

>Trump announces Fakies
>Zero follow-up advertisement
>Pushes date one time
>Little to no advertisement

Either it's huge, or he's the worst entertainment mogul of all time. Zero ad's means he is confident it will be a big hit without it. Fakes are cool but not THAT cool.

>Televised arrests of high-profile criminals related to IC corruption shown on live-feed


We'll I can wait. But I better hear something soon. First it was supposed to be last week, and then today, and now the board and Twatter are starting to bubble mentions as if its soon but there hasnt been any authoritative confirmation, even media coded.

Maybe he will infinitely delay it, I don't know. But Sarah Sanders just referenced it like 20 minutes ago as if it was still on for later today.

>It's HUGE

calm down CNN you will get your award in a few hours
or are you afraid the award includes a one way ticket to gitmo

>The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!

Thank you. That stirs my confidence. I wonder some of the big voices havent promoted it. Maybe because of the first delay, and they didnt wanna get burned

I cant stand listening to fag Shepard talk to Jew Wallace and cuck Barbour on FOX.

Im just in a holding pattern listening to Savage

Keeping an eye on Jones too, off and on.

This is all you can do to shill against it? You couldn't sound more insincere if you tried.

>Bullshit. He fibbed to us.
Trump loves trolling the feeble-minded. That said, there are still a few hours remaining. Regardless of what happens we all know CNN is fake news number one.

kek, I just noticed the "5:00 o'clock"

isn't that redundant?

The fake news media is nervous & pissed that they have absolutely NO idea what's going on with the Fake News Awards.

>Was it fake news that he cheats on his wife and kid?
Which one? Obama or Biden??


Need White House official link

Maybe. I dont watch it. I used to watch MSNBC till it went to total shit, or maybe I just woke up. Anyways I assume they will be in the running with NYT

If you had your heart set on the awards then KYS. It's a funny move to watch the left explode, but I and many others couldn't give less of a fuck. We're already trained in spotting MSM spin, distortion, and lies. We don't need President Trump to put a blue ribbon on obvious pigs.

ty user

I didnt expect it to be on the official WH site, but I thought there would at least be a tweet or something, even indirectly


>Need White House official link
You are axin' fo' somptin you ain't gunna git.

damn the time didn't link, go to about 23:38


My pleasure, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I hope it lives up to the hype.

I'd settle for a 3 minute recitation, as long as it happens. It wont take long for a performer like him, He only needs a minute of sound byte to wreck the left.

Yeah he must be deranged and demented we better resist harder and proceed with invoking the 25th! Great catch!

Fuck off you ignorant cunt spreading disinfo

Theyre happening at 5pm est