Porn star Stormy Daniels to 'In Touch': Trump said I was “just like his daughter”

Porn star Stormy Daniels to 'In Touch': Trump said I was “just like his daughter”

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That'sa hamburger sandwich.

Stop I can only get so hard

Trump is a weirdo. He wants to fuck women that looks like his daughter


She looks more like Megyn Kelly


A lot of blonde porn stars look like his daughter.

Also all of us want to fuck his daughter and this porn star.

So Trump wins again unfortunately.


>Trump is a weirdo. He wants to fuck women that looks like his daughter
Nothing will ever compare to the original. He wishes she was still at that age where she would do anything he asks. He remembers those nights so fondly.

this who wouldnt want to fuck his daughter?

Joe Biden smelling little girls is creepy. Trump wanting to fuck his hot as fuck adult daughter makes him even more like us

Seriously, you guys do realize there is a 90 percent chance he got up in them sugar walls, right?

Not even joking.

niggers are fucked. |they watch their daughters porno's while they are in jail

wtf i love trump now

>Inb4 Trump quietly pushed the incest porn industry for years before his presidential run just so everyone would sexualize his bombshell daughter and her supermodel stepmom.

Niiice. Masterful.

could trump possibly be anymore /ouguy/?

God isgoing to have a fun punishing all these evil liars

Lucky bastard! Not going to lie I wish I was him

Hopefully he’ll start with the smug and self righteous. so fucking cool

There's something funny going on with that family, user.


hail our supreme leader

Jesus fuck, they are hitting Trump all over.

Dude wtf

Even the Jew haters here want to fondle Ivanka's tender bossom with their tongues.

jesus christ, has she ever heard of professional confidentiality? you know a society is in total decay when you can't even trust a prostitute

They dont look alike at all they are just both blonde there


>Trump, one figures, was talking about Ivanka Trump, who was 24 at the time. (His other daughter, Tiffany, would have been 11.)

Could've been Tiffany..

>Sweating intensifies.

Something very suspicious is going on.

Prime pussy right there

this proves Trump never fucked Ivanka. Why would you fuck a porn star probs riddled with STDs if you have your daughter?

her nose is ridiculously squished

What a crock of shit

>liberals have to pick which fake news stories to go with due to this flawless logic

Stop sexualizing Tiffany. Stop it.


Nothing "funny" look at how lovingly she embraces her son. I bet she poses for him a lot.

I'd want to have hot sweaty sex with ivanka too, can't blame the guy.

better than the kike Kushner

>I was “just like his daughter
in what way?

Trump reminds me of the King from Berserk

I'm looking up this bitch on pornhub.and I ain't impressed, shitty face, shitty fake tits, shitty tattoos, wtf was Trump thinking fucking this old cum dump

What's wrong with fucking your daughter though?

Even as fat and old and ugly dad is, very cosmopolitan and jew like.
If he can get it up, he did fuck her
My wanking over Ivan ka isn't going to be same no more

This. I mean come on, the only reaction to this news for me is:

>Trump banged Stormy? Nice.

No one cares about those naked pictures of her on that sofa.

Presumably something she did with her tongue.

well he can't have the nuke codes then

>posting fake news

no I meant E-vanka, plastic surgery an all

Prime cunny

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journalism in 2018
anything to stump the trump, i suppose

get in here user:

I've read that most men are attracted to their daughters after puberty but the consequences of such desires outweigh anything that may come out of it, so they bury it. People that have lived lavishly rich their entire lives have a hard time telling themselves 'no' when they have the means to acquire what they truly want. Trump probably dicked his daughter but she seems to have a great relationship with him still, so no harm no foul i guess.

The kikes are going too far with this one, they no they are past the point of no return. We weimerica now goys

So we're supposed to be mad and outraged that Trump banged a hot-as-shit fuck professional, but ok with Bill banging a fatass 2 in her eat hole.

You lefties are fucking retarded.

2 scoops
2 gorgeous women?

Fun fact: A father and daughter can breed and it won't produce retard/webbed feet offspring. It only fucks you genetics after a long time of inbreeding.

She still had her mother's gypsy beggar face before her nose job and boob job and whatever else they did to fix her face