The rod and the ring will strike
The rod and the ring will strike
Other urls found in this thread:
they failed.
>A killing bolt will shine but not kill
etc etc etc
And on and on
thats just a dumpster fire
so boring
Good night!
>muh vaguely worded prophecy!!1
insider dropping the ball before happening
A bright arrow shall fall but hit the abyss
See? I can make up vague bullshit too, just like your bullshit and Nostradamus
Bullshit for idiots
eggsblain bles
The jews were trying to false flag some shit.
peopl theorize thatthis was a strike to remove deep undeground military base ,offical story that this is a meteor .
fuck off that was the meatier
What is that, the meteor over Detroit?
There are about 2 dozen DUMBs that are all connected to each other via tunnels dug using TBMs over the past 12-16 years. We have no idea what's down there but since even the sitting President doesn't get to know the details, we can be certain it's not good.
Anyone else feeling SLEEPy?
I think I'm going to go to BED early toNIGHT lol
In the last two weeks we've had one in Texas and Russia.
Trump doesnt wanna get his hand covered in old jew
Yeah im feeling sleepy tonight aswell xd
going to sleep asap
Here is my prophecy: Something normally dangerous will happen involving the atmosphere but no one will die
Here is my next prophecy: "Wind will damage infrastructure"
True if accurate
Rods of God?
i think so
here is some comparison to show it was tungsten
here is an example of how to ball your tungsten electrode on a tig welder.
compared to
its a bunker buster style weapon with no fallout
guys, it looks identical, even the yellow orange glow that is emitted at the end.
and again, nobody cares and nobody watched it. Your government just attacked someone or something in Michigan.
or maybe nothing but holy wow
Operation Crossbow is finally a go?
more footage, showing yet again identical light patterns to the tungsten electrode being prepped on a tig welder.
@ 45 seconds shows a perfect shot
2.0 earthquake would also be explained by the 20 meter tungsten rod slamming into the ground
False flag Hawaii
False flag Japan
“Meteor” over MI that didn’t make impact but caused an earthquake......
retards this is just an angel being destroyed by best grill
>Vague bullshit
With those digits it isn't
What a horrible fucking diplomat Trump is. If you don't like someone in politics. You don't fucking slight them the first chance you get. It's so fucking transparent and juvenile - and embarrassing for other Americans.
this happened a few weeks ago - they claim it was a gas line, however NO ONE LOST GAS SERVICE.
this location is by a rock quarry and a gas pump station. - perhaps underground base has some reality?
That's why what makes trump unique. He's genuine. Imagine if everyone was so honest. :)
Tungsten rod
What's the ring?
So where were the nk satellites at the time?
the ring of fire. we are all going to die when they decide to hit the ring of fire with their space based weapons.
Fairhill Way, Howell, MI 48843, EE. UU.
Some cryptic user posted this adress in a thread last night. Searching for the link right now.
You're misrepresenting the facts. Some might call it fake news. He wasn't pissed at Netanyahu. He had no reason to be. He's possibly his strongest alliance. He was pissed at the media for doing exactly what you're doing right now, lying. Maybe consider watching the whole video.
Read the comments to this video
Praise kek
bottom left was recently found to be caused by armed antifa chasing him
>Three branches will become one.
>An island will drift away.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
>Idols will speak and move about.
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
>The ravens will starve.
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
>The rod and the ring will strike.
US is being attacked/threatened but by who?
A new prophecy! Praises be!
Satan, you know, come on.
Oh, alright
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
Please let it be the our guys taking out the literal deep state.
nice try satan
That ain't no dumpster fire. And I know dumpster fires
That's a plausible explanation. Unintended and unexpected consequences.
America is a dumpster fire
You realize a rod of god would be a nuclear sized event
Until I see a video, this is just a gasline explosion
Aussie/Kiwi motocross stars love burning garbage
I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you. Go watch the video of that refinery or whatever in china exploding. Some couple from their apartment are recording it.
Punishment for joking about running for POTUS.
You are arguing apples and explosions. What does that factory explosion have to do with anything? It wasnt a gas line explosion nor a rod of god
Nigger, I'm not arguing anything. All I did was give you a word of caution and a suggestion. The rest is on you. Blow it out your ass. But i will say that your response is quite suspect. Roger, rhetoric or is it rhetoric, roger? :^)
I wasnt even op you dumb nigger im just pointing out stupid you are
>You realize a rod of god would be a nuclear sized event
It wouldn't even be close.
Little Boy had a blast yield of about 15 kT TNT, or 63 TJ.
For an object travelling at 36000 fps (going by ) to have a kinetic energy of 63 TJ, it'd need a mass of 1046 metric ton.
A space shuttle clocks in at 2000 ton, nearly double that.
>no crater image
I might just watch this on repeat for the rest of the night
You'd think someone would manage to capture a video of the event
Honestly what's more likely, there's a super weapon (Not controlled by the US) hovering in space that has been there all along, and that it struck the US with no information about it getting out and no one panicking
Or America's infrastructure is crumbling and a gas pipe exploded
>there's a super weapon hovering in space that has been there all along
Which means its launch will have been recorded, and its orbit monitored.
So when government agencies, independent scientists and hobbyist astronomers find that the object striking Michigan was launched by some foreign nation, what do you think happens?
If this event was caused by an artificial satellite (intentionally or otherwise), you can expect to see a diplomatic crisis making the death of Franz Ferdinand appear insignificant.
This really is going to be a crazy show, isn't it? Was the one in NK an orbital strike, too?
>gas pipe flew through air and exploded
the humble king will return to the light
wow thats fun here a formula
the (random word) (random word) will (random word) {connecter word example" the, on, it} (random word)
If this turns out to be one of those space nigger owl death rod things, then the prophecy wins.
Hey bro, a gas pipe just flew over my house.
The shills are shilling in this thread. What does that tell you?
>There's a collumn of light that means something came down from the sky
black people intelligence levels
>thread theme when we are now living in the Ace Combat timeline
why did Sup Forums cling to some "prophecy" a random leaf probably made up while sitting on the toilet?