Right to Work / Unions?

What does Sup Forums think about unions, and the right to work?

Personally I believe in the right to work in modern day, because the only union workers tend to be nurses, medical workers, government workers and teachers.

I don't think you understand what unions have provided the American worker. Collective bargaining is our right.

I work retail and I watched a bunch of union workers fuck off and so shit work during our store remodel. Over time and over budget. I'll never use union scum for anything.

lets see...
They killed the maritime industry, rail industry, manufacturing, and are dramatically increasing our taxes, health care cost, and education costs, while providing horrible outcomes.

I don't think you understand that unions accomplished all their goals back in 1920.

Since then, they've all been parasites.

Teachers Unions are the worst thing I've ever seen, worse than Kikes even.

IBEW are fucking snakes.

They destroyed Detroit.
Worker's unions are a good concept, but workers should never accept an union that is offered to them, they have to make one themselves.

Union Steelworker here. Fuck scabs.

the union movement had, and still has, strong communist links. they can fuck right off

Modern unions are a disgrace. Bargain pay is fine but now you can't fire shit workers. Everyone suffers this way.

Unions only get in the way of cheaper goods and services. They protest about their jobs being taken by machines instead of learning new skills to get a job that the machines haven't taken

Look at all these good goys


If you don't like your wages or work environment, just quit. Give your job to someone who isn't a pussy bitch.

Scabs are nothing but self-hating bootlickers and class traitors

Unions were the natural result of corporations and shit working conditions. They have no purpose today other than serving as a check against corporate power. That being said they got greedy and are fucking themselves over now.

I do cost accounting and unions are the reason we are sending our jobs to pajeet. My previous position was doing cost analysis on our union workers vs outsourcing for a very large manufacturer. I sent most of our work to pajeet and chao since union workers want fucking $75 an hour plus full benefits to rivet shit together or stare at a paint line.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes, faggots.

The politicians who made it possible to move overseas are the ones to blame.

The only thing they really overshot themselves with were pensions that weren't sustainable. My grandpa worked for GM for 30 years and didn't collect his pension. My grandmother did for over 30 years and that was part of the reason they had money problems.

When I worked in a unionized warehouse there was a noticeable divide between the guys who appreciated how good the union had made their jobs, and the guys who knew they could be useless fucks because the union would stand up for them. I remember one old guy talking about how his dad(way back in the day, 30's/40/s) and the union that represented them wanted a change room that they could use as an important concession in negotiations.

Today unions demand to much of the employer and don't demand a good enough work ethic from employees.


>Unions only get in the way of profits for Capital.

>If you don't like your wages or work environment, just quit.
and do what? Workers have just as much right to bargain for the value of their labor as the business does.
One sided contracts of adhesion are the modern equivalents of share cropping/indentured servitude.

what do Unions want anyway? I saw a protest group out side my local train station by mainly old men that openly advertised they were part of some Socialist party movement

You don't go to a grocery store and bargain for products. Develop valuable skills and the market will pay you for them.

Being this new

>Collective bargaining
Want a ride?

modern unions suck. they are horrible. a cancer on society. they ruined entire industries and now political pressure keeps them there.

let me give you an example:

a guy with an IQ south of 90 has a father in the union. they get him in the union. in this industry (stevedoring / unloading and loading container ships) you can only be labor if you're in the union. he makes nearly $200K a year and then cries and bitches the entire time.

the guy is trained repeatedly and makes mistakes. the mistakes are documented, but the worker has not caused serious damage. he is taught what he is doing wrong time and time again. he is warned of the eventual outcome.

in a stunning show of negligence, he does more than a quarter million dollars in damage in a single incident. he is warned to stop, people are waving their hands, radio calls, etc... it is something that he has been warned of multiple times before. you go to fire him.

the union spends shitloads on the guy to defend him. a court makes you take the leech back.

meanwhile, the actually GOOD union guys are paying the unions shitloads in dues. you can't fire the leeches because the union defends them, and the good guys make a much lower net pay because they're contributing to a union that takes shitloads of money from them.

this all ignores the fact that many of the popular unions encourage illegal activity (like telecom workers cutting copper and fiber optic cable) and that on the waterfront they are knowingly involved in getting no show jobs for people in organized crime (with the implied threat of physical harm if you do not comply).

fuck unions in the modern era, they are a relic of the past that taxes society for the benefit of the few privileged who happen to be able to get in them, but most of all the shitheads who contribute nothing or actively harm the businesses they work at while getting shielded.

marxism destroys everything

>a guy with an IQ south of 90 has a father in the union. they get him in the union.

Where do you get this bullshit that we're all stupid, you fucking faggot? I think you're a fucking idiot for working for no pension, paying out the ass for your benefits, and making less than us in general. Oh, that's right. You're probably (((educated))). Enjoy paying those student loans and still never having the job security that I enjoy.

If you seriously think the modern Trade unions are as corrupt as the UAW shit from the 70s you're insane. The Union aligned businesses dictate policy now not the individual workers. Most Trade Unions are lean as shit because work has dried up because of outsourcing. The days of Tyrone coming in drunk, taking an hour to get onto the shop floor before staggering around for 4 hours then leaving to go home early are long gone.

you're stupid because you have to rely on collectivisation rather than having actual marketable skills

I didn't say *every* union worker was uneducated bud. Just that education (or even reasonably average intelligence) is not an absolute prerequisite to get a very high paying union job.

This guy would get stuck sounding out words while reading a fucking USA today or Time magazine article (reading level targeted is eighth grade).

He once showed up with a shitload of cuts on his face to work. No, he hadn't gotten in a fight. He decided that mayonnaise was an acceptable substitute for shaving cream and shaved using it.

This guy gets paid nearly $200K a year, the union spends over $100K/yr when he's a massive fuckup, and he keeps his job. Meanwhile the guy who owns the business is getting bled fucking dry between the union's vendetta, wages, and shit caused by the fuckups of the few fuckups.

The union ended up killing the business (which was highly profitable for many years, and ran for over eight years at a tremendous loss) and unemployed hundreds of good workers in the process. All to defend guys like the retard.

Eat shit, commies.

Unions were a good idea originally. The individual worker having no power whatsoever was problematic, and unions were a good answer to that. But power corrupts. Now many (but not all!) unions are led by entrenched politicized members that don't have the best interests of their members or professions in mind.

Now, unions are the cause of a lot of problems and don't acknowledge it.

kill everyone in a union. period.


I'm a union millwright, you worthless leaf. I have plenty of marketable skill.

implying they don't do the same thing but just find it ineffective because of lack of strength

its like saying a nigger murderer in straight jacket is innocent bc he hasn't killed anyone

literally anyone with a bit of muscle can do ironworking you dumb mutt

americans are stupid. greedy mafia wops,kikes and porkies killed your unions along with their pathetic lackey scum like the pinkertons.

want a bullet through your chest ankike?

I support unions because it's a good way for wages to keep up with inflation. I came from a union family and I was able to have working class values and also be protected from many issues my generation went through. I was able to be protected from all these things because of unions

There are just as many worthless fucks in mid management and corporate positions as there are in rank and file. Most unions don't make you as untouchable as your Jewish masters have led you to believe.

so you got your job through nepotism

Fuck you must be retarded
Follow the money faggot

why don't you just out and admit you're a fucking commie

Hey lenin, didn't see you there. How about those kulak shekels hah


>told the fucking dumb good that I'm a millwright

>somehow, I'm the dumb one

Whoops, meant to say gook

Here in the UK, the fucking rail unions have pushed and pushed and pushed; they've lost countless work hours for the economy with their greedy fucking strikes.

There is only one solution for these particular cunts. A ... final ... solution, if you will.

It's simple. We fucking automate all the trains. Robots don't strike. Robots don't need to go to bed. Robots don't complain.
Let the AI run the fucking trains and boot every last one of these greedy striking cuntbuckets out on their ass.

Most people get their jobs through nepotism moron.

>dissembling and moving machines takes years of training and education.
your skills are worth $20 an hour at most.

>union family
spotted the problem

I literally cant get a job at the steel mill here because I am not in a union, and the union refuses to admit any members, and I don't have any family or friends in the union

it is a fucking feudal guild

kill everyone in a union. period.

inflation is caused by macro elements and the fed you retard. you don't solve macro elements by destroying or changing micro level elements to benefit yourself

only union workers

Well, my union says 41. Don't worry kid, I'm 42 so I'll be out of the workforce soon, then you can have all the non union work you want. Make sure you take Mike Rowes GOYIM pledge.

Depends on how much you're willing to pay?

they make 40 or more in america

in japan they literally make12 and hour like they deserve, cant form unions, and japan has 0, fucking 0 problems

>I literally cant get a job at the steel mill here

>kill everyone in the union

Spotted the jellyfag. What is your degree for, boy?

Blue collar and white collar laborers should be able to unionize if necessary.

Fuck off, weeb.

Some of those were superseded or outsourced because some goods made here were terrible.

fuck off back to /leftypol/

Oh well it's your family's fault for not joining a union. They were probably too busy posting about how union members made too much money and got too much benefits on Free Republic.

Did you quote the wrong post?

And yet communist countries aren't too fond of independent unions.

Depends on the context: My Granddad was in an Electrical Union for over 50 years and get nothing out of it, in contrast; I've known some teachers who have gotten extra-pay/benefits from their Unions. Depends on the country, work and union.

Most union members voted Trump.

Unions were needed at one point, but now are just bloat now that fair work rights exist.

Absolutely not.

Also; no one has the right to "Work" or the "Right" to a job. You have to earn your way through society.

I think unions go to far now. Carpenters in NJ are going to be making $50/hour in a couple years.

In some places haggling is very common.

Hillary received vast donations from Unions, from all manner of industries.

>I think unions go to far now. Carpenters in NJ are going to be making $50/hour in a couple years

If you don't employ tradesmen, it's none of your fucking business how much we're paid.

My family could afford a lifestyle people only thought possible before the 70s because of the unions. I had this lifestyle while most families had parents working 60 hour weeks and shuffling the kids into daycare all day. Then these kids had tons of student loans. They had a lack of healthcare and dental care. They were never taken many places and their parents never had time to teach them many things.

>fuck learning from other countries

you are a parasite

Yeah, we know. That's why the Taft Hartley act exists. Wish more members would use it.

Shitty teachers can't get fired because of unions. Unions block charter schools. education goes to shit. stupid people keep unions in power. they get stronger and stronger then ruin the town. *see Detroit

Except for the alcohol issues and suicide rates

the unions themselves push the dems

caucasian males in silicon valey voted for trump but san fran still needs to be nuked

Couldn't they use the Clinton Foundation as a backdoor? Such as the Saudis did.

>implying it won't be our business when your job is shipped to mexico and China because your union made hiring Americans unprofitable

its lose lose.

Unions are great in theory but become corrupt, allow workers to abuse it and be lazy.

Right to Work - Allows employers to abuse workers, if you get hurt and end up on work comp then your life is litteraly over and you are fucked. Took 2 years to see a doctor for a herniated disc, by then nothing could be done. 9 years of hell and daily pain.

Suicide soon... consolation prize is I will be free of all this shit, i just need to stop being a pussy and end it. Good luck to you all, never put anyone before yourself, stand up for yourself at your job from day one even if you are poor because they will use you up.

No one's gonna employ you retards for retard wages when they can hire shithole immigrants for 1/3 the price. Market share has already plummeted since the 70s, I'd like to see it 10 years when your unemployment extensions are all dried up nigger

unrelated to unions or collective bargaining

they have high suicide rates for college students (college students basically don't study) and females that don't seek a job too

That's due to their crazy honour culture.

Unions were a good thing in the industrial age but they have served their purpose. Now they're only a fundraising arm for the Democratic party which is happily going to cut their nuts off by importing millions of cheap laborers because muh votes.

lol... so wrong. Have u been to Japan... its really ironic when people on the internet make assumptions and tout them as fuck.

They litterally have a neet crisis, the sexes are completely divided... wonder why?

And grown men consume anime, manga, and vidya daily because they don't have families... because woman dont want to date poor men.

Cant wait to leave this place.

>I'd like to see it 10 years when your unemployment extensions are all dried up nigger
I'll be retired in 10 years, son. Don't give a fuck what happens then

How are they not still a good thing if they allowed me to live a lifestyle that people thought was only possible in previous generations? We saved money in different ways but I was protected from a lot of problems of the era. Unions are the only defense against falling wages and climbing prices. The only defense against super expensive health and dental insurance.

Wait, are you a Jap?

Well you're obviously dumb as shit if you misunderstood that badly

Plus with a union you can stay in the same workplace for decades and never get fired. You can stay in the same place for life without being betrayed.

That's about right, really. They really did have a purpose, and they did do a lot of good. But then they just kept going till they fucked it all up.

The unions can get messed up, the point is are these people only demanding something is absolutely reasonable and fair or have they gone too far with their bargaining.

For example the media here tried to paint train drivers as evil when they went on strike over the train operators expecting them to check tickets, close the doors which they never had to do before and take all this with a pay cut while they raised train ticket prices.

There wasn't enough time to do all these things properly with one person and with a bunch of paycuts they told the company to be reasonable through reasonable action.

The Media still went crazy about train strikes for days on end and how it would be the end of the world if industrial action went ahead. Most people supported the train staff despite what the bbc broadcast.

Then you get the london underground staff demanding they get an even bigger bonus for working on new years when they already get a big bonus and they would cut all trains if they did not get it. most people disliked that one but the media did not pay it much attention.

Unfortunately many unions become overtly political in such movements and drifted away from their purpose of protecting workers into channeling union fees into political parties, social movements and the houses and jobs of top members. its a shame you cannot join many unions without some of your fees going to an antifa branch or big house for a corrupt leader.

>My family could afford a lifestyle people only thought possible before the 70s because of the unions.

Which is why rich dirty fucks put cartoons like the one above to appeal to retards that expecting decent working conditions is tantamount to communism and we are idiots not to fight each other for breadcrumbs instead of being decent and civil men.

>No one's gonna employ you retards for retard wages when they can hire shithole immigrants for 1/3 the price.

you would if you weren't a middleman kike

they have the highest marriage rate of any developed country and the highest childbirth rate of any native population of any developed country

YOU are the one making stupid assumptions on the internet you faggot

>girls don't date poor men
gee, I bet only japan does this

reminder that if you're part of a union and advocate for them on Sup Forums, that's literally the definition of a shill

Mate, pension wise; both Gen Z and the Millennials have been fucked out of our pensions. All that money is going to be spent on the Boomers. We're going to get fuck all. So, instead of whining, start to save your own pensions. Lock away 5%-to-10% of your income every month and sit on it.

This. My parents that voted to kill Unions both got $60k equivalent jobs out of highschool from unions and carried on a whole career at the same places until retirement with pensions, benefits, and career growth the entire time as part of the unions they killed. They were bitter about dues in the hundreds per year.

Upon unions being destroyed, they immediately shifted everyone to min wage, then eventually outsourced everything they could. The manufacturing is gone for the clothing entirely. The other company did air conditioners and while some parts are still assembled here, most of it is Chinese.

I don't see how anyone in the US benefited by killing these unions other than boomers that went into retirement with stocks invested in the related companies that saw a higher return due to lower costs. There's no future here now. My dad kicked me out at 19 because I was doing college on a loan and he wanted me to get a job like he did. Thanks to that I had to quit school. I was stuck doing paycheck to paycheck service industry shit for min wage my entire life now. My parents never had a plan that included me and assumed I had the same opportunities they had. I've been chewed out for being afraid to get a real manufacturing job, when he was my age he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and he didn't need no college. The places he references don't exist anymore. I can't do what he did. They are even on me for not owning property. bitch I make like 250 a week. The houses are several hundred thousand. What a joke this all is.

Say what you will about fags but they tip better than anyone. I have flirted with fags because during a pride weekend an extra $100 feels like wining the lottery. I've considered just sucking dick for money, but it still woudln't give me the buying power my parents had.

Fuck the haters, it seems Unions were pretty awesome.

I would have no problem shooting union workers in the head and taking all of their belongings.

Grade A, parasites.

are you mentally handicapped?

kill unions, make outsourcing illegal

fucking solved

Take a friend.

Kill H1B visas, prioritise Highly educated European workers and put high tariffs on 2nd/3rd world goods, to make them of equivalent price or more expensive than American goods.