Looks like he was making a toilet for a bit
youre a little queer, I used to swing hammers in oilfield all the time, you butter soft baby bitch. My hands were fine.
why? hammers in oil fields? I never worked in oil so I have no idea what you are talking about but am interested.
Why is this stupid retard shilled so hard, not only here but every board? The stupid idiot wouldn't go on the TV show Alone. If you're a survivalist and you don't go on Alone it's just as bad as a black smith that won't go on Forged in Fire.
why are whites so insecure? that man in OP's video has conditioned. Fucking whites act likes hes a freak of nature. Get out of your fucking bedrooms and work a labor job.
Working construction doesn't make you fit. Everyone I work with is either fat as shit or skinny due only to their drug habits.
The guys in actual good shape go to a gym like normal people.
Because brainlets like you misunderstand the point of his channel. His channel is not a survival channel. His channel is about demonstrating what can be built using no modern technology. He openly admits that he is not a survivalist, he does not live out in the woods, and he plans these projects out and works on them over the course of weeks or months. He's closer to an engineer than a survivalist.
He's not a survivalist.
This is a video. You are not seeing the unedited footage of him making the forge blower. I'm guessing he has issues doing this behind the scenes.
It's a way for these neet losers to feel better about themselves despite never doing anything, just due to being the same race as this guy.
They're truly a disgrace to the white race.
>he is not a survivalist,
>He's not a survivalist.
in caps...damn nigger that was gook moot or what? but it is calming to watch with no bullshit,just comfy learning
>guy never claims to be a survivalist
>people who watch his videos understand that he is not a survivalist
>"Haha! He's not a survivalist!"
Bro you're just dumb
Meanwhile in Haiti they are 20 years behind this guy even though the US rebuilt their infrastructure two times
Does everyone who plays with rocks and clay have to be a survivalist?
>hands are leather but this dude does this with ease ?
>Doesn't eat shit food
>Actually works out every day
>Can swing a club with a fucking piece of stone attached
You've never played baseball, have you?
is this what man splaming means? I think I get it after all this time.
I thought it was just crazy fems but I know that pissed them off.
I really don'y know anymore lads...
>shill proof thread
just make a shitty, nonissue thread like this.
How the fuck does this have anything to do with politics or white people?
Does every stupid man child video need to be posted on a political board?
Why doesn't your lard ass go on Alone?
>legitimacy is determined by (((hollywood)))
best goy
keep watching those interracial ads
>that ID
no because that's gay
I have, but not for 20 years, more like 20 weeks. I have no doubt it would shred your body after 20 years, things fall apart after all
I disagree. I was a general contractor for a few years. I could outlift military guys and fashion gym guys, like it was nothing. I wasn’t big, I got really wire-y, and toned, but the bigger guys didn’t have function to their strength, they were just built fat.
you see any shills around here?
you need some of that hand goo that protects you from scrapes and tears in your hands.
think its called working hands?
I'm a girl and I make medieval steel armor for a hobby. Maybe you're just a pussy, OP?
gay post
now this is 10/10 bait whoever is oaying you needs to promote you.
When you're born with a penis, you're called a boy.
this is the core of politics shill, gtfo
First, been there, done that. Second, often these jobs don't have the right tools for employees to get shit done. Lastly, these cheap laborers die in their 40s:
>Rough life
>Bad diet/drinking (to cope with that life)
>Broke because always exporting money
You are right, there's a significant number of crackers out there that have no fucking clue how to work hard. However, there's an order of magnitude greater than that (accounting for sheer numbers of people worldwide) that are even more fucking worthless than those whites (Africa, large swathes of Asia, and Central/South America).
It's like in IT work, for example. There's a god damned googolplex of SQL Server guys from India. Most of them suck. Why does there "seem" to be more of them that are "better" at it than whites?
1. Because there's 1.9 billion people in India
2. Because they are cheap
Now, what usually ends up happening is ABC company hires Patel "Dan" Prahtvatagiddah, and he fucks some serious shit up. Then they hire David Shecklestein's ComputerTech, LLC and he contracts out that college kids named Jon Smith that actually knows this shit inside and out, and you end up with a working product.
Same thing happens in construction. Mexican crew "A" hired at the cheapest rate fucks up a job. You go and hire Mexican crew "B" to come and fix it. They come, do the work, and you pay them.
literally cannot make this shit up
I tried this a couple years ago but couldn't get the stone to stay on, ended up with a nifty stone thrower though.
>survivalist going into the wilderness alone
>blacksmith going onto a game show for a week making 3 knives
These 2 things are not similar at all.
How about this:
>go to Haiti
>buy some land
>plant fast growing trees
>protect them while growing
>sell wood to niggers
>repeat&use profit to buy more land
implying niggers have any money to begin with
If one were to plant some weed-tier fast-growing bamboo in Haiti, would the niggers win, or the bamboo in the end?
If they can buy and sell charcoal, there seems to be some money.
I´m not sure.
Not a survivalist, more like a practical historian. Trying to recreate / demonstrate technology from natural materials.
Something we've become so separated from. What I mean is, you have so much stuff you use everyday that you could not make yourself. It's satisfying for a lot of people apparently to see useful tools that can be made from scratch.
Just look how complicated even a pencil is to make.
They probably bound a lot of handles with hide or material, knapping is probably the most dangerous thing about it. Used to run a course with some knapping and people today have no coordination or patience and would end up skinning their hands or slicing their fingers along it. People don't expect stone to be sharp I guess.
their called callasauses and you can get them too faggot
dude this, im mexican american and have gone to mexico so many times, i know agriculture and animal management and forestry, i see profit everywhere, meanwhile nigger just eat pigs for food
Bamboo doesn't grow that fast. Yes the shoots can grow a foot a day, but the rhizome underground that makes those shoots takes years a to become big enough to make big shoots.
New bamboo transplants make thin, short shoots.
>15 years growing bamboo
fuck have you been to the rainforest nigger, it fucking grows fast
Have you tried going to the toilet, pulling down your trousers, and making a big poopy mess?
OP is weak neet fag.
this whole board is full of weak neet fags
Framer here. How do I lift when I'm tired as fuck after work?
lol - fuck you. I make 6 figures and work in an office, loser. Drive a German automobile, live in an all White neighborhood surrounded by all White neighborhoods...Not insecure at all, in fact, I fucking made it - I let those who havn't, like you, do the labor for cheap wage. I enjoy losers like you and your son pumping my gas and cutting my lawn, loser. Get over yourself. You're irrelevant.
>dude this, im mexican american and have gone to mexico so many times, i know agriculture and animal management and forestry, i see profit everywhere
Then save up some money (or get liberals investing in you via crowdfunding) and go for the profit.
As said some kind of bamboo might be your plant of choice since it grows fast and has little requirements to the soil.
Waiting for this guy to make it to the iron age! He's getting there!
You seem to have hands of a woman.
I studied anthropology and I learned that only whites can do this. I guess whites are superior in every aspect of life.
This is the most useless shit ever.
i am, but im working on my own, croudfunding is for lefty faggots,
I work in the trades and to be honest most guys that BTFO of their knees and hands did it because they have no idea what they're doing. Proper form, proper lifting, proper PPE. Don't let other people panic you into ignoring that and wear your fucking ear plugs.
Eh, bunch of guys here on meth but I dont want to fuck with that shit
>croudfunding is for lefty faggots
That is my point, these idiots will give you money to "save the supressed minorities" and you are going to use it as starting capital.
Whats his IQ? If its above 96 hes much smarter than European tribesmen so you can use him as an accurate whitey in the wild example.
Niggers don't have money and they'll rob, stab, and rape your ass. You'd need so much security that it'd never be profitable.
no then i have to put up some lefty sob story abought how i am making a difference, fuck that i want the money to buy a fucking scarface mansion and lots of whores
Well, a good excuse to kill some niggers at the electric fence.
Kek they will rob you.
ok mister Anthropologist
Finesse, boy
Buy American you fat headed faggot. German cars are shit, and you're subsidizing Achmed.
>The structure was built during the Early Bronze Age (21st century BCE), but had crumbled to ruins by the 6th century BCE of the Neo-Babylonian period when it was restored by King Nabonidus.
nobody even knows what it originally looked like
they had cameras 4000+ years ago?
>if you don't play into the kike's little games you are worthless
he;s just australian
This guy is great, really intelligent. Just sucks that he's a degenerate leftist with the most fucked up views.
can you read?
I bet this guy is uncircumcised too. What a tease. Imagine tonguing his sweaty foreskin in that little hut of his. He could weave a little harness for me and chain me up in there. God I'm so turned on right now.
as a kid growing up in the mountains I learned to make some shit but nothing like this guy
>not insecure at all
Anounce it some more you insecure LARPing faggot
I don't think it's race related. But honestly the vast majority of his viewers are NEETs who do fuckall and comfort themselves. My brother's a bit of the same. Studying engineering and every now and then he decides to start a "I like to fuck around" project where he picks some random arbitrary thing, does about 5% of the work, never finishes it and leaves other to clean it up for him.
It's really infuriating because he picked apart my car radio and the dvd-rom for my pc. :|
you literally cant grow trees in Haiti
they have fucked up their soil to much doing shit to make it taste better for their mud cookies
why dont you compare the 2 now?
or 100 years ago?
or 500 years ago?
or 1000 years ago?
or 1500 years ago?
dumb faggot, spain had a worldspanning empire and the middle east is a 3rd world shithole
I was told that giant bamboo reaches maturity in seven months.
> itt: poorfags
Forge blowers are not that expensive, and if I needed access to ferric metals, I could afford to purchase higher quality materials than wasting time scavaging for bog iron.
That's presuming I needed access to raw iron to begin with, as any tool I need, I would purchase instead of manufacture myself.
Plus, why would I need tools, I could just pay someone to repair or build what I want.
>people find this retard impressive
On his own, he will never accomplish anything with archaic technology. Society advanced together, not on its own.
Stuff like this is far more impressive:
Some bong builds his off-grid house out of natural logs and literal mud, utilizing modern tools to collect said material. Pretty much all on his one, some help there and there. He's even started building hydro-electric out of a little stream on his land, which should offer enough electricity to power lights and refrigerator year-round.
Mr. Anthropologist would probably argue that geographical position does not equate to race.
Most of the Mediterranean peoples were less genetically distant from each other back then than they are now. Different periods of Arabization and conquest by other peoples has transformed the Aramean/Maronite/Assyrian and other related peoples into less "European".
Now I'm definitely not saying WE WUZ ancient civilizations n shiet but im saying that there was less genetic variance than there is now around the Med.
He's just not a machine using faggot like you.
>Hurr durr I use modern equipment which has made my arms faggy despite my physical career so everyone else has to be equally useless.
The world record deadlift is ~80st. You probably can't lift 20. The human body has far more potential than most modern faggots can imagine.
He works for a university iirc so it wouldn't surprise me if he was insane. Fortunately hard work doesn't have a political orientation so we can all enjoy his efforts.
he isnt trying to make world class forge blowers and shit you faggot, hes just showing us how people did shit thousands of years ago
>why would I need tools, i could pay someone to repair or build what I want
are you even a man? do it yourself you dumb pussy faggot
>utilising modern tools
the whole point of primitive technology is to show how people did stuff before modern tools you fucking retard
this post combined with that image made me laugh very hard
Good old dirt cookies. A taste sensation.
I think PT cheats because it's very easy to cheat his projects.
>show the beginning steps of doing something using primitive tools
>turn camera off
>use power tools and buddies to quickly finish the task
>turn camera on
>"""""finish""""" the task using primitive tools shirtless
Main reason why I think this is because the dude is shirtless yet is whiter than flour with no visible body injuries. Fatigue and constant work should have damaged him slightly. Other than the lanky gym muscles, he looks softer than a part time construction worker.
>bbbbb but he's in a forest so sunlight
Sunlight still penetrates easily since he has good visibility on all his videos. That should be enough to give the white boy some burn marks if he actually does what he does for entire days. Dude's a faker and most of Youtube is faked to some degree.
he doesn't live in the hut he just makes things there
he obviously has a house with modern inventions, including a camera and internet connection
thats it
they would salt their soil to make them taste better and years of salting all the soil has made it totally fucking shitty for growing anything
>Implying I gave a source.
The insane outnumber the sane so naturally it's believable.