I’m from the future AMA
I’m from the future AMA
WW3 when?
What time is it?
do i get a gf?
Currently it’s 4:19pm EST because i came to my past your present.
No WW3 has happened yet but things are getting tense since Israel cut out the world after President Ryan put sanctions on them.
If i take you back will you die?
What happens to bitcoin?
are there women in the future?
Can you specify? Year?
Is there a future for the white race? Have we become a minority yet?
Have the Bogdanoffs evolved any further?
>President Ryan
>Not sucking Jew dick
Can you at least put some effort into this?
Crashes after massive government regulations.
Will Flying Cars ever going to be thing?
>Also Will Sex Robots fix the pedofile problem and Will everyone be more of a faggot when it comes to Current Year Problem? Please respond.
Whats the best meme of 2018?
Can’t specify year because of the time continuum. But racial tensions are nearly gone. Whites are still a predominantly populous race but not as much as 2018.
It checks out.
They have already achieved the pinnacle of evolution
>But racial tensions are nearly gone
commie faggot detected.
only a commie larper again
nothing to see here
Which crypto should i buy?
kek wills it
>Whites are still a predominantly populous race but not as much as 2018
desu we're like less than 7% globally now. What is considered populous?
Is there anything happening in the rest of the world? Any fascist dictators seized power yet?
Kim Jong Un will fall but only to a vacuum of power, making DPRK as shitty as it was. ISIS will fall. A couple countries stray from the EU.
Date of the next major event that everyone will be talking about?
October 21, 2018
If you dont mind me asking, how did you time travel? I don't need specifics Im just really curious
When will Muhammad and his barbarian mates finally take over?
Time travel is now privatized by a major company. Consumers can pay a couple hundred dollars and go wherever they want. I can’t share specifics because they want to stay the ones with that capability and nobody tries stealing it.
Are there any pro-white movements/political parties? Is the Alt-Right still a thing?
Alt-right isn’t per say. There are some pockets of white nationalists around but nobody really pays them attention anymore.
does Sup Forums still have LARP threads?