Re:Zero is the best anime ever made

Re:Zero is the best anime ever made.
>best MC
>best waifus
>best story
>best suffering

Other urls found in this thread:!VNdzDYYK!nK9fNU3LeprlZSbRAnlsRg

No, it really isn't. It's kind of a weird hodgepodge mess, and the best parts of it were kind of a happy accident. Otto and Rem weren't even in the original script, and Otto was something like the 2nd most popular male character among WN readers.


There's a new summaryanon's chapter, though. Someone please post a link, mega's not working fine for me.

>That's a prideful thing to say


It really isn't. Not even close. It's pretty average, actually.

And this is coming from someone who enjoyed watching it a lot and consider it a pretty solid series.

I liked re:zero but I know this post is bait.!VNdzDYYK!nK9fNU3LeprlZSbRAnlsRg

Praise the dark lord!

>best bait
>best shitposters
Are other series even trying?

>Betty slapping Ros with the shoe
Good. Clown's better prepare for some beating

>best MC

Stopped reading right there.

That fan art really reminds me how better Ram's life would have been if Rem weren't born
>being an even more powerful prodigy and wrecking everything in her path.
>not having to take care of the incompetent crybaby that is her little sister all the time.
>no longer being a servant and having to suck clown's cock to survive.
>not having to deal with her little sister's obnoxious lover.
Hopefully the author will write an If story where Rem is never born. I would pay to read it.

Emilia at the end of the interlude made me cringe just a little tiny bit.

I knew she was mentally young and incredibly sheltered, but fuck, that's like next level naivety. Now I understand why even after the time skip Subaru is still just meme-flirting. Once you've had to explain to someone what sex is, it feels wrong to start fucking them.

>Once you've had to explain to someone what sex is
They haven't explained it.
But what would Ram have to live for without her adorable prenatal witchbeast parasite?

>prenatal witchbeast parasite?
Say what?

its not the best. its good, but not the best.

Although I actually like Re:Zero, Ican definitely say that I've seen better.

It's barely in my top 25, and that's being generous.

Oni aren't witchbeasts and can't detect the Witch's miasma, and the only beings shown to be able to smell witches are beings with a very close connection to witchy shit. Either beings directly created by the witches, like the Lewes Clones and Witchbeasts, or beings over 400 years old like Shaula, Betty, and Betelgeuse, who were personally involved in early Witch shit.

And then there's Rem.

Well Said.
Can't get much better than Evangelion though.

jw best

Okay so if Rem is actually a witch beast, doesn't it mean her kids (Rigel and Spica) would be as well? So can they smell Subaru's witch stink like their mother could because that ability seems to be inheritable. Otherwise it might just be some sort of "blessing" given to Rem.

>best waifus
The girls are objectively trash tier, I'm not gonna comment on anything else, but don't be such a newfag.

>Otherwise it might just be some sort of "blessing" given to Rem.
There was a question in a Q&A about if it was just something a small number of people are born with, which is what a blessing would be. It isn't.

whatever happened to this series? It was popular as fug back when it aired then just died. Is it getting a 2nd season? Did they ever explain whether Emilia was Satella from the future or some shit? What about all the other witches?


>Is it getting a 2nd season?
LN needs to catch up, maybe in 1 or 2 years
>Did they ever explain whether Emilia was Satella from the future or some shit?
No, we're still like halfway through the story
>What about all the other witches?
Appear in the Arc right after the anime

>infinite baby making with emilia
>when subaru and rem did it in the IF they only had 2 children because of oni fertility

I fear for the future

>best suffering

It's just a worse Higurashi

>Emilia: “But! I think that we really need to talk about the baby in my tummy!”

cant escape the elves are sluts meme

Lemme guess you use crunchy roll too?

>not having to take care of the incompetent crybaby that is her little sister all the time
But Rem takes care of Ram because she's the lazy and incompetent one.