Have you hailed your new queen?

Have you hailed your new queen?

Is this ova

Is it worth watching more of the series after the first show? I kind of liked it but not really enough to place it above other shows on my backlog.

it's the best. You haven't seen the best of the show.

Space elves are only for rape

What makes you think the Abh are anything but human?

>genetically modified themselves to have knife ears
They get the dick same as any other elves

>space elves
With what ? Magic powered spaceships ? Magic powered FTL engines ? Magic powered radars ?
Ridiculous, go back to the forests and slave pens.

fucking racists, stop spreading hate and stereotypes.

Around elves watch yourselves

But they aren't elves. They're just genetically engineered humans.

They are no longer human, they have become a separate race of cocksocks

Do Abh even have sex?

They're all stuck-up douches and they grow their kids in tubes.

>implying the mouth isn't the best hole anyway
and the bonus is i bet the elves would find that illogical and degrading

Abhs have set, but not for having a baby. Abh can also make baby in a traditional way, but it is irrational to do so when the technology provides wider options.
Why are we having Sup Forums type discussions on Sup Forums anyway? I bet you fucks will start rebellion against the empire if it was real, die foolish faggots.

>it's ok that one royal family owns all of space
nah fuck of bootlicking serf

It's just the space between planets that the Abh want to control. Planets are often left to govern themselves even if they're officially under the Abh's rule. The only reason the Abh "conquer" planets is to ensure their own safety in Space.

>dodging the point
just like an elf sympathizer. their feudalistic claim to own all of space is bullshit

Their rightful place is the slave pens, they have no business stealing space from peaceful people

I'll kill you disobedient second-rate citizens the first think if I was in contact with Abh

Elves and elf sympathisers should be removed

>he thinks the elves would ever see him as one of them instead of just a useful monkey

>have you betrayed your race today
No, no I haven't fuccboi

But the Abh are human, just like us.

Sure thing you race traitor.
Those knife ears are the nigger of space.

That doesn't make any scientific sense buddy.
Conventional Elves are Elves, Dwarves are Dwarves. Abhs have significant genetic difference compared to humans, they should be considered of different race.

>conforming to better ruler is betrayal
According to your logic, there shouldn't be immigration laws in this world because that is betraying your birthplace. Fuck off.

Uncontrolled immigration is always a bad thing for anyone other than the elite

>derailing the point

good luck living for the country with no honor

Can you meme somewhere else? You are clearly not interested in talking about this anime.

>being loyal to something just because you have a few chemicals in common

may as well be loyal to all of creation since everything is made from the same energy

Daily reminder that only royal Abhs have elf ear

Yes. It's literally addressed in the first couple of episodes. Children who are not born as the result of genetic fuckery but natural birth are called "children of love"

No children of love mean a child given birth between people who actually love each other rather than just sharing genetics for the sake of creation child.

creating a child*

What the fuck is there to talk about? This shit is as old as dirt, what can be said has been said multiple times on Sup Forums already.

Of course this justifies going into the thread and meming KILL LE KNIFE EAR while other anons have an actual talk about this.

>other anons have an actual talk about this
Oh you mean the newfags that think they discovered something new?

The purpose of this thread is give the human peasants the opportunity to praise the new queen you shit fag

I would have her as my cock slave but I would never have children with a knife ear.

And what if? This is the anime and manga board and not the fantasy shitposting board. They talk about anime and manga, I have no idea what you are trying to do here.

>They talk about anime and manga
Well, as you can already see, no one fucking talk about it.

No longer a loli, not worthy of loyalty.
>genetically modified themselves
I thought they were made artificially by Earth during the early colonization period, not modified themselves?

Aside from the anons actually talking about Abh and the series? If you wouldn't plaster your off-topic garbage in this thread you would maybe be able to see these posts. These threads are mostly comfy and slow, which is a good thing.

as a genetic researcher it is alwis on my table

>Why are we having Sup Forums type discussions on Sup Forums anyway? I bet you fucks will start rebellion against the empire if it was real, die foolish faggots.

Some of Sup Forums should love it. The Abh is basically the dream of a neo-reactionary sci-fi fan.

I skimmed through 2 episode of this and almost fell asleep, is it gonna get better or not?