I’m pretty certain this guy’s gonna win. Pritzker’s one of the few Illinois Democrats that has spoken against Trump and has even promised to legalize weed. Chicagoans are pretty much going to hand it to him
Illinois Governor Election
Doesn't even matter, whoever it is will be corrupt as fuck and continue to ruin the state
how can you vote for a guy without a neck
What steps will he take to solve the state's debt problem?
He could make it a lock by offering to give every adult free malt liquor rations.
This. Rauner ended up having to his wife and becoming more or less a Democrat himself.
>one of the few Illinois Democrats that has spoken against Trump
What? They have all been against him. Fuck this shithole state. I'm out as soon as I can. Let this ship sink. Fucking liberals killed a good state and a once great city.
He's a Dem so he probably will raise taxes and then spend more. Seriously this state is beyond hope.
Oh guess what he's a Jew.
What a surprise.
>solve the state's debt
Nothing. Nothing at all.
He will add to it, and then blame Trump.
My goal is to get out in 2018. I work in residential for an architecture firm and all these clients building homes and investing in this state makes me feel terrible for them.
Just like they blamed Rauner for Illinois getting into debt earlier this year when we barely passed a "balanced" budget.
>Just like they blamed Rauner for Illinois getting into debt earlier this year when we barely passed a "balanced" budget.
Even though the Dems have had a stranglehold for nearly 40 years. Nobody learns. It's like Detroit. Dem and nigger controlled for decades but surely not their fault.
I'll do what I can to keep it red, I know it's unlikely though. On the other side of the coin, at least JB will likely win over (((Daniel Biss)))
Shit, I didn't realize they're both Jews. I think JB isn't as socialist as Biss though so that's a plus.
On a side note, I think it's hilarious when the niggers screw over the Jews in the Illinois democratic party. I remember a couple of years ago, a nigger that had a history of drugs and hookers beat the Jewish candidate who was apparently had a much cleaner past.
Who would you recommend as the Republican candidate? Rauner or the woman? From my understanding, the woman is anti-gun but there was something about Rauner that wasn't that great either. It's not coming to mind though.
The irony of all those coons in the backround. Cant wait to see the genocide of all the blacks by the merchant.
It matters to IL residents who watched democrats run out the clock without meaningful budget reform and plans to pass all kinds of ridiculous anti-gun laws. Right now IL is pretty decent. No AWB, no mag limits, shall issue CCL. That all changes with pritzker.
he plans to create a "public option" government healthcare system in IL
Rauner is basically libertal on immigration and abortion
I'm for bias because he's pledged to fight Madigan. Destroying them from the inside is the only way to take back the state.
The immigration part really sucks for Rauner but at least we can hang on to the guns with him. If I'm going to be honest, I can go either way with abortion. I'll stick it out with Rauner I guess. He has the best shot at beating the Dems anyway.
He wants to start state level public health care in Illinois when we obviously can't afford it right now. I guess we're screwed either way with the Illnois dems. I'm going to be leaving this shithole soon anyway so they can do whatever the hell they want with it.
that's where i am at too. I'll take a republican who can win who is decent on guns over the alternatives.