Stormy Daniels in 2011, confirmed having a sexual relationship with married Donald Trump



>meme flags
I bet none of your presidents ever banged porn stars

>fake news awards delayed because more fake news keeps coming out every day

jesus christ.

Are you stupid?

>i dudu nuffin

You are autistic...

the fakest of fake news

A polygraph is a useless jewish invention. It doesn't work at all. Police just use it to harass people in false confessions. Literal retard Gary Ridgway murdered 50 prostitutes and passed a polygraph on multiple occasions when questioned.

>stormy daniels

Good tastes, but he could had the superior Jessica Drake desu

>On Wednesday, In Touch Weekly published an interview the magazine conducted with Stormy Daniels in 2011, where she confirmed having a sexual relationship with a married Donald Trump. Disclosing details like that they didn't use protection

HAHAHAHA!! saved


>“He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,” Daniels said


>calm before the storm

You know its bull when the tabloids are now running it

Who cares?

Though you Trump supporters have no basis to say that Trump is saving this country from degeneracy anymore. He's a degenerate fat playboy and a little bit of a brainlet too and that's OK.

>Real news is news I want to be real.

She and Donald had an affair. Why as a Christian should I care. The Lord judges not me

thats a question you should be asking yourself faggot.

Tabloids do it right sometimes but it's hard to believe why story about Trump doing something such a long time ago without it being uncovered during the primaries or the general.
They even tapped how phones and couldn't find shit

>Billionaire New York celebrity who owns the Miss America peagent and has been married 3 times fucks hotty gold digger

Yeah no shit faggot, I don't fucking care. I couldn't give two shits how many THOTs Donny has smashed. There isn't a machine on the planet sensitive enough to measure how little I give a shit. The only thing I care about is POLICY. Not that I believe a fucking word the media says to begin with

Haha Donald Trump has a benis OMG KYS


Nope just (you)

Predictable Sup Forums. Some will say

>it's not true

Others will say

>if it's true we don't care

What do the Some think of the Others? Let's assume it is all fake news. Are the Other Trumpers in your midst evil for being willing to accept such vile behavior? It ain't Christian, I'll tell you that.

Nobody cares, Fake News Awards at 5 p.m. EST.

dumb fucking cunt, will get sued for breaking a NDA contract and will never be trusted by anyone else in any field since can't keep her mouth shut even being a whore.

This was before the NDA was signed

>Faggot flag


Yeah, no. You're in a personality cult.

If you cared about policy you'd probably be a little more put off by the fact that he's reversed his most important and needed campaign stances - e.g. on trade, foreign policy, more.

But as long as you've got your little red hat.

A shill gotta shill I guess


>the absolute state of the Christian right

You should know, you wake up and look at stupid every morning in the mirror, that is if you brush your teeth

It must be hard supporting Trump.

You have to deny everything, until Trump says he did it. Then you have to say that it's good Trump did it.

A tabloid

>reddit spacing
Go back to your shithole you stupid fucking faggot

Must be hard being a concern shill

>multi-billionaire property mogul
>"former model" "wife"

She was probably in on the three-way.

Democrat virgins angry that Chad Trump fucks porn stars and Bill Clinton can only get fat jew interns.

My boy Big Don Shiggy likes to raw dog that shit.

Criminal Justice fag here, those things are laughed at by every judge, attorney and parole/probation officer as a formality that retarded politicians put in.
>Less accurate than a coin flip
>Can be beaten by a good actor
>Can be beaten by a tack
>Basically a heart monitor
>100% open to interpretation by experts.

She said it in a interview, also bump


Why does your President need non-disclosure agreements with sex workers?

There is literally nothing wrong with banging porn stars on the side when you're a billionaire. Trump did nothing wrong. Fuck off haters.

I don't understand your post. You make fun of the Jewish intern but Trump has netanyahu's dick up his ass. Rex Tillerson just today spoke about occupying Syria...until forever. Well actually until ISIS is gone (LOL), Assad is removed and some other bullshit about splitting up the country. Trump's foreign policy is a fucking mess built on lies to MIGA.

You understand, you just don't like the reasons. In your world, only progressives are allowed to be smug, and if not smug, at least self righteous.

Some folks are fucking with you. Others do not give a shit, and many do not believe it. /pol is not a single person.

Go back to your echo chamber in r/politics and leave us be in ours. Faggot

THIS, I hated the SJW cult that obsessed over Obama, and now, you have that same cult mentality with ALOT of the Trump fans. People are looking for a fucking savior, and it's pathetic.

nigger, pls. Trump has kept more promises, and done more in one year, than the previous 16 years combined.


-far right
These are all buzz words you libshitheads
to label things you dont like.
Keep crying you got 7 more years of trump.

Holy fuck, what an alpha.


I wonder who should I trust hmmm...
>the person allegedly that had affair with Trump
>some shitty celebrity magazine
What a tough choice.

Of course she will deny it. Doing anything else would violate whatever contract she potentially made, causing her to forfeit the money at the very least and possibly get counter-sued by Trump and his lawyers. She has nothing to gain from admitting the truth and everything to lose.

>look at flag
>into the fire