...just now
its happening
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...just now
its happening
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D I V E R S I T Y = S T R EN G T H
Bump for info
grenade attack happens everyday and there are no deaths
saged + reported
Sounds delicious
> grenade attack happens everyday
> saged + reported
Fucking hell, the level of European acclimatizing. Why is that so acceptable that it deserves a sage. I'm praying for you Europeans.
>hajis bomb police in a white nation
Justin Trudeau will be jealous.
What better time to put these up than after a happening like this? this Sunday night (jan 21)
don't call it a grave
It's only genades guys, it's part of living in a big city.
As shitty as these things are it redpills the Swedes. I await the day the Viking awakens.
Where the hell are people getting grenades from?
Balkanite diaspora(Serbs, Bosnian: Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats, Croats, Albanians, Kosovar - Albanians, Serbs) are the ones that brought handgrenades from Yugoslav Wars plus Chechens from Chechen Wars.
I have to imagine its just a colloquialism for pipe bombs. not military frags
No, it's grenades.
And where do you get them from, Sven?
From me
Oh hi Allah!
police organizations are racist, western nations should adopt Sharia Morality Police forces like Saudi Arabia has instead of imposing their own savage western racist white male laws on gud boiz dindu nuffins.
And what about you, huh? Who's supplying you with them?
We need to get to the bottom of this in order to prevent further attacks.
allahu ackbar, the terrorism normalcy campaign grows stronger
>UN reports that sweden will be 3rd by 2030
>one decade to late
it's grenades
But they were ordered and paid for by arabs. Rosengård is arab territory, they expelled the balkanites during the klan wars couple of years ago.
mostly commie grenades if that's any consolation
They handed the grenades to the police, without the pins tho
>government plans amnesty
That's going to work isn't it.
Why don't they ever kill with grenades?
Are the niggers just unable to use them?
if this illicites a shrug, guess what you live in a shithole.
> Why don't they ever kill with grenades?
> IRA mostly bombed mailboxes and other stupid shit
Why didn't the IRA bomb British Cafes?
>Ophen jouur bhordeur ghoohyim
>öppPhjaa dohm
wow I'm really sleepy. This is just part and parcel and happens all the time, I'm going to bed. Post when something's ACTUALLY happening you right wing conservative muslim hating bigot white cuck
Oh Sup Forums, whatever will we do about those evil wh*te nazis bombing police stations? I mean, that's the only rational explanation for this extreme increase in violent crimes, right?
Hah! That's impossible, we have really strict gunlaws that will impede the death of innocents due to uncontrolled gun violence, r-right guys!?
Since when does pol care for random bombings that happen in muslim countries?
>Part And Parcel And Justin Trudeau will be jealous.
God I love this site
IRA didn't have ready made grenades, they had to make bombs the old fashioned way.
These nigs don't know how good they have it
That’s what the police want though.
Because the fuses on those grenades might not work, and the explosives might be too old to reliably work too.
So they have to nigger rig some way to pull the pin or hide behind something and not lose their hand throwing it, etc.
Then all it does is a 1/3 of the explosion it should.
No one gives a shit about a bombing in a third world country
If you don't have a box of grenades in your basement you aren't a real swede.
wow it's nothing
He gets them from the least likely source, me
Nord-anons, your national hero approves of this quest - will you join him?
also Nordfront wrote an article on the poster campaign as well:
He's probably not really French... like that "Brit" and that "German" who claim there are no Muslim rapes because all white girls deserve it.
Wow, I am very disappointed in you Canada.
No one would have guessed.
You didn't.
>Up to recently they were classified as general explosives, as in explosives (used in demolition). As such, they benefited from the same freedom of movement that other construction materials in the EU. So as long as the grenades were not intended to use in Sweden it was perfectly legal to own them.
desu if there are really that many grenades in Sweden these days a state of general lawlessness is already the norm, in the worst ghetto shitholes in the united States our nogs don't have access to grenades at all
stay safe Swedebros, stockpile weapons and MREs as much as you can Ragnarok is upon you
Nothing to see here.
Happening canceled.
False alarm.
There's been talk today about implementing militarty to counter the massive increase in criminal activity in cities like Malmö.
It really can't be implemented too soon, things have gone way out of hand and the politicans have nobody else to thank but themselves. Even 10 years ago, 2008, the mere thought of having your own military go against civilians in Sweden was absurd, but that's reality today.
They get them from surplus weapons from the Balkan war. EU open borders cause this.
They are not our civilians
Bump because this is real happening
Maybe not "our" civilians, but they're civilans none the less. Of course, they've probably trained for combat in Syria or something, but they're officially just civilians.
There is no possible way, you browse Sup Forums and believe what you just typed.
But since you live in such a fucked up country that people actually believe that, and you feel helpless to change it, here is a (You) to cheer you up.
Lol yes they do, they've got RPGS and and lmgs. Shit I've seen 40 mike mikes out there. The difference is the nogs have various nigger activities to attend if they've made it to such a high position they can get this shit. Now when a muzzie gets some explosives they actually want to draw attention so it actually becomes a problem.
> click on link
>click on news video
>watch swedish ad before news video
>Its all brown people and mongrel children, not one actual ethnic swede
There are shootings every day in your shithole counrey people actually die there
Don't you have militarised police or something instead of sending the armed forces?
There are shootings every day in your shithole counrey people actually die there
Most typical shootings involve niggers or spics. Usually nothing of value is lost, just less of a burden on our welfare.
> shithole counrey
I expected nothing less from memeflag cowards. Eat your daily dicks butt pirate.
>'we don't know what is happening in Sweden, but we love it'
>it's only bad if terrorism isn't a daily occurrence
Classic France
our country is basically a big mall and has only been around for a couple of hundreds of years
Eurocucks comparing us with them are just trying to deflect
Come on Sven, WTF!?
>He will be devasted if there are no casualties and is not able to tweet out his thoughts and prayers to the muhammdian attackers in their sucess
"According to Swedish police, the use of hand grenades in crime is UNPRECEDENTED in all comparable European and non-European countries, and the only countries with similar characteristics are those with WARLIKE conditions, such as Mexico with the ongoing drug war and one study suggests it had four to five times as many fatal shootings per capita as Norway and Germany from 2008-2014"
>The use of hand grenades in Sweden is unprecedented to write the police. In all other comparable countries, both inside and outside the EU, the use of illegal hand grenades is in principle non-existent, except in countries where war-like states prevail.
IN sverigesradio.se
Why Sweden has more fatal shootings per capita than Norway and Germany
Europeans don't realize that will be the death of them. Just because something happens here should never be an excuse to allow your own country to turn to shit. Some cities in America are so violent people actually have to leave and yet Europeans for some reason think that justifies their cities going the same way. It's the most retarded shit ever. America can easily be rebuilt since we are a McCountry but 1000s of years of European culture can't be rebuilt if Europe falls. It's really a shame Europeans are the only line of defense Europe has.
Why can't mudslimes just go home?
Why bring their "war" to Europe? Why come here to destroy?
Europe did not have the power struggle in Middle East, superpowers did, so why does Europe have to suffer?
Because you let them in like the stupid idiots that you are? They can't tell White people apart. Enjoy your cultural enrichment. All you had to do was use live ammunition on your illegal immigrants and they would have turned their asses around and walked right back to where they came from. Quit being pussies and grow some backbone. Kill your traitors first, then there will be no one left to stop you.
There was also a police car with three officers inside that got literally v&
Do you keep you countries traditional white flag displayed on your front lawn?
>bin that nade
As if you, being the good goy, didn't have anything to do with this when you continue doing all of Israel's biddings.
250 years old or some shit. 10X the amount of people as any European country. If you want to be taken seriously, you must compare european countries to States as those are the comparable geographies.
To be fair, skinhead "nazis" (that are many things the nazis hated themselves..) are niggers too, but to play along... Totally just those evil nazis what else could it be? Hmmm
Source: Daily and Sunday Express
Archived (.is): archive.is
Original link: express.co.uk
I did not let them in, nor will most of Finland. They will see how unwelcoming this place is and leave.
We will turn the public, don't you worry.
But you sound like hypocrite living in that slave country of yours, while saying shit like that.
Did you kill your traitors? Did you clear out your country? It is INFESTED
Serves those wh*te devils right for 300 years of slavery and oppression.
Vibrant diversity. So fruitful.