
Let's get this trending on Twitter anons


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Catholic Civil War has already begun!


lol no

We have had retarded and heretical Popes before.
I will NOT stop being Catholic, whether I have a Pope or not, I WILL NOT CEDE WHAT I AM. I will instead write to the Arch-Bishop, though he may be corrupt. I will complain, I will shout, I will protest.

We must fight this to the bitter end, and we must take a STAND against any support for Abortion.
God Bless you all brothers and sisters, all Christians. Whether you are Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant, may we take a stand against the secularism which has attacked us in our churches and in our homes.

This shit hurts me. Last week my wife came to me and was sad. Her exact words were "user, I think the Pope is a bad Pope".

I had to encourage her that we've had bad Popes before, and it's not a reason to lose faith.

Next time he'll honor Muslims for killing Christians


Trips confrim

Hasn't he essentially done that already?

Catholics must not stop being Catholic. We must protest this Pope instead.

You can't be a Catholic if you don't follow the Pope..

No, we're going with #NotMyPope, It's mocking the left who went with #NotMyPresident during the 2016 US elections.

>protestant detected


i always wanted to know what jesus would look like crucified on a hammer and sickle

Can anyone get me some redpills about the Pope?? he's gonna be here like tomorrow or the day after and I wanna use the attention to redpill some people

I acknowledge the Papal Seat, the purpose of the protest is not to deny that. It is to point out the wrongful behavior that the Pope has engaged in.

It'd look just like blasphemy

>being a christcuck

just stop. What exactly has Christianity done for white people as of recent besides asking them to donate to africa, sponsor african families, and praise Israel?

We have had heretical Popes in the past, we have had evil Popes. You can still be a Catholic and acknowledge that the Pope is a sinful and bad man.

This Pope bows to secularists. While he is not an apostate, he behaves in a heretical manner. Yes, he is the Pope, but he is not a very good Pope.

Definately not my pope, hes a fucking leftist subversive that was against the right wing death squads in my country in the 70s, in favor of Cristinas government reign of complete pillagement and against our current government which is trying to fix all the shit she did, F U C K H I M


"POPE PIUS IX: "If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him.""
Cited in the book "In His Name", by E. Christopher Reyes

(((right wing death squads)))

fuck off videla

everything from the dark ages to when the Atheists took over

Use both, it'll have more of an impact
#NotMyPope #NotAPopeAtAll

Fuck you too commie bastard

Well, don't follow him then. Leave the Church and come back when there's a new Pope. It's the only thing you can do to show you disagree with him.

You should study this subject more and then come back when you understand better.

We don't stop being Catholic just because the Pope is wrong.

>the irony of this

no fuck off.

niggas been saying this for years



what's ironic about it??

Suck it , for being a lame follower of dogma. Read some Nietzsche, have no idols.

>We have had retarded
>and heretical Popes before.
Never. Take Alexander VI for example. He was a wicked man that sinned gravely, engaged in corruption, nepotism and embezzlement. He probably is in Hell right now. But! One thing he never was - he never was a heretic, nor did he ever preach heresy.
Pope simply cannot be a heretic, for Pope is a part of the Church and heretics are outside of Her, not inside.
>we must take a STAND against any support for Abortion.
>Whether you are Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant, may we take a stand
>it's not a reason to lose faith

And now what you should do.
>I will instead write to the Arch-Bishop, though he may be corrupt. I will complain, I will shout, I will protest.
You may do that too, but most importantly, recognize the man for what he is. A heretic.
When you recognize his errors, spread awareness. Among your family, friends in faith, etc.
Catholic Church will never recover, if we will be so craven to admit that we don't have a valid Pope. Truly the Church is in eclipse and no amount of wishful thinking will change it.
But that being said, worry not for the Church. It existed, endured a similar problem before (with Arianism), it exists and it will continue to do so, until the end of time. Francis is not gonna take anything from Church. The Magisterium, Holy Scripture, they remain.
Stead, worry for those lost in heresies, including these preached by "pope".

You've got to be kidding me.

That award was presented to a group of visiting dignitaries she just happened to be a part of as a meaningless honorific, a sort of "Thanks for coming." The only reason this story is around is because she's trying to undermine the Pope with this disinformation campaign and the baby-killing media won't exactly stop her.

Fuck off and go make up a reason why you're the only one going to heaven for nailing your daughter like the rest of the Protty swine.

Agreed, it makes most sense.



I'm sorry, that is wrong and is a result of Papalism, which is a wrongful statement that the Pope can never be heretical.

The first Pope to commit heresy was Pope Liberius. Who did not fight the Arian heresy, and wrongfully ex-communiated St Athanasius.

See this video if you're interested, Fr Gregory Hesse (who was a secretary to a Cardinal) explains this very well.


*tips fedora*

Those who stay in the true Faith are not leaving Church.
It's those who engage in schism and heresies are the ones leaving.

But apostates he is right

The medal is not related to her abortionist practices. Sins stay. So why are you complaining?

Have common sense. To approve of such a woman, or to give her any award is to justify everything she does and encourages all of her degeneracy.

If you don't know that you're either a newfag or an idiot and you should leave.

pity you couldnt spot that you saved a thumbnail, unless saving 3kb images is necessary on your plan...

Because as part of a state visit he honors a heathen with church resources, evidently not understanding the difference between the Vatican state and the Church

Fuck off Serb

He did so only out of fear and under pressure, not from his conviction.
Just like st. Peter, under pressure denounced Jesus and later he abstained from eating with Gentiles (Galatians 2,11-14), despite holding true Faith.
One can hold the true Faith and not have the works. This is exactly the matter with Liberius.

Pope Francis is a leftist pussy, and probably a satanist too!

I give little pics for people of little faith.
(But yeah I fucked up).

He did so out of fear and under pressure, and in doing so was in material heresy.

So you see, Pope Francis is not the first heretical Pope.

I will not because it's fun watching your joke off a church crumble down at last.

Orthodox here, can't participate.
Godspeed, anons.

then why the fuck post in a catholic thread you fucking heretic

>material heresy
He was aware of the contradiction, but proclaimed it such anyways, because he viewed that the favor of secular emperor was more important to the survival of the Church than the favor of God.
Doing so he showed weakness of his character, but since he only did so under pressure, and not out of his conviction, he had the true Faith. Just not acted accordingly.

>T. Cuckotholic

Mohammed was right about Christianity being corrupted. Look at your shitshow.

fuck this retard, fuck him.
That's it flip church should secede.

>He was aware of the contradiction, but proclaimed it such anyways

You can say it wasn't heresy, but to go against Church doctrine in favor of that which is false, is heresy.

>what is Sunni - Shia divide?

And for what? To be replaced by Islam? I would say use your brain, but you mutts never seemed to be much good at that.

Paul IV in Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio
>6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
>(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless

You cunts getting replaced by Islam is not my concern nor to any other Orthodox nation,since your church was never really Christian to begin with.

Don't forget the Ahmadiyya

Is every sinner a heretic? By committing a sin one goes against the Church doctrine, but as long as he correctly views doctrine, he does not commit heresy.
Circumstances surrounding act of Liberius make it seem like he was aware of the heresy, just didn't care enough about it.

It does not work that way my dear christcuck. The Pope is the holy head and the leader of the entire Catholic faith, so by denying the Pope you are denying your faith as well. Furthermore you guys even have a dogma that says that everything the Pope does is right and protected from mistakes because Jesus himself guides the Pope. Seems like Jesus does not really object abortions after all :^)

literally the worst Abrahamic religion
inbred motherfuckers, can't even fly at night lmao

Your Ottoman cousins won't forget you

Right, this is nitty gritty details, and you're talking about willful Manifest Heresy which is rather specific.
Either way, we've had multiple Popes do heretical things, such as having secret wives, and illegitimate children.

They better not,all the little Jannisaries that genocided Catholics that we sent them was not for nothing.

And the Battle off Nicopolis where the Crusaders got btfod by the Serbian knights

>mocks one his most important prophets
Funny when a mudshit tells me I'm practicing my faith wrong

>(iv) to any so promoted to be Bishops, or Archbishops, or Patriarchs, or Primates or elevated as Cardinals, or as Roman Pontiff, no authority shall have been granted, nor shall it be considered to have been so granted either in the spiritual or the temporal domain;
>(v) each and all of their words, deeds, actions and enactments, howsoever made, and anything whatsoever to which these may give rise, shall be without force and shall grant no stability whatsoever nor any right to anyone;
>(vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and power.
Based Paul

Says the mutt trash who's ancestors came over because they could not make it in the old world.

Not an official church doctrine, just an offhand non binding, fallible comment in a personal book

Not supporting the Vicar of Christ is open rebellion against The Trinity and the representative of Catholicism in general, literally akin to Protestantism

>such as having secret wives, and illegitimate children
You seem to confuse heresy with immorality. Though heresy leads to immorality and sin all the time, those two aren't synonymous.
Faith can be without works and, frankly, while one needs works for salvation, to be a part of the Church only profession of faith is required.
Faith = Knowledge and belief in Church teaching
Works = Acting accordingly with Church teaching

I wouldn't have it any other way. Best country in the world. Have we bombed you yet?

I'm not a Christian and this shit is why.

I know you wouldn't, because you are trash that wouldn't survive in any other environment.

Don't worry, your welfare system will eat you alive... And all you will be left with is your shit 1% genes.

Pope John Paul II once said "Indeed, the extent and depth of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council call for a renewed commitment to deeper study in order to reveal clearly the Council's continuity with Tradition, especially in points of doctrine which, perhaps because they are new, have not yet been well understood by some sections of the Church."

As a Private theologian, the Pope can have heretical views. What John Paul II said here was incorrect and heretical because there is no such thing as a new point of doctrine, ever.

The terminology here is not correct, these men are actually false Pope's (heretics) antipope is one who is not a heretics but his election to the Papacy is illicit (not valid)

>I'm not a Catholic and this shit is why.

Righto Mr Poland


I mock Jesus, not Isa ibn Mariam. Notice how our prophets do not lead living people to make sins and heresy. If a man's heretic, he is the only one to blame, not Isa. Whereas your Pope, your holy father, kisses nigger's feet and due to the pope infallibility it is Jesus to blame. Admit it, christianity badly needs a reform, to get uncucked and fix wrong laws such as this infallibility. Islam probably needs reformation too, but for other reasons.

Exactly :)

>pope declares being a faggot not a sin
>pope kiss nigger feets
>omg this pope so cool im ateist but i like him
>pope visit some old dude who agaist abortion
>omg what bigot naziiiiiiii #NotMyPope

>casual racism
>but muh one ummah
Fucking retarded dune dindu. No one here denies that the Catholic Church needs reforming, it starts with having a none cucked Pope


There is a XVI centurys prophecy with a list of popes. The last one on the list seems to be Francis. Here's what it says: "The prophecies conclude with a pope identified as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will allegedly precede the destruction of the city of Rome".
Just read it, all the clues are there

Start by not having a pope at all.

mohamed was a vicious pedophile pervert who is now burning in hell achmed

Oof, sounds like someone lost his whole family at a wedding he wasn't invited to because he uses a shitty memeflag and has no pride in his country.

Fucking shitposter

I wonder if there is some crypto Jew hand shake involved in this meeting eh?


Francis is not the true Pope, he is a pretender. Benedict XVI will continue to be the true head of the church until his death.

Did anyone read the article in here?

>"The Vatican press office has confirmed that the honor was indeed awarded to Lilianne Ploumen, but insists that it was not meant to signal approval of her pro-abortion activities."
>"“The honor of the Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great received by Mrs. Lilianne Ploumen, former Minister of Development, in June 2017 during the visit of the Dutch Royals to the Holy Father, responds to the diplomatic practice of the exchange of honors between delegations on the occasion of official visits by Heads of State or Government in the Vatican,”"

>"For his part, Pope Francis has been an outspoken critic of abortion, calling it a “very grave sin” and a “horrendous crime."

To this date Pope Francis has stood true to Catholic beliefs. Though he's not as conservative as I'd like him to be, he is still doing fine.

Stop fucking believing every headline you read you fucking schmucks.

No he isn't you fucking cuck. He's welcoming the death of Europe with open arms.

So because the "current Pope" is wrong I should abandon the true doctrine in favor of heresy? #protlogic

Hey fuckface achmed, read the thread, the last 6 men have been heretics (false Pope's, therefore we own no allegiance or obedience, the True Church if Christ is in eclipse, we thought we'd give you worthless fucks a chance to fuck up the entire world and then we're coming back with a bloody vengeance to extirminate you rotten rats


Y'all need another Reformation

Stop fucking larping faggot.

If you think about it he's doing the Christian thing, wanting to help refugees isn't a fucking bad thing. Christ loves them, and therefore we should love them.

I do not believe its the best means of helping them, but it is the Christian thing to do. To help them, even if misguided in the means to do so.

>tl;dr: helping people is a Christian thing to do. Not just helping whites you shitter.

Oh, the honor that he gave an abortion activist wasn't supposed to honor her? Guess what, fuckstick. You give someone an honor, it means you recognize them as something more than a filthy baby-killing monster. I don't give a single shit about intent, the Catholic Church gave this woman AN HONOR. It MEANS something, even if they say it doesn't.