Are Africans the REAL master race?

Hear me out Sup Forums

>Naturally suspicious of government, impossible to be subverted
>Invades and conquers the most prosperous civilizations to EVER exist
>The natives are in such awe at them that they will rewrite their OWN history and culture and attribute it to THEM on demand
>Literally has enslaved with their cunning and ingenuity native European men from all across the planet to pay into a system which supports them and their virile breeding habits without most of them even realizing

Yes, sounds like the workings of a true master race to me.

Cause the jews are behind it meme flag kike

>slide thread
Fuck off back to shareblue

Not to mention they're one of the most physically strong races to exist. The truth is that what Sup Forums thinks makes whites a master race is actually just our weakness.

i see one woman and scores of 8yr immigrants on that boat..

>Durrrrrrrrrr everything is a shareblue shill post
You're the same pleb who thinks all people who post Amerimutts are paid by George Soros, kys.


>sitting on a boat they couldn't invent for tens of thousands of years.
>with clothes they didn't make
>can't swim
>had to have wheel introduced in africa in the 19th century because they couldn't into it.
>relies on the rest of the world to feed them or they starve to death.
Not really. Objectively they are not worth saving.
Was i edgy enough for you OP?

Arabs description of the black master race seems a bit more accurate.

They are the real Aryan, the noble pure breed.

We're all just diluted blacks.

>can't swim

That's a meme, user. I'm African and I can assure you I swim quite well. My dad and brothers all do too.

To be the master race, they would first have to be human

>sitting on a boat they couldn't invent for tens of thousands of years.
This nigga don't know that Africans went with primitive boats across all kinds of oceans 10s of 1000s of years ago. How do you think humanity reached Australia?

After having had no meaningful contribution to human civilization whatsoever, you have also over the last 50 years incredibly managed to piss off just about every ethnicity on the planet with your constant bullshit. And now because of some traitors amidst europeans, want to try to "conquer" the only ones who ever gave a shit about trying to help you because you can't seem to do a damn thing all day than have unprotected sex and hold up starving kids so you have managed to created a larger population in africa than even china, with a current 1.2 billion population in africa that can't even into basic things. And the political winds are going so hard against africa right now that it's probably just a matter of time before you get mass deported from europe again. And foreign aid also cut down. Even israel has currently booted africans from israel because they don't want them in their country. Yep you truly are the master race.

Yes, their behavior is evolutionarily adapted to drive out others.


True. You have to be really high IQ to appreciate their genius.

Europeans claim to have colonized africa yet there are more Africans in Europe than the other way around.

They convinced the colonials to take in their criminals, debtors, and POWs and actually got them to pay for it.

In many countries whites work to support them.

Africa didn't have a bronze age. The Nubians learned iron working from the northern Nile Egyptians. They spread it to the Bantu and they took over the continent with the new iron spears. Africans are unbelievably uncreative people. You really can't appreciate how shitty they are without a decent amount of study into African history.

Do you think the animals went on little boats aswell.
It's very well known that africans didn't invent boats as they didn't invent a damn thing.
>That's a meme, user. I'm African and I can assure you I swim quite well. My dad and brothers all do too.
I'm glad you are breaking the norm.
It really isn't i've seen immigrants straight out of africa that discovered water for the first time eventhough they live right at the east coast, in this example eritrea. Most niggers can't swim/don't give a fuck about the ocean. Same as the niggers in the US can literally drown in a lake with hundreds of millions of people being able to teach them how to swim. it is truly incredible.
Oh i'm well aware.

That was so incredibly frustrating to watch.

Yep, the next big step was when the muslims invaded and enslaved subsahara africa, only then did things like timbuktu even get built. Which is classic african architecture. So few even care about doing something, and if they do they often get robbed by the others so they just learned not to do it. Imagine having a culture that literally punishes innovation and entrepeneurship, it's fucking incredibly sad. The only reason they have the nations they have now is because europeans literally wrote many of their constitutions and helped create their nations and instilled more decent value systems.

It was a joke video, you stupid. Way to get outsmarted by a literal nigger

They are not invading and conquering. They are a poison that Europe is willingly drinking.

Willingly? that's a bit of a strong word, 50 years of shovelling food in these assholes mouths to just quadrouple their population increasing starvation, and creating all kinds of free infrastructure and shit for them and they don't even have the fucking respect to stay in their own nations. Many people are ready to lynch the fucking leftists that now thinks it's humanitarian to let them into europe.

>Objectively they are not worth saving.
The future belongs to those who are willing to take what they need to survive. What use is there being intelligent enough to do all these amazing things if someone can just come and take it? At that point all you are doing is creating things or growing stuff so the ballsiest person can take it from you. That's why niggers are the true master race, who cares if Europeans can give birth to amazing things if they cannot even find the will to defend them aggressively and without compromise? If Europeans were the true master race they would of wiped out Africans, but they didn't, instead they fraternized with them instead.


This guy gets it.

Next weeks installment: Retards Have All The Real Genius

Next Episode: Why The Maggot Is King Of The Jungle

Jealous that soon he will be speaking African-American.


No it doesn't, you have no concept of civilization and you speak like a true savage. And that's what you are and that's why people don't like you. But i'm glad you feel that way since you are soon to get a taste of your own medicine, since you are soon to find out that only western leftists even give a fuck about you. Nobody else gives a shit about africans or africa or the wellbeing of it. China is going to setup shop in africa and stripmine the shit out of africa for the next 100 years, and give africans the finger, and many others are probably going to follow suit aswell doing the same thing. You are like a fucking parasite that the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. And you want to infect the nations of the only ones who ever gave a shit about you. It's hilarious.

>"My child never had no gun"
So, she is admitting that he did have a gun; he had one since birth, even.

I mean moreso the governments willingly drinking it than the people. The leadership. I think the majority of people will have a massive backlash against these policies.
There will be a world wide economic recession similar to the 1920s crash by 2024. During this crash you will see people desperate and finally having to fight for their own self interest. Europe will wake and you will vast a polar shift in ideology leading the EU.
It will be bloody and will most likely lead to large scale war.

So whilst europeans have been trying to build up africa so you can be self sufficient for the first time in fucking ever because they feel sorry for you, an ability you do not seem to posess, even when you have everything in your soil to build a superpower. You want to destroy the only ones who are trying to do that. The rest will fucking annihilate africa and pillage it of everything. Perhaps even completely genocide africans to get them out of the way.
But you think in the classic african way that it's about stealing what others have made instead of making something for yourself.
What do you think is going to happen to africa or europe if europeans are gone. You're going to suffer like you never thought possible. And all the stuff you think you're going to take, you can't even maintain it you fucking idiots. Let alone build anything similar to it, turn things into shitholes is your speciality. Just look what happened to when mugabe confiscated the farms in zimbabwe, can't even fucking farm. It'll all just crumble into dust in your hand this what you think you're taking from others. Middle easterners were similarly retarded with the caliphates, they invaded and took peoples shit and incorporated it. When they could no longer invade they collapsed upon their own stupidity, most of the things they attained through conquest were even translated and maintained by dhimmis from other people. Only truly weak people can't be mostly self sufficient in their own nations and create their own things. I can assure you before we let you "take" europe we will turn over half of it to rubble rather than let you have any of it. And remove any childcare, healthcare, welfare etc. for any immigrants to hand you your hat and ask you to piss off.

Being a master race implies having mastery over ones destiny.

You really want to tell me niggers mastered their destiny?

Just climb the ladder!

More like a biological weapon than a master race
By this logic, virus would be the master life form too

>There will be a world wide economic recession similar to the 1920s crash by 2024. During this crash you will see people desperate and finally having to fight for their own self interest. Europe will wake and you will vast a polar shift in ideology leading the EU.
It will be bloody and will most likely lead to large scale war.
I'm well aware of that high possibility and it is directly caused by these fucking immigrants in the first place because of how useless violent criminal and stupid they are and how they overwhelm our social systems. This is why i hate them. I don't hate the ones that stay in their own nations and try to do good, but i hate every single one who come here and tell us how we should run our nations and peddle their bullshit culture, their bullshit values, when they can't run their own. And doing so whilst we are trying to help these fuckers. I don't want to be a tourist in my nation. If i want to be with those people and learn about their culture and customs, i will fucking plan a vacation there.


>By this logic, virus would be the master life form too
The virus and parasite hasn't realized that it dies when it runs out of hosts, because it's retarded, it just does. And we are dealing with parasites who is eager to do just that.

Obsolete farming equipment living on the grace of the foolishly altruistic.

masters of murders and acid attacks

>Naturally suspicious of government, impossible to be subverted

The African leaders during the days of slavery completely outsmarted the Europeans. They sold their biggest social problems to the Europeans. They cleaned all of the worst trash out of their society, got PAID for it, and paved the way to the eventual collapse of white civilization and the extermination of white people.

>impossible to be subverted
>what is mainstream rap
Fuck off.

>Control more habitable land than any other race at present
>Control Africa, the largest conteninet
>30 Million strong colony in USA
>Millions more in Carribian
>Big colonys in Paris & London.
>New colonys setting up in Australia, Sweden, Germany and elsewhere (will be 250,000 strong in Melbourne Austrealia in 20 years for example)
>High birth rates
>Excellent subversion tactics of Europeans
>Was only 8% percent of planets population, on track to become 1/3 or 4 BILLION strong in just 50 years.

>Falling to under 10% of planets population and was previously 33%
>Getting BTFO demograpicaly in almost every country they control except Eastern Europe

They were kangz, you better be ready to serve your African masters.


> More like a biological weapon than a master race

>dead based black man dickriding meme

You might as well start advertising blacked

I swear once you see things through this lens you cant go back. It's fucking 4th generation warfare; nukes, supercarriers and highly trained professional standing armies don't mean jack shit against wombs, baby mommas, rap music, BLACKED porn and other cultural subversion.


All that matters at the end of the day is if other races can survive the Africans tactics.
Europeans at present cannot.

I do however suspect that once Europe falls and the USA degrades into 'le 32% face' or worse the Chinese will genocide the fuck out of the Africans.

Africans are parasites, they only prosper when they have a healthy host.

Not entirely accurate. By the standards of Asians and whites then the 3rd gen black would be a rapper with a nice car and gold teeth

Sup Forumstards are so blinded by their insecurities that they are incapable of making apt equivalencies.