Daily reminder that all forms of christianity and the other religions of Abraham are of Jewish origin...

Daily reminder that all forms of christianity and the other religions of Abraham are of Jewish origin, and unless you're a shitskin if you subscribe to any of them you are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

Why do you worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests.

Whatever reasons you come up with to justify this, it is nothing more than mental gymnastics. In your heart you know those reasons are a lie.

Other urls found in this thread:


judaism itself is a ripoff of babylonian/egyptian/iranic concepts, it's younger than you think.

Plus Christianity is anti-Jew . It may have been from Jews but it was and forever will be against them. They killed our savior only to be used to show how demonic they are. The New Testament is God's warning for us.

This is a lie. Christianity teaches meekness and weakness, while the Jew only regard the old testament as gospel. They keep the warrior god for themselves, and push the weakness onto the rest.

Perhaps modern evangelicals but Luther never preached it. After finding that the Jews couldn't and wouldn't convert, he awoke to their true intentions. America is the only place that has religious sentiment for Jews. Fuck the American zionists in our churches

Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

while Luther was indeed the best Christ has to offer this dude is right

And what do you worship autism?


I "worship" nothing. I am proud of my linage. I admire and respect my heritage and culture. I entertain the pleasant thought that my ancestors might linger on in some fashion, watching my deeds, proud of my resolve to do good works and ensure the future of my people, however unlikely this may be.

Worship. What a funny word. I do not HATE christians. I recognize some people truly need to be subservient to a "higher power" in order to live their lives, with the fear of eternal torture or promise of eternal bliss to keep them in line. But not me. I will not prostrate myself to a foreign god.

What I have is more akin to reverence. A deep respect and appreciation for who and what I am, and the effort of those who worked and suffered before me to give me what I am today. I will not let that go to waste, and I will not disrespect their sacrifices by "worshiping" a god from a foreign part of the world that was thought up by creatures I share nothing in common with.

Does that answer your question?

My question to you is this: Why do you feel like you have to "worship" anything? Is your own heritage, resolve, and willpower not enough?

Chritianity is actually has very heavy influences of platonic philosophy....

First it deconstructs judiasm. Then it applies the golden mean. Christ is the magnanimous man figure.



Why won't you answer my question?

Premise of this thread and all other threads like it: the word "Jew" is used because it makes you think of modern Jews and the same word happens to describe dozens of different religious sects that existed before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

Reminder that if you believe in democracy you are following a greek system and here is a photo of modern greeks, therefore you should be ashamed, etc.

Greeks were WHITE. I have far more in common with them.




Christianity was formed by a bunch of reform Jews and spread to the goyim a few hundred years later.

Also, modern Jews are just as categorically disliked as the nomadic ancient ones.

Ancient Greeks, however, were the pinnacle of civilization during their age.

Even comparing the two races during their respective times is foolish, as Jews did not even have their own nation until recently. Of course, modern Greece has succumbed to the crippling manipulations of the world banks... which are ran by Jews. Probably just a coincidence though.

Non of this is to say that my heritage has anything to do with the Greek. But I prefer them over shitskins.

>if you subscribe to any of them you are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

My ancestors immigrated from Russia to Lebanon and were being hunted down for being Christians; so they moved to America. I only found out years after becoming Christian. The Holy Ghost is part of my family heritage. We are gentiles not Jew tribe.

>Christianity teaches meekness and weakness
Meek in our tongue had different meaning(s) in the original Greek. It could mean Holy or humble, but most likely has this definition: "a calm temper of mind, not easily provoked"; depends on how you interpret it.

Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.


Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

Mental Gymnastics.

I guess the bot can’t read pics, Kek.

Nice try, kike, but you'll never succeed. Christians will remain Christians and you will hang sooner or later. Sage and hide.

My belief is that the faith comes from Heaven, not some tribe of people. The Jews were a certain tribe that heard the Old Testament and refused the new, so it was decided that us people of nations would be the benefactors of the word. God makes the word not the Jews, and Jesus was killed for teaching this.

>Meekness and weakness
KJV was a mistake. Christians/theologians should at least be familiar with the Greek. I cab only assume you refer to “the meek shall inherit the Earth”, in which case I would say that the specific Greek word used there is also close to humility and means “strength under control” (comes from the Greek equivalent of domesticated animal, but is also applied to humans if I remember correctly). Faggot.

Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

You cannot argue this.

>I "worship" nothing.
You could have saved us both a lot of time by just saying autism user.

>Greeks were WHITE. I have far more in common with them.

sure and southern italians are romans

"Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors."

There's a reason why you all are so upset by this.

Because people hate being wrong, even when they know they are.

Why cling to a lie? Why not take the next step and REJECT the false and foreign god?

I believe anything you say is definitely against my best interests. Spare us the effort and hang yourself, kike.

>modern Jews are just as categorically disliked as the nomadic ancient ones

Jews were not universally disliked. There were ancient Romans who admired the Jews' discipline and whole schools of Romans who worshiped the god of the Jews (The God-fearers)... not only that but many ancient Romans sided with the Jews against Christians

>You cannot argue this.

We're trying user...

Go away Varg larper

>Traitor to your heritage and ancestors
Sorry I don’t worship your cock-gobbling god LARPagan, but repeating thinly veiled ad hominem with no other argument won’t change my mind.

You resort to childish name calling. This is a token of defeat on your part, as it is in any debate where one has lost their argument.

Jews are the most hated peoples in written history. They claim this themselves. Would you argue their point?

No, you're giving reasons why you think your faith is justified. It does not change this fact:
Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

I suspect he is more committed to his beliefs than you are.

>by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions,
That's impossible as my ancestors were Christian user.
Get it together.

He's a shill like most of the LARPagans on this board. I have no problem with people who genuinely believe in Odinism or whatever but the ones who do it just to piss off Christians are retarded and are toxic to any pro-white movement.


So your ancestors are from the middle east?

>Jews are the most hated peoples in written history.

History didn't start in the middle ages so no

No my ancestors are from the Roman Empire, which the "middle East" was a part of when Christianity was born.

>You resort to childish name calling. This is a token of defeat on your part, as it is in any debate where one has lost their argument.
What debate? You lost before you even started.
>nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests
I cannot even begin to describe how wrong you are. But what can you expect of US of A, the prime exporter of degeneracy in the world?
As usual, sage and hide.

How far back do you have to go to find Pagan “ancestors” again? Oh, but I’m sure only they count, and everyone after that has been a “christcuck” amiright? HAIL COCK-GOBBLER!!!!!

>No, you're giving reasons why you think your faith is justified. It does not change this fact:
>Nothing you say changes these facts:
>You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors

Sometimes it's amusing to poke the bear

I agree that Christians should only study the original Greek. Except, don't you think God would have made sure that his word was incorruptible and kept in the original language? The KJV is full of mistranlations and yet God does nothing to correct it.

Odinism is not my religion.

I find it interesting that the majority of Sup Forums will rail against the Jewish conspiracy tooth and nail, but if you go anywhere near their false foreign god you flip out.

This is apparently a common reaction when people have the lies they love exposed.

Like I said before, I don't hate the christian, but why does your middle eastern religion get a pass when the Jews themselves don't?

Hint: brainwashing

Clearly you don't understand the reasoning behind the Jewish conspiracy.

So basically, the jews give us all the reason to live, if your picture is to be believed.

Thanks jews!

I understand this. It's amazing that they claim to have taken the "redpill" but put limits on what they are willing to believe and reject, even after seeing through part of the lie.

Oh, but I most definitely do. Maybe you're friends with who is a disgusting degenerate?

>who is a disgusting degenerate

>Except, don't you think God would have made sure that his word was incorruptible and kept in the original language?
That would imply that there is an incorruptible original language. Last I checked the only original and incorruptible language in the Bible was the pre-Babel tongue which humans can no longer speak. So that rules that out doesn't it? Sort of defeats the whole Divine punishment angle of humans speaking multiple languages, if you're going to just let all humans speak it again. Might as well just let everyone back into the Garden of Eden while He's at it.

>Odinism is not my religion.
>why does your middle eastern religion get a pass when the Jews themselves don't?

Almost sounds, sympathetic

I'm afraid so. Sorry about your condition, I hope it improves.

More mental gymnastics.

For christians, yes, I agree. But then again, most of them openly love Jews.

You most definitely don't as you seem to think our anti-Semitism comes from some sort of magical elemental quality that Jews possess, rather than from what the Jews themselves do.

Pagans have absolutely zero attraction. You're almost the exact same as fat, fedora atheists. And slightly less annoying with the projection of false superiority over Abrahamism. Christianity is the strongest religion to ever exist.

>Mental gymnastics
Appeal to ridicule is not a valid form of argument.

Exactly. If there was something God really really wanted us to know he would have made it fucking obvious. The only way you can be a Christian is to either believe in a God that is not all-powerful, doesn't give a shit about you, or is an illogical being.

False. Their actions make them hated, this is obviously.

Pagan is not my religion.

Ridicule is not a valid form of argument.

Anyway, I understand why you're all upset. But it changes nothing.
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

>False. Their actions make them hated,
So then what actions give you cause to hate Jesus exactly user?
Flogging the money-lenders?
Healing the sick?
Feeding the multitudes?

>Ridicule is not a valid form of argument.
Yes that's my point. Simply saying "mental gymnastics" is not a valid rebuttal to a statement, you have to actually point out how the statement is wrong.

I also find it interesting that you would rather attack a person such as myself for pointing out the obvious, rather than consider that your own personal beliefs might be misguided.

Because while what you believe on faith definitely has no tangible real world evidence, I myself am real. I am white, I am proud of my people. I am proud of our accomplishments. I stand with you against oppression and multiculturalism and a new world order. I am successful, rational, and unbowed by worship of any gods.

And most importantly, I would rather lay down my own life to protect those people and values we hold dear. This most likely means you, too. It's not lip service either... I put myself in harms way in our military for 20 years for my brothers, and only began to wake up to the lies of this world halfway through my service.

I am your brother. I support our future, our cause. I am real, and there are many like me. Why do you reject your brother in favor of a foreign god?

>Jews are the most hated peoples in written history.
We're the victim goyum. Remember the 60000000000000000000000000000

>Because while what you believe on faith definitely has no tangible real world evidence, I myself am real. I am white, I am proud of my people

There is literally no real world evidence that you are white or consider whites to be your people.

Tribe of DN (Dan, or Den, or Snakes) are the Hyksos Order of the Dragon, they've been hiding in plain sight all along and are responsible for bringing monotheism to Egypt and infecting Akhenaten with a new ideology to eliminate the priest class and replace them with Hyksos.
Shit gets weird after the Hyksos copied the emerald tablets and they get kicked out for demon worship, but most notability have an army and were never the slaves of Egyptians.
Foreign labor taking over the industry and crashing the economy, sounds familiar.


Is this good enough for your?

Or maybe:


I suspect not. Hate your borther, but love thy foreigners god. If it suits you.

I will not hate you. I will protect our people and their interests, including you. But hate me if you must for daring to point out the obvious.

I know the hand of the Jew when I see it.

Looks shopped

>Plus Christianity is anti-Jew
Fuck off retard.

Christianity is anti-Jew by definition as it fundamentally undermines the validity of Judaism. From a Christian perspective, Judaism is a religion whose entire foundation is the rejection of God.

You are lost to reason. Lost to possibilities beyond what you WANT to believe. If there ever is a "day of the rope" or civil war, you will be the death of many of our people, even as they try and save you.

Yes, arguing on the internet is a futile effort to begin with, only to be engaged with the smallest of expectations to begin with, but you hate your brother and fight for the wrong cause. You fight against me so hard because you're fighting your own shame.

I will not hate you or any of my people. If you won't fight for right I will fight even harder for it in your place.

History of Hyksos
Also research Dagon worship and the Order of Dragons, having trouble finding the links

The reality is, "the Jews" are not a unified group acting as one. That way of talking comes from the middle ages, when they were. But that talk is LARPy today.

Christianity is why all the white people believe the lie that jews were chosen by god.

Judaism is the chosen religion

Christianity itself is subconcious jew worship. Jews don't give a shit if you trash Judaism. Jews just want you to be a stupid goy they can sell stuff to and manipulate, which under Christianity's mold you fit the mold completely.

*which under Christianity you fit the mold completely

Not sure what happened there.

>not a unified group acting as one
falsehood of the highest order
Nepotism is the backbone and Loxism is the term given to it

Whether they are or not, they act in their own best interests, as they have openly claimed themselves. If there were an order of Elders, you would be the last person to know of it in any case, or the rest of us for that matter.

This is lost on them.

This is a lie.

You left out the porn industry is run by jews

How does citing a principle prove the actual fact in reality that all Jews are someone unified into a unit that is acting as one? It's an absolute stupid crutch to avoid real thinking about things, which are much more difficult than that.

What does "chosen by God" mean?
Near as I can tell Jews objectively WERE chosen by God multiple times in the Bible to be punished for theis sins.

Have you always been a prick, or did you work at it.

worships a solo kike on a stick w at most a history w whores, calls other faggots. kys kike-cuck.

You're a fucking shill/bot. End yourself, you fucking suck.

can't deal with worshipping a kike on a cross, written by 12 kikes, justified by the kike torah. kys kike-cuck.

Absolute fake shit. Give up.

I do think the NT can teach some good values but the OT needs to be expunged and as for the NT it needs to edit out all of the cuck shit.

>Near as I can tell Jews objectively WERE chosen by God multiple times

This is why Christianity is bad right here. It makes white people think that jews were actually chosen by god, and were not just deluding themselves. Our ancestors were smarter than this. If you went back to ancient rome or greece, and asked them if jews were gods chosen people, they would tell you no. Because they werent brainwashed to believe the chosen myth.

Before Christianity, whites had no problem killing or expelling jews. After Christianity, they let them stay in their countries and lend money because they didn't want to harm and sin against "gods chosen." Christianity is just a jewish trick whose principal purpose is to get whites to believe the chosen myth.

so, you're a hebrew kike?

>It makes white people think that jews were actually chosen by god, and were not just deluding themselves. Our ancestors were smarter than this. If you went back to ancient rome or greece, and asked them if jews were gods chosen people, they would tell you no. Because they werent brainwashed to believe the chosen myth.

Way to completely miss the point of what I said.

Proof is in the history, so the ideology coupled with the mindset it creates seems to work.
The Judaic Talmud is a great example of 25% law and 75% circumventing those laws, that came from the Code of Hammurabi which existed a thousand years before Rome was founded. So yes, it's a collective ideology that has a pernicious attitude toward anyone not part of the cadre

kiked in the head. eat a bullet.

What kind of pagan prayers and rituals does Sup Forums do? I'm interested in praying during my weekend fast.

Hebrew kikes aren't Christian by definition user.
Even the word kike is reflection of the Jewish rejection of Jesus Christ.


don't really care about the semantics of kike worship, i'm not interested. enjoy that abrahamic kike cock.

>nothing in common with your culture, heritage, or traditions
My ancestors were Catholic, and they have been for hundreds of years. Why should I follow a religion they held when they were uncivilized savages? Why should I reject religion when its literally part of my culture and heritage?
>goes against your best interests
So following a strong moral code while also yearning for happiness and peace is wrong, but some autistic libertardian on a chinese cartoon image board knows whats good for me?

There is and has been plenty of Christians who were against the Jews. The only Christians who love Jews are American protestant cucks.
And the Bible can be interpreted in many ways, and usually not literally. When it says to be meek, it doesnt mean "be a push-over pussy", it means to fucking be humble.

Well have fun with that I guess.