Why does Scott keep pretending there's a method to Trump's madness?

Why does Scott keep pretending there's a method to Trump's madness?

Does he just not want to admit he's been fooled by an idiot who he thought was actually a persuasian genius?

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you just don't see the power of persuasion in action like i do user
nothing personal kid


Go easy on Scott. He was a beta for most of his life. Now that he's on TRT he's trying to be an alphachad. let dilbertman do his thing


Nothing Scott is saying about Trump's strategies is unreasonable though. He's not always right, but he often is. He makes some outrageous claims sometimes, but he makes a lot of perfectly reasonable ones too. People don't like him because they're married to the Trump is an idiot narrative and he presents plausible, well thought out alternatives that typically match the data. This causes cognitive dissonance in people who can't follow or understand the 4d chess.

He's really stretching the limits of that hypnosis course he took 20 years ago.

>slide thread
Nice try moshe, now go back to the local holocash shop to cry.

Trump won the presidency with almost zero chance of winning the republican nomination. He might speak like a child but he's not stupid.

If Trump is an idiot, what does that make you?

His hand was down her pants while she was screaming no the entire time. She took that selfie to memorize the abuse... look at her eyes, the shear terror.

I hope she ruins his career for this blatant racist sexual abuse.

Hi Scott, please stream your videos on yt


Op needs to make his case Adams is wrong and stop gibbering begging the question fallacies.

a fellow man of culture i see


> can't understand world
> blames others

That is absolute shit. You're so full of huffing your own farts that you can't see this pretentious garbage is just a big circle jerk of 2deep4u

>A billionaire TV star who singlehandedly won the highest office in the land is an idiot

How do you deal with the fact that someone you perceive to be an idiot is 100x more successful than you? Do you just write it all off on "white privilege"?

lol! Are you kidding me? The band is called throbbing gristle, so "absolute shit" is the only somewhat worthy thing to come out of your head you absolute fucking retard.
Get yourself laid kid.

He was mostly right about Trump's master persuasion during the campaign, when Trump was selling himself, so he's gonna keep pushing that angle as long as he can, even if it's very obviously incorrect as far as actually being president.

Can you explain what you mean? Things that are obvious to you might not be obvious to everyone.


Why don't retards recognize a genius standing right in front of them when he has manipulated everyone on Earth for 40 years to become the most famous and powerful person on the planet? He's an actor playing a part. And he's doing it more convincingly than anyone in Hollywood. So convincingly, that retards like you are fooled.