Trump doesn't have a 156 IQ
Yes he does idoit
Yes because spelling and grammare equal iq........
seems accurate
that chart is fake and only newfags and gullible idiots fall for it
>triple digit IQ
I... What?
Yeah it’s actually closer to 160
where is obama
Literally a chart based on nothing
Only dumb trump supporters think this is an accurate chart
Garbage meme pic. Half of those people existed even IQ testing wasn't invented.
There's also no source on trumps IQ other than trump himself and he's not known for being truthful.
It is obviously real and accurate, king nigger didn't make the list.
Gotta love assigning an IQ to presidents who lived over 100 years before the invention of the concept.
>Jefferson's IQ is real even though IQ testing didn't exist
Only idiots don't believe it
Yes he does! He said so himself dumbass
What do you watch John Oliver you fag?
How do they have IQ for presidents who were dead before IQ test was invented!?
Of course I do you rural and suburban retard, not everyone is too dumb to understand his high-class complex humour. But what should I expect from a Drumpftard like yourself? After all, you *did* vote for a president with an IQ down in the double digits.
i get the drumpf iq thing but how does anybody determine the iq of someone before there were standardized sat scores? i mean washington...
as brainlet as it gets, laddie
i do agree it's bullshit though