Why don't women like Trump?

Why don't women like Trump?

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I think most White women like him. The fake Jew media wants us to believe otherwise.
"Fellow White people, women hate Trump, you should hate him too!" (rubs hands)

Women are herd animals. They see how the media and braindead celebrities hate Trump, so they follow suit.

Most of them would spread their legs for The Donald within five minutes if they actually met him in person though.

They do, that pussy b drippin' when that money start droppin'

>55% of white women voted for trump

Because feelings.

how would you know?

most women dont talk

I like Trump.

Because he hurts peoples feelings and says mean things.


because women do what is in vogue, they hate him because the majority is said to hate him. And do what their professors say

Women worth a damn; women entrepreneurs, women raising families, women who are in shape all like him.

because hes a retarded manchild?

Because he grabs pussies instead of bending over and taking a strap-on

>Why don't women like Trump?

Beats me.

You can always tell a thot that is a borderline narcissistic sociopath with the amount and style of make-up they cake on.

aren't most middle American white women with family's based. They always seem terrified of jigaboos and jigaboo music fucking up their kids. Understandably.



The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

He isn't a nigger.

I wonder if she has been roached? I doubt Cenk has hit that but maybe one of his cousin I dunno

We live in the feminist age. An overwhelming number of especially the younger generation women support feminism for natural reasons. On one hand, feminism solves very real problems in their life that should be solved. On the other, it's advantageous to them because it empowers them (sometimes at the cost of men, and what is right, but the women are the beneficiaries so naturally they're fine with it). Feminism is also an extreme left movement.

Thus, what follows is:
- If you're left, you have a problem with Trump.
- If you're a feminist, you're left, so you have a problem with Trump.

This leaves only the non-aligned non-feminist, or right aligned non-feminist women. Already an overwhelming minority.

Even in that minority there are still valid reasons to not like Trump. If you dislike obnoxious power hungry men, the rich, are moderately aligned, or just plain fear for the stability of the world and / or the influence of Russia in US politics, you could still end up hating Trump.

So the number of women we're likely to have remaining is very small. The only demographic of women likely to actually support women are power hungry female leaders, who stand to benefit from him, and the older generation who are drawn to the supposed safety of powerful men because they grew up with a world like that.

All in all, it's pretty logical.

>The only demographic of women likely to actually support women
*likely to actually support Trump

Nobody likes Trump.

OP is a faggot.

> 88.8%
> All
Choose one, leaf.


>be me armenian
>did i tell you I'm white?
>hooknosed cuz armenian
>get nosejob
>im fucking better than you
>im a lefty goody 2 shoes
>support body positivity all weights are healthy
>see alex jones
>call him a fat fuck
>oh shit
>realize my boss jenk yogfuck is also a fat fuck
>its okay cuz he is a cuck and it would be sexist to call me out on my fat shaming
>be me
>be armenian
>be white
>im fucking better than you
Fuck This fucking marxist slut.
Also, america, you guys have a pretty broad definition on who's white holy shit.

>maybe she will sue him next

Women are retarded.

they do. they just hate themselves for it.

So pic unrelated? That's a man

Go back to Plebbit.

that's a man

Posters go up this Sunday (Jan 21) at night on campuses & public spaces around the world.
Until then the goal is to promote MBMC online to maximize printed posters & feet on the ground.

>Tweet out these instructions / spread them everywhere:
1. Posters go up January 21st at night on campuses & public spaces
2. Bonus points for feminism related areas
3. Don’t vandalize or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use posters from the official website:

>Copy pasta with instructions + direct PDF links for all countries:

>SPLC condemned MBMC as "hate":
>Twitter started to censor #MyBordersMyChoice after it surpassed #MyBodyMyChoice in popularity:

MBMC promoted by:
>The Golden One
>Millennial Woes
>Tara McCarthy
>LA Werewolf
>Peter Sweden
>Jack Posiobec
>Front page of r/The_Donald (7.8K upvotes, 13 Jan 2018, stickied by mods)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (5.9K upvotes, 3 Jan 2018)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (3.4K upvotes, 15 Dec 2017)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (4.4K upvotes, 9 Dec 2017)

Ignore shills & stick to the plan. Do not use their "brown hand" version of the poster, it's a sabotage attempt.

Women like whatever they're told to like. In the absence of a strong conservative male who dictates their political views, they follow whatever trends are popular among their equally clueless female peers and soyboy friends

>Why don't women like Trump?
Yes they do

Way to establish legitimacy, OP
This is a Woman.



I think women fundamentally do not understand men. Nor do they understand what is going on around them, in the slightest.

City people don't matter. I wish all cities were nuked so we could go back to simpler times.

He says "mean things"

Nevermind the fact that Obama's administration actually fomented civil wars and made some of those countries actual shitholes

she might be fuckable but ana hook-nosed kasperian is no woman

why is she so perfect, bros?