If you have depression please read this. I have no special interest in saying what i am about to say...

If you have depression please read this. I have no special interest in saying what i am about to say. You helped me once and I am returning the favor. There is a way to be happy again. That is to become an Orthodox Christian. Again, i have no special interest here. I am not a priest and i don't live near you. If you get baptised an Orthodox Christian, confess all your sins you ever done and you stop commiting a sin then you WILL be happy again.

P.S. that little voice in your head telling you that what I am talking about is crap is the devil

>pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:


done. when will i feel better?

It's not like I can change my opinion on whether or not I believe in god at any moment, user. And I don't think that pretending to have faith will work.

depression is for fags

>implying you know the god in orthodox christianity
did you spent at least 3 years studying and understanding the theology?
do you really think starting to believe in a religion is as simple as uttering a phrase in your mind?

Ain't no Orthodox Church near me lad, otherwise I would. I like the hats.

>And I don't think that pretending to have faith will work
It kind of does though, it gets you to church, talking to religious people, seeing what it's all about. I'm not suggesting you lie, you can be open about the fact that you're looking for something and you don't know what. Just don't march in and start telling the priest it's a load of crap and you'll be fine.

have you even seen Russians

Id rather not fool myself to be happy when i know the reality will never be so. You're taking a chance at limiting what you CAN do on earth because you're afraid of something that only children should be scared of. It's a lie dude. And no matter what you do, what you find, happiness and pleasure are fleeting and need constant nourishment. It's better to be miserable and real than happy and delusional

where do you live? there is an Orthodox monastery in essex

obviously you havent because you would feel instantly better

just don't overthink it if he does or does not exist. just try to go to a church

if you are so sure that its a lie then why are you so afraid to try? you have nothing to lose after all...

>If you get baptised an Orthodox Christian, confess all your sins you ever done and you stop commiting a sin then you WILL be happy again.

Funny, that's literally what protestant christianity promises. Conveniently when you're still not happy afterwards, it's always because you're still a sinner (because it's literally impossible not to sin) and couldn't possibly be because God doesn't actually exist.

in b4 fedora tipping images. They aren't an argument.

have you considered that protestantism does thing in the wrong way?

it's about confessing after you sin not avoiding sin completely

That doesn't make any sense. I know it isn't real, so I'm not going to take a chance at a delusion. I see it in people all the time, i know for a fact it's not gonna change anything. People singing, eating crackers, quoting bullshit stories and creating constant rules is not MY kind of happiness

Begome Orthodox :DDD
>You helped me once and I am returning the favor
Are you telling me Sup Forums turned you Orthodox? Because that would be.. interesting.

>I know it isn't real
how? have you died? what makes you so sure?


I'm genuinely asking tho

Hitler was the protector of Orthodoxy

We are on the darkest timeline. The possibility of a brighter future was killed in 1945. The modern world is a disgusting place, and it's only going to get worse. The best possible outcome of this pitiful existence is for the entire planet to be obliterated.

>It doesn't work
>it doesn't cure depression
Just follow my advice once niggers and if you don't get cured then never do it again

1)get baptised an Orthodox Christian
2)confess all your sins you ever done
3)try to reduce the sins you are commiting

>if you are having thoughts that are in opposition to what I say, those thoughts are those of a supernatural being which is the source of all evil
Yeah, no.

it is funny because it is 100% true


All you need to do, to get rid of depression, is go for a fucking hike.

How about the depressed anons that have taken the depression a bit too far. Why shouldn't they jump?

>i am 100% sure that if i jump from this building i am not going to die
jump then
>no i am not going to jump even though i am 100% sure that i am not going to die
just do it 1 time
>no i am sure that i wont die but i am trying it

>you right now

>Why shouldn't they jump?
ticket straight to hell


Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

Logic would dictate that you could survive a jump from a building. You can't even show me a single proof of gods physical existence but i can show you physical proof that people survive from jumping off buildings

You don't need some vicious towelhead religion to beat depression you meme flag generation Z spastic

>If you are depressed and anxious, you are not a machine with malfunctioning parts. You are a human being with unmet needs. The only real way out of our epidemic of despair is for all of us, together, to begin to meet those human needs - for deep connection, to the things that really matter in life.


Guys you have no idea what you are doing. Jesus Christ is real. this is a warning. please listen to me


Faggot cant even commit suicide right, no wonder she dumped you.

>study finds depression hits losers hardest

>become idolators who actively go against Christ's teachings

Just accept that Jesus is your savior and have faith in him that he died for your sins, for if he didnt you would be burning in hellfire. Read the bible and attempt to get better, repent (change)

you better be at church this Sunday

>joining a slavchimp state cult will take out your depression

Marvellous, OP.

Worship the walking water jew by yourself christfag

Amish>orthodox fags

Ok. How will it help with my leukemia, lack of eyesight, Girls that try to force thenselves on my dick without knowing nothing about me and then throw me away when they discover I have cancer?

new-age dmt smoking hippies have more common with spirituality than the Amish

Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

get woke nikolai


this fucking retard again?

Orthodoxy is a meme and it feels unappealing. In HDI of 30 best countries to live in 0 are orthodox and best ones to live in are protestant ones.

>How will it help with my leukemia, lack of eyesight
the meaning of this life is to earn the afterlife. this life is pointless. the afterlife is eternal

Nothing you say changes these facts:
You worship a god that was created in the armpit of the world, by a people that have nothing in common with your culture, traditions, or your best interests. You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.

-cures your depression-

Do i have to confess whacking off to your pic related?

Depressed? Get your fatass to the gym and workout. Every day. I'll see you there

Checked for the Fuhrer. I live in Sheffield, it's a long way from Essex. There is an Orthodox Liturgy at the local Anglican Cathedral once a month, I might check it out. The nearest church to me is in Chesterfield which is fairly close, I think I'll go to the Cathedral liturgy and talk to the priest, see how it goes. Thank you for encouraging me, I've been meaning to go for ages.

Why does God create sin in the first place?
If its to test us he must know we will fail.

So, God should have created perfect beings to begin with & could have missed all the pain and eternal fire stuff out.

Sweden knows the real cause of depression is brown people

You can't force yourself to believe. I tried that by going to the synagogue in my uni all the time and studying there. Self-brainwashing never works.'

Atheism is a curse. It leads to nihilism which leads to depression.

>it's always because you're still a sinner
Everybody is a sinner you nigger, you don't get it at all

K thanks.

Orthodoxy is big on Sup Forums, you must have noticed

And jesus

Hey OP, how do you view casual sex?
Why did God created females and included a clitoris which serves no purpose besides opening the door to degeneracy?

PS: I'm actually a very spiritual person and love christianity

>take a chance goy
>whats that, goy? You're suffering and would rather just end your life because it could never get better
>ah goy just take a chance. Suffer and take a chance got you could live forever and talk to lions...maybe
>isnt hell scary goy? Believe in the unseen goy
>take a chance goy
Jeez dude, nobody with half a brain is falling for your bullshit. You're dying and for good reason.

you will not regret it. it is the best for your life.

also remember that confessing ALL the sins you ever did purifies your soul

The one near me looks like a bunch of larping neckbeards

>why did God make women enjoy sex?
are you serious?
who is more likely to pass their genes
women who do or women who dont?
what kind of stupid question is this

Wait! You include a camel-toe pic in a religious post and it is "unrelated?"

>God should have created perfect beings to begin
he did...
but Eve bite the apple and we lost our privileges

He's lying
You'll be miserable no matter the religion
Although it is the most healthy of all Jew religions cus its most paganised

Johann Hari has every reason to be depressed, he was a highly successful journalist and then he got sacked for plagiarism. I think he has a point though, I've noticed that my depression tends to lift when something good happens, so I suspect it's actually a response to life events rather than any sort of medical condition.

follow Brother Nathanael's example.

your ancestors learned the hard way that the true messiah is Jesus Christ.

actually some rabbis really know this. they whisper it in the ears of the soon dead

I really wish I could believe. Even going to AA meetings I feel like a fraud because I'm basically lying about being up for the religious aspects


>You are a traitor to your heritage and ancestors.
Well my ancestors have been Christian for over a thousand years, I think becoming a druid would be a bit much at this point.

>who is more likely to pass their genes
women who do or women who dont?

Well looking at the amount of 30 y-o childless whores in our society, I'd say the more a female enjoys sex the less likely she is to successfully reproduce

>inb4 r9k

Become Catholic

>In HDI of 30 best countries to live in 0 are orthodox and best ones to live in are protestant ones
>Never mind god, give me shekels

that's because we live in artifical civilization bubble where selective pressures are removed and degeneracy blooms


Sounds good, but that implies leaving the house.

What if I just become a volcel instead?

>how do you view casual sex?
either way you MUST abstain from it if you want to be happy

>Why did God created females
for companionship and kids


>follow Brother Nathanael's example
ayyyyyyyy, I'm not sure he's a great example to follow desu

Not perfect if so easily corrupted.

Bad programming.

Wait...do you not know what the clit is?

>He's lying
am i?

Your a Jew
You can logic yourself into believing.
The kike perception of god being beyond good and evil is to much for a human being to hold. The Fable of a Rabbi winning an argument with god was a lie by the rabbi.
So god and the devil are two different beings for us right now as humans.
It is easier to see the world of the devil these days. From your perspective the people who want to exterminate everyone in Israel. From mine the people trying to exterminate the white race... Your leftist diaspora. Anyways after you gather enough evidence of true evil you will know in your gut the devil is real. His opposite is then real. Turn around and see God. You will get a physical feeling when you first notice him and when you pray for answers.
That's why ppl who know god is real can't explaine it.
Something else that might help. God and nature used to be the same word. The devil split them.

>Orthodox Christian
How does Orthodox Christianity differ from Lutheran Christianity?

>Even going to AA meetings I feel like a fraud because I'm basically lying about being up for the religious aspects
You don't need to, at my AA group there are a few people who are quite open about the fact that they don't believe in god or any sort of spiritual reality. "A higher power" can be anything, all it means is something outside yourself. Some people's higher power is AA itself. You could have Kek as your higher power, it doesn't matter. Just keep going back.

>I really wish I could believe
just make the first step. read about Christ. try praying. go to the church

kek this

Sin does make weakness and feelng forgiven will make you freer from many ZOG mental anchors. Try doing it to sabotage the ZOG grid and free others.

I meant that he was a jew and he converted to Orthodoxy

Yeah I think of it in a pantheistic sense, like I'm talking about the natural order of things and a sense of objective goodness in going along with it. I just can't make the leap to believing there's anything with a personality running the show that cares about me either way. I will keep going for sure, it's only been a few weeks and it would already feel weird not to. Some very nice people.

God created the simulation and gave you free will.
You will probably test the limits of the simulation.
Bible is a rule book to maximise real long term happiness and civilization.
Sin is a cheat code that makes the game feel good in the moment but makes the game suck for you in the long run and it tears down civilization.
Those fucking gooks who use the X-ray vision and headshot cheats on counter strike are sinners.

it is the only Church that has not changed throughout the 2000 years. The words they are saying in the Orthodox Liturgy are the same words with what Jesus was saying. Also,lutheran church has been corrupted from the inside. Most Orthodox priests are 100% Christian and they have good intentions

I might actually try this but I don't want to be a liar. If it doesn't work I'm not going to sit in a church pretending, it would be making a mockery of the people who do believe in it all.

Idiots can find god easier than so-called smart people.

depression is a choice

>either way you MUST abstain from it if you want to be happy

Because it says so in a book?
I remember back when I was 17 y-o, a new family moved in next to our house.
They had a 16 y-o daughter that became my "best friend". We lost our virginity together and she would often knock on my window at night because she wanted to have sex with me. They only stayed there for 3 months, but those 3 months were some of the happiest moments of my life. Even though we had sex often and were not married. Sex benefits your body positively, it makes you happier.
I have nothing against casual sex, as long as it's done in a respectful matter.
I have read the bible don't believe everything in it. It didn't fall from the sky afterall; it was written by men like you and me

fucking quadrinos of truth

excellent post

absolutely true