How do we clean the academia from leftists and Marxist infiltrators?

How do we clean the academia from leftists and Marxist infiltrators?
Soon enough they're gonna have the private schools too, how do we stop them?


Those are not Marxists, they're TV show characters - not cultural Marxists but cultural Americans. Get your fucking media machinery under control!

Simple, abandon academia. Academia is basically a mark of the Leftist jew lover now. Graduated after 2010? Sorry, you have to take a competency test like everyone else has to and you get the same chance of getting the job as someone without the diploma, who wasn't a retard who wasted 200k on a piece of paper worth less than toilet paper.

t. engineering degree, what a fucking expensive lesson in the uselessness of academia that was. Half the guys I work with don't have degrees but are better at their jobs because they have more experience than me. University/college is basically an IQ test combined with an ambition test. You can do that with an IQ test and a few temporary contracts to get on the job experience. Academia are S L O W in the things they teach you, in practice you learn about as much in a month as you do in a year of academia. So those 4 years and 200k debt equate to 4 months worth of on the job training, but you get paid for having a job.

College is for dumb people who are terrible at math, that's why most of them end up homeless or working for some government funded organization.

I guess he never saw an ACTUAL nazi. They're not exactly the kind of people you'd try to sucker punch.

Right wing iand conservative nfiltration. Long march!

>thumb outside your fist


By creating your own or by infiltrating ones that already exist, but aren't prestigious. It's not like there's no one available for those jobs because any academic who strays from the (((agenda))) is immediately put out of work and would snap your arm off for that opportunity.

Literally, violent physical removal

You want power over others through force, that makes you Lefties.

>thumb outside your fist
surely no one is so stupid they don't know how to make a fist?

>t. Turbo brainlet
No, just not libertarian

Enough people that he had to mention it

Not an argument.

Not a coherent response to my post

Fire. Purge the unclean

You want power over others through force AND you use name-calling while having the delusional belief that you are having a conversation. You want to hold me to standards you don't hold yourself to. You are as Left as it gets.

This apprenticeships for technical skills and independent, voluntary organizations for humanities.

Get rid of FAFSA

lel this. ive been to a skinhead bar before(i didn't know) and just being near them is dangerous.

Lmao what? Repeat your English lessons and get back to me. You have 0 reading comprehension.

>thumb outside of fist

Do they need to be told to lead punches with their feet too?

>People want to carry out acts of violence
>Dont know how to make a fist

Sporadic beatings for the most part, jail and exile into political prison island for the most serious

>thumb outside your fist

I learned this when I was 6.

You want to use violence to get others to do what you want, I point this out and you call me a turbo brainlet as a non-argument response which does nothing to clarify or change your original position, and then you claim I don't speak English when I'm clearly talking English. You are delusional, you want power over others through force and that makes you a Leftist.

>how do we get rid of leftists from academia?
does it even matter at this point?

Mandatory military service or no stafford loans and double tuition.

>you want power over others through force and that makes you a Leftist.
>again, proving himself a turbo brainlet
Babbys first time on pol? No one anywhere uses that as the definition of "left", because it's horribly inadequate for describing something that broad. Your attempt to simply it to such speaks volumes for what you are able to comprehend.

We are unironically a judeo-marxist country.

Unless people become christian we are headed for war. Dont know if it can be stopped at this point.

>wanting to stop it
Why tho

Like anything they'll push too hard. If their stupid ideologies worked on us, then most people, from western countries, wouldn't be here.

>thumb outside your first


>Half the guys I work with don't have degrees but are better at their jobs because they have more experience than me

Of course that's true in the Netherlands: continental European universities are garbage.

>when they just start randomly hitting people and yelling
time to gtfo

A bit too late for that.

Academia is an inbred sect at this point.


Liberals need to read ironic tweets from fags who read a wikihow guide in order to form a fist

I'd say they've pushed too hard already. Evergreen was indicative of that imo, a liberal arts college that went balls to the wall insane over someone stating that they disagreed with a racially charged idea. It's insidious, they'll push their ideas on you little by little and stop because of backlash, then resume when it's safe. You'd be surprised what people will accept if it's a steady change.

Unfortunately it's a very expensive treatment. Requires plenty of existing infrastructure which isn't guaranteed to work the whole way through troubled times.

I recommend lead injections. Very cheap, effective, and reliable. 5.56, Universal Healthcare, just like they requested.

>soyboy trys to punch masterrace
>masterrace annihilates soyboy
Would pay for this

Since when were the majority who had the most power, and were running the show, referred to as "infiltrators"?

Create universities that don’t encourage it. Good luck. Sjw leftist bullshit is dig into education like a tick