Brit/pol/: Fuck the BBC edition

>Carillion is not the only Zombie corporation infesting our Govt

>EU demands 2 year veto on any bi-lateral UK trade deals

>JRM: NHS austerity has to stop

>Trade bill [TTIP reincarnation] will face no parliamentary scrutiny

>Prescott rages as Northern Powerhouse remains pipe-dream

>People are waking up to parliamentary paedophilia

>Grauniad publishes "Opinion" supporting UK membership of EU army

>UkColumn News 15/1/17:

Opinium/Observer : CON 40%(+1), LAB 40%(-1), LDEM 6%(0)

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I think this would just push the government to be more draconian, more cops or funding for militarist private corporations.

the glorious revolution was largely peaceful and achieved massive meaningful change for centuries after

Good evening ladies!

[this is a safe space, keep the tripcunts in the tripcunt thread]

Didn't that also have heavy assistance from a foreign power? What power would help us?

well we're fighting the same global elite as most people are so any sympathisers would be coming from the grassroots end of the spectrum
academia has failed us and is tantamount to reinforcing the status quo so our standard revolution trend is not going to happen.
that said there is a groundswell towards community organisation and (via social networks) self-organising groups of shared issues.

it's for me, a race against time whether we (the people) can leverage these technologies to our advantage, before the govt (and tptb) use them to control us.
we're in a politico-technological arms race

Ma aint giv a fuk abo ya backgrandya.

Your fighten your piss, ma. Muslims fuk ya. Yo're gel.

>Carillion is not the only Zombie corporation infesting our Govt

im so fucking sick about hearing about (((carillion))) on the media. bail us out goyim!

Who else can we privately contract to subcontract basic tasks like cleaning and labouring? literally anyone.

take your pick g4s,serco,securitas there are plenty of these private contractor companies ripping off this country for providing extremely basic services.

meanwhile homeless people are being targeted in street adverts that they are receiving benefits and housing. Where's the fucking proof, if you spend half of what you spent on that advert on a soup kitchen and trying to get these people help then most of the problem would be gone from windsor!

the fucking state of this country due to heartless elites

kill yaself aintcha? Yo re nafin to us Jes. Ya re goyem shaite

I'm very pessimistic about that though. A real problem is that we've got no foundation for any of these demands, besides "it happened once" which can be thrown out instantly as "well, not any more you don't".

Like I said in the last thread, we're in a worse position than the Czechs because we couldn't even write our own Charter '77.

The space between heartlessness and ignorance is narrow, and the results of both are often the same.


First for Prime Minister Rowsell

g4s,serco,securitas there are plenty of these private contractor companies ripping off this country for providing extremely basic services.

corbyn raised this in pmqs today and didn't get an adequate response
it was nice to hear these companies mentioned in parliament
perhaps this is the thread that we must tug to unravel the tapestry

here's a copy of pmqs for those who missed it

I hate how much I'm starting to side with Corbyn.

why do you hate it?
judging by modern standards he's fairly middle of the road

lol youre really like girls. thanks for pointing out that Jews are powerfull. But babies. We, Russian and Jews laughing at you how you're toading under Muslims.

That entire chart is full of shit. Marxism and the far left are centrists? Get Fucked

Probably more the kind of people that would come in along with him.


au contraire my lard arsed friend.
i direct you to the website of origin for further reading. it is your political spectrum that has been skewed. ( hires here, too large for 4ch)

it's a very thought provoking graphic no?

cheers user

private contractors have been known for years in america and britain to have fixed the bidding process through corruption,nepotism and lobbying. that's a rigged competition for providing services so its no good.

Then again insisting that the government provide all the services it delivers itself is stupid and would not be cost effective.

What's bad in this example is that not only has the company involved fixed up crappy contracts with politicians but they tried to ensure that they were the only ones that could provide these services (an assertion which is clearly false but they hope people will buy it).

Then because they have the government somewhat over a barrel they asset strip the company and demand a bailout, and journalists even find evidence that the rotten politicians helped the corrupt company asset strip itself before asking for a bailout,

Unsurprising the rest of Government told them to go fuck themselves after learning of this, yet the established powers that be are getting the bbc to pump out propaganda about how everyone's lives depend on this one shitty contracting firm.

No one is buying it,not the banks,not the people of the country nor any businessman with an iq over 80 who is not getting a kickback. This bailout stinks of shit to high heaven.

Capitalist profits, socialist losses.

i've been thinking about community organised pothole filling.
i could and would take part in such a scheme. i'd love to stick it to balfour beatty and clancydowcra

i know that much worse goes on in g4s and serco's prisons, "care" centers and immigration holding pens.

i haven't seen much investigative journalism on the subject. I know ukcolumn report on it, but I really haven't seen much given how endemic this corruption is.

do you think it's too much part of daily life in westminster (like paedophilia) for anyone to bother investigating it? you'd just alienate your contracts and thus lose your career
much easier to report on tweets ay.

and BBC is complicit?
colour me surprised

The corruption in this country is shocking really. But it's so deep and far reaching that you just balk at it. Kind of "Oh, alright."