Psychopathy Test

What is your psychopathy score Sup Forums
>your score
>your political position (left vs right, Authoritarian vs Libertarian, political ideology)
Right wing Libertarian, Minarchist.


Other urls found in this thread:

hitler's score 69% lol

Damn based.

far right libertarian

This test is gay. Litterally to vague. Better luck next time.

I got 85, but I am verifiably not a psychopath. I don't have political opinions, I think all politics is people lying for power

its short tho

Anything I can abuse.
Try also this one
I get 53 on there, but only 18 at sociopath test. I also get high score on narcissism, borderline and schizotypal. I am not a real psycho, but I have understood that there are only winners and losers in this world.

I've gotten a nice result :DDD

How is his Fearlessness so low?
He fucking warred against the Allies.... After being in a war with the Allies...
fucking b a s e d.

That's a boring as shit data mine

>tfw 33%
You people are heartless monsters.

To be fair this test thinks thrillseeking is a psychopathic tendency.

45% accounting for the adrenaline rush.
21% leaving out the fast car habit.

average score for males is 52%
females 43%

>Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally aren’t afraid to do your own dirty work! You’re no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another person’s perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. ‘Everything in moderation – including moderation’ might sum up your approach to life.

I think unpleasant things need to get done, and I think it's every man for himself. I also think you should try to help your friends, family and community when possible and tend to be very empathetic. It's just I can ignore that empathy when I feel it's necessary.

Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally aren’t afraid to do your own dirty work! You’re no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another person’s perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. ‘Everything in moderation – including moderation’ might sum up your approach to life.

>avg score is 52%
guess I'm a normie

Jews push the narrative that if you're racist you must just be afraid of everyone non-white

39%, guess I'm a normie?

>Hey Sup Forums test your IQ
>Hey Sup Forums get a DNA test
>Hey Sup Forums take a personality test
>Hey Sup Forums take a psychopathy test

Fuck you data mining cock sucker

If you do psychopath test you will understand that psychopath means anarchism, but you can look on our society, as it already is anarchism and just needs to be manipulated on...

>Living in a country which spies on you.
Hahahahaahah, own fault nigger.

yea I am an autistic nerd obsessed with statistics...

I bet those kids in high school wouldn't have picked on you if they knew how high you got on the online psychopath test huh? Losers

I could beat you in a fight. Guaranteed.

If you aren't afraid, you're an idiot.

true psychopaths don't fight

they rig up your breaker box to start a fire and burn you to death in your sleep
Take this test please and also sociopath test.

>you always trust your gut feeling
I dont think any reasonable human would do that


>11 question meme quiz is accurate data mining
take your meds user

Im basically a paleocon

im 39% guys is that bad. am i a good goy

>true psychopaths don't fight
exactly they come up with an advanced plan to fuck (or kill) you and everyone you know

National Socialist

This test is too short and simple to get accurate results.

Psychopaths kill secretly if they have sadistic disorder (I think). Most psychopaths are not killers but most killers are psychopaths. this is the disorder found in serial killers I guess.

>Psychopathy Test
Edgy test* FTFY

Who is the edgiest cunt ITT and why is it me? I don't even have to do the bloody test to know i'm edgy

Of course.

Expected something along those lines.
The test is way too short to be reliable, though.

Fear is the problem, people need to stop the fear and pick up anger.

also i got a 34 on

hello FBI, you need a more subtle honeypot next time.

fuck you bitches i scored an 85

> I scored 27% in the @channel4 psychopathic traits test. How psychopathic are you? Take the test #psychopathnight

Apparently this alt-righter is a Nice Guy.


Doubt it's FBI, this was clearly created by an underage

100% anyone?

No honest Jew has reported in this thread yet.

I got 24% and I'm a grill.

you cunts aren't even trying
(I didn't get a perfect score because I don't like animals suffering)

seems kind of kike-y


Is this a test which infers results from your decisions and answers or is it the usual
>you see a person when you are walking down the street. Do you: -
>A walk on by, shit to do
>B start up a conversation, they seem nice
>C plot their death. their beautiful horrible death. i will wear their shredded skin like a suit when i marry my fridge. the toaster will be best man.

Sounds about right

Oh and capitalist fascism

Doesn't ask enough questions, asks questions incorrectly, does not differentiate between primary and secondary psychopathy. Fringe science.

Psychopathy isn't real. Anyone can become normal again.

National minarchism

its shortest and best i could find


Right wing
National Populism



>Social Democrat
Ayy lmao

I am 67. Xd