Polynesian Women are the Ultimate Red Pill

> Loyal and Faithful.
> Modest and Conservative.
> Cultured.
> Love to cook and clean.
> Beauty beyond a thousand sun sets.
> Never back-talk.
> Always respects your authority.
> Naturally recognize white men as their superior.
> Does anything to make you happy.
> Has none of the bad traits of (((white women))).

What excuse does Sup Forums have for not taking an oceanic goddess' hand in marriage?

>inb4 not white. Polynesian women are whiter than 95% of poltards.

>Pic related. A fair maiden of the sea.

Sup Forums would not date this 10/10. unbelievable.

Fuck of shareblue degenerates, sage this shit boys and watch the thread die
>slide thread

>any woman
>loyal and faithful
El oh el

Sup Forums does not like big island milkers

>extremely fat
>low iq

I'll pass.

I would, but I'm a dirty racemixing faggot.

I wouldn't wife though. I'd maybe breed on a vacation where she didn't know my name

Get some taste

polynesian women are ugly and they get fat easily

I lived in Hawaii for 6 years, they're literally none of these things.

Women are the ultimate Red pill
women are loyal, faithful, modest, conservative...
Your shill template is getting stale


What do you mean you won't come to the beach with me a-user? Ohhh okay....

Enjoy your retarded half-breed children.

LMAO halfu's are literally whiter than all of Sup Forums put together. Nice try shill. Pic related. The true master race.

As a hawiian hafu my self, the culture is very profamily prochristian, and they hate niggers spics chinks jews, and flips, japs are brotier, the british said out of all the races they came incontact with the hawiians were the most adept at civilization and the women were equal beauty to the whites, my blood is scottish robert the bruce blood and coconut nigger, i thought i was white like my license said untill i saw the le56% meme, lol

Hapa hawaiian here. I'm so pale here in seattle that the antifaggots call me a white supremacist.

>living in Hawaii this long
>not having a cute native waifu


Everything you need to know about Polynesia (pic related)

Sounds like polish women

Imagine how Aryan the mother must have looked for the child to look even remotely normal. Spoiling top tier genetics to produce something that's barely passable.

fuckin Ho'o Haole you no Hapa Hawaiian, you Hapa Haole brah

Leaf cannot recognize true beauty how surprising.

user speaks the truth. Hafus are the true master race. Sup Forums is in denial. Sad.

>*Mixed genetic la creatura clicking*

>Polynesian gfs no bad traits
Dated a girl from Saipan. She was literally nigger tier attitude wise... just not as bitchy as sheeboons.. but man she was messy and lazy. Excellent fuck and perfect body with curves in all the right places though...

Shitskins are not the ultimate red pill. They are the shit pill.

Bloody shit pill

They get an American Diet, or 1st world amounts of food, they start getting fat.

ITT: Sup Forums is angry because they can’t score any exotic poon LMAO

Have fun with your (((white women))) who have been blacked 50 times before they will let you hold their hand.

The Jew will do and say anything to try and destroy the superior white man.

lol, i'm not even haole. Which confuses the fuck on how they can call me a white supremacist with a straight face.

>the british said out of all the races they came incontact with the hawiians were the most adept at civilization

Wasn’t it Hawaii where Cpt. Cook was killed & eaten by the natives?

They had a weird religious act that they'd eat powerful chieftains to absorb their powers like highlander.

nigger they sure as hell are not

HAHAHAHAHAHA Wait until you piss them off white boi.

You have got to be fucking

Oh shit, 75% of NZs population is present.


They're better looking than Asians.

>> Beauty beyond a thousand sun sets.

literally shitskin

100% guarantee that OP is an amerimutt with a steonk independent polynesian mum

they literally cannot compete with khazar milkers, gtfo with your shit tier tastes

Cherry picking.

Beautiful Polynesian women attending church. Have you ever seen a white toasty with one / millionth of this class and beauty?

How can white women compete?

Beautiful women and culture pol is jealous

1 They get very fat by 19
2 They deposit fat weirdly compared to white or black women that look THICC, polynesians look like blobs, alike latina women
3 They're stupid
4 Their family is toxic

t. knower


polynesians are part abo
im staying the fuck away from dat shit niqqa


White roasties btfo

No, retard, they are part Ainu. Fucking get your ancient peoples right.


>Modest and conservative
>Posts pic of caked on makeup and very low-cut dress

you live in a fiarytale land, been watching too much disney moana.
polynesian girls are like any other girls.
you got a few hottys among all the landwhales.
you got a few wife types among the hordes of roastees.