Are millennials the most economically incompetent generation to ever exist?

Are millennials the most economically incompetent generation to ever exist?

No, that'd be Boomers.

Unfunded pension and healthcare liability for what the Boomers voted themselves is $210 trillion.

Oh and the average 55 year old has less than $10k in savings.

This despite an absolute typhoon of migrants to help get the value of their houses up.

The average Millinieal has less than $1K in savings and has a net worth of -40K. Fuckstain.

Settle down grandpa

Yes. If you go into massive student loan debt to get a degree in Gender Fluid Trans liberation, then bitch you can't get a job in the field, you were too stupid to go to college.
How do you vote for a pension? I worked for one.
I got about half a million between the IRA and the house. With the pension comes out pretty good.

Boomers are a fucking disgrace

You vote for reps who will keep raising payouts for Social Security and refusing to cap Medicare and then also refuse to vote for tax increases to fund them

>While starting the race at -100k

kys spastic

Who sold the student loans?

Student loans are a boomer scam

>whines about medicare
you could have said something that mattered

Literally, everything on poll is a psy op and most people are shills

> world wars happen
> world war 2 generation is born
> world war 2 generation knows how to do stuff
> they make tons of things
> now the baby boomer generation is born
> baby boomers get spoiled with all the things
> baby boomers don't know how to raise kids
> baby boomers raise kids without knowing how to
> now the gen x generation exists
> baby boomers tell the gen x kids to go to college because apparently that's what's going to get them a good job
> gen x goes to college
> works out (kinda)
> now gen x has the millenial generation
> gen xers tell the millenial generation to go to college, but because the baby boomers didn't know how to raise kids, gen xers don't know anything about economics.
> college is oversaturated with students so the colleges raise the price as high as they can
> millenials go to college
> millenials have tons of debt
> since everyone now went to college and has a college degree, college degrees are worthless
> high percentage of millenials are either unemployed or underemployed with high amounts of debt due to the rising costs of colleges because gen xers told them to go to college and gen xers told everyone to go to college because baby boomers didn't know how to teach their children economics

tl;dr: baby boomers suck

>Are millennials the most economically incompetent generation to ever exist?
Willing debt-slaves for (mostly) useless degrees? Survey says.....YES.

The average Millennial has decades before retirement. Boomers are currently retiring and aren't financially prepared to be able to do so.

>le debt is bad meme

Why are they all taking loans? Don't parents support their children in the US?

> A program that will bankrupt the US doesn't matter.

Fuck u, pay me

>Millennial set up the system of muh guberment assistance

The average millennial is 20-25 years old, grandpa.
My networth is probably -20K right now, but give me 5 years and it'll be 50K+.
Paying off the mortgage takes time.

>tfw will have my degree in 2 years
>tfw I didn't pay for a single penny of my education
>tfw I get paid $1500 a month to go to school
Damn it feels good to have muh Post 9/11 GI Bill.

Borrowing money for College aka safe space day adult day care. You literally pay to be an indoctrinated leftist degenerate.

Boomers just don't have much regard for anything but themselves. I'm a millennial about to graduate in engineering and it seems the boomer mentality is basically "Its a privelage for you to rent one room out of my house for 1100$ a month". Obviously there are always cheaper places and buying is better but those places are often too far from work and we don't have credit yet for a mortgage.

They consistently vote against any tax increase bit vehemently defend social security and Medicade for no reason other than it benefits themselves.

Can't count how many boomer men I've heard squealing with glee because they got to use "Obama bucks" for something while also being dead scared "niggers" might benefit from a safety net like food stamps even though recipients are mostly white. Thankfully my father is smarter than this and is willing to help us and future generations.

Also fair reminder if you're a boomer and started on Sup Forums past 2010 you are definitely shitting the place up.

Boomers are the ones that started this shit. Millennials are just the result.

Meh. It's fun fucking with all the leftist degenerates in school though. I do it all the time, and will occasionally reveal my power level. Not everyone in college fits into the leftist Bernie supporting commie category. I posted several IOKTBW fliers on campus and some of the diversity police's reaction to it literally gave me a hard-on.

Don't look at me, I have a 500k house and 100k in Super and I'm only 35.

Oh and my boomer relatives had their student loan debts forgiven.

>boomers and other retards destroy the economy
>blame it on millenials who AT MOST have 5-10 years in the labor market/economy
fuck boomers

Thank god I seen this coming and went to trade school. Smartest thing I ever did.

>tax increase
Fuck off with your communist garbage, you're the ones making all millennials look bad.
How about you get your shit together instead of trying to get the men with guns to steal other people's money for you?

No because their parents are boomers

Boomer parents had to co-sign those loans.

Economies work on debt. It is the mark of someone invested in civilization and servitude.

boomers thought they'd be dead by the time they turn 70 so why not live and die like kings, many of them reach that age and due to medical advancements it turns out they might live to 90s but all of the money has already been spent on garbage trinkets and 4th car, also the laws they've passed that were supposed to go in effect after their death are now becoming a reality and shit's about to hit the fan especially when many of their kids are coming back home pissed off and jaded.

>I got about half a million between the IRA and the house. With the pension comes out pretty good.
LOL! watch that half mill disappear faster than you can get your adults diapers changed

Yes, I'm on the first semester of my fourth year of schooling. I have so far paid $0, as I went to a community college, and saved up my financial aid.

Tuition $400.00
Minimum wage $6.00
Tuition $23,890.00
Minimum wage $8.00

>be millenial
>wage slave
>at work
>boomer nigger comes into store
>he starts going on about how young kids these days are lazy etc.
>i tell him i work 2 jobs and still cant get a leg up.
>boomer nigger lets out a hearty chuckle and ignores me the rest of the time.

I hate boomers. Old fucks had it easy back in the day. They fucked future generations on so many levels.