Pittbulls are NOT pets

Reminder that Pitbulls are NOT PETS! Pittbulls should be outlawed and put down. Any pitbull owners should get fined 10,000+ when their dog attacks and jail time. Pitt bulls were bred to kill and are wild animals.

> b-bbut its the owners fault!

It is the pitbulls natural instinct to kill and no matter how much bullshit 'training' you do to it, it will ALWAYS want the taste of blood.

> muh protection

If you want protection get a gun. Pitbulls are more likely to attack you than you are to need its help.

Pitbulls have killed children, women, pets (that are safe), and are a danger to our society.

Other urls found in this thread:


My pitbull is probably better trained than your gf is by tyrone.


pitbulls are niggers pets.

If I had a Pitbull I'd name it Brad.

ive had pits all my life. never had any issues- it literally comes down to the owner. They do not 'crave blood' you fucking autist. I would wrestle with them and he would wrestle with my other smaller dogs and ziltch. You probably never. spent more than a day around one. The main reason they suck is because they attract niggers as owners.

I hope it eats your children. And is named Brad.

>not accepting the fact that there are behavioral differences between dog breeds
How are you ever going to become red pilled on race?

Cool story.

Rich white neighborhood, im running as I do everyday, I see obese lady walking a huge pitbull. As i run past pitbull darts at me, knocking over the fat slob. I had get hundreds of stitches and some surgerys. I am a 6'3 200 pound male.

> Fat pig said that the dog was trained and hadn't attacked anyone before.

>I had dog put down.

I’ve had 4 pit bulls through out my life. All four were around children adults and the elderly. Never had a problem though

Pitbulls are fucking disgusting garbage. You'll be mauled one way or another so good luck.

not politics
(but they dont want you there, either)
get it together, mods

Legally banning ownership of aggressive dogs isnt politics?
Please look up definition of politics.

I'd euthanize every Pit I could get my hands on if I had the chance. They are unpredictably dangerous and retarded animals bred to kill. Anyone owning one should be kicked in the nuts and imprisoned for at least 8 years for owning an outlawed weapon.


swiggity swag you're a massive fag



>I had get hundreds of stitches and some surgerys. I am a 6'3 200 pound male.
And you got beat up by one dog? What the fuck is the matter with you? Did you just stand there and let it bite you?

t. white trash rednecks
Pit bulls are all cuddly until they get outside and maul a little kid to death. But no he dindu nuffin he wuz a good boy he went for walks all day n shieet

This meme is old.

>1970's: Shepherds evil !!!
>1980's: Dobermans evil !!!
>1990's: Rotweilers evil !!!

There are few dogs as perfect as a pitbull: loyal, gentle, protective but not violent. Can you make a monster out of one? You bet.

>muh statistics

Meaningless. Everything with even a hint of the breed is considered a "pit bull". Your numbers have no meaning, you might as well condemn all dogs.




Based OP.

People who like Pitbulls
> niggers
> wiggers
> nigger appeasers



You can't deny the nature of a purebreed American Pitbull Terrier. It is breed to fight and maim other dogs, and it does that like no other dogbreed in the world.

regardless of how you feel, the fines and crimes for your property damaging something or someone else should be much higher.
Some of these pitbull owners have repeating offenses. After the first offense your dog should be seriously controlled or your ass goes to jail.

Dog bite fatalities by breed 2016.

The weak must fear the strong. If you can't defend yourself against something as small and weak as a pitbull you do not deserve to live.

>Millions of pit bulls out there that have never attacked anyone and wouldn't hurt a fly
>a handful of dogs kill a few old women and maul some kids
>All pitbulls are killers

Wow. Really makes you think.

Is it just one autist that keeps spamming daily pit bull threads?

Yeah, ok, pits are shitbag dogs; everyone with an above room temp IQ already knows.


This is meaningless. Most "pit bulls" are mixed. Which breed is to blame?

>pro tip...you don't know.

>1,000,000's of dogs
>less than 40 fatalities

That's actually pretty incredible, I was expecting it to be in the hundreds.

Once those fuckers grab ahold of your neck theres nothing you can do unless you have a gun.

The biggest problem with pitbull owners is frankly, that when it comes down to a situation in which their pitbull is getting out of control, they can't literally do shit and most of the times they even won't because of "muh dog he is part of the family ;)" i've seen so much videos in which their fucking dogs get out of control and most of the time they just stand beside it being shocked and doing literally nothing - not only does the dog outstrenght them, but even if not, their almost everytime only watching how their pet is mauling something completly to death while bystanders are screaming out whose fucking dog this.

It's beyond me how this breed isn't banned yet.

>Millions of niggers out there that have never attacked anyone and wouldn't hurt a fly
>a handful of niggers kill a few old women and maul some kids
>All niggers are killers

Fuck off with your SJW-tier bullshit.

"Ban the deed not the breed! It's all how you raise it! Pit bulls need a strong owner!"

"They're nanny dogs!" etc. etc. etc.


Stop defending a shit breed.

>statistics are meaningless, how do we even know if the people doing the raping and murdering are REAL niggers
>i mean, maybe it's their white genes that are making them violent

>toy dogs give a warning bite when they get aggressive, the pain is very minimal as their teeth simply nudge your skin
>aww little guy I'm not a threat heheeheh
>regular dogs give a warning bite when they get aggressive, the pain is exactly as a toy dog as this is still just a warning bite, teeth only bumping onto your skin so you can simply feel their teeth
>you're a bitch and afraid of larger things so you exaggerate the attack

is lawrence fishburn a pitbull?

>>All pitbulls are killers
The breeding criteria for the American Pitbull Terrier was fighting in the Pit. Started centuries ago with bull terriers against animals and other dogs and ultimately got refined with the American Pitbull Terrier in dogfighting.
It is as much a pitbulls nature to fight as it is for a Greyhound to run fast. They like it, they have a natural inclination for it, and if you are not careful, they just might take off. Deal with it.

It's actually pretty hard to kill people in 2018.
Stabbings only have a tiny fatality rate, shooting is 'only' around 30%

>ayyy yo, blacks aint violent n sheeeit, its jus raycis callin da polis more wehn we rob dem en sheeeeit *smacks lips*

This is how retarded you sound.

my anti-pitbull song


Your neck? 6.3 and 200 pounds you faggot. Fuck off with your larping. It's women and children and old people that get mauled by dogs, not grown capable men.

I want one of you PIDF faggots to tell me this is not a mutant abomination

More worried about the niggers in the neighborhood

dumb fucking idiot
read some real literature about the nigger dogs and you will understand
>solely created for the porpuse of killing 1500 pound bulls in arenas for the fun of a onlooking corwd
>literally once they bite, even in play, its over- THEY LITERALLY HAVE A BITE REFLEX
>brain problems due to small gene pool, they can literally snap (like dobermans) suddently and without any reason


It's the niggers who own the pits.

Pits are niggers of the dog world.

>Pittbulls are NOT pets.

This is not politics, faggot

sage in all fields

pit bulls dindu nuffin, it they envrionmint n sheeeit

Respect the breed. They we're always used as war dogs and watching over livestock.

You're the only one who sounds retarded. Anyone who hates pit bulls is a nigger living in the ghetto. Otherwise there's absolutely 0 reason to both fear and even care enough to acknowledge their apparent danger as a regular functioning non-nigger infested neighborhood would handle their dogs appropriately. Stop projecting your ghetto lifestyle every day.

Actually a real APBT is not likely to "snap". In dogfights, you have the two dogs, the two owners and a judge in the ring. During a fight, the owners will encourage their dogs and give commands, their might be timeouts were the dogs are taking to each side of the ring. If at any point, one of those dogs "snaps" either at one of the owners or the judge, that dog is done. It's loses the fight and hence don't get to breed. Real APBT are very reluctant to bite humans, they were breed to fight animals and other dogs. They also have no guarding instinct, they won't protect against burglars.
I've seen dogs with broken legs in the ring, getting pulled to the corner by the owner and have them examen the leg, without the dog even thinking about biting. Only to willingly drag itself into the middle of the ring again to fight the other dog.

>You're the only one who sounds retarded. Anyone who hates niggers is living in the ghetto. Otherwise there's absolutely 0 reason to both fear and even care enough to acknowledge their apparent danger as a regular functioning neighborhood would handle their niggers appropriately. Stop projecting your ghetto lifestyle every day.

Literally: Niggers dindu nuffin, it's they environment.

Knock it off with the fan fiction nonsense. They've never been used in war and they're useless as watch dogs.

>anyone who hates nigger-dogs is a nigger
You are a special kind of stupid aint you?

War and Livestock. Now we have guns. Who the fuck needs a wardog living in their house?

Then no reason to own one,why risk having a useless dog that will probably bite your kid if it doenst protect shit,just get a gun if you need protection

it's retarded how obvious these threads are

Pic. Related is the size, shape and fitness of an actual American Pitbull Terrier. Notice the terrier, not mastiff in the breeds name. Anything else then Pic. related is either an overweight APBT or a mutt.

the only people who want pits are leftist PETA cucks. Fuck off you asswipe.

Agreed. They're terrible family pets and they have no practical use. The only idiots who defend them are the soccer moms or white trash that believe their dog is different. These people are always surprised when a pitbull they've owned for 8 years suddenly snaps and mauls their child.