Are (((They))) Manipulating Crypto Markets?

>Crypto comes onto the scene
>BTC passes $10k and everyone starts investing large amounts of money
>a month or two goes by
>banks get involved
>suddenly cryptos lose ~30% of their value in a single day

What's going on here, lads? Are (((they))) trying to take down cryptos because they see them as a threat to their own money-printing scam, the Fed?

Other urls found in this thread:

>he doesn't know bitcoin was created by the cia
>he doesn't see that crypto will lead to rfid chip wallet implants that the government can turn off at will

Totally unregulated. Whoever has the deepest pockets can manipulate crypto at will. I wonder who that is?

>What's going on here, lads? Are (((they))) trying to take down cryptos because they see them as a threat to their own money-printing scam, the Fed?
No, you and retards like you fail to see the cryptocurrency craze as series of pump and dump schemes.

Of course (((they))) manipulate currencies. It's what they do. Duh!

>what is a ponzi scheme

This. Whales have total control over the markets

I was thinking about this myself. If you had the coin (pun intended), you could blow a huge bubble in the crypto market, then get out, watch it pop, and get back in for pennies on the dollar. Something tells me this has also occurred to other (((financially minded))) families known for banking.

this lol they own it and invented it.. just dutch tulips to siphon money from the loser class

The fed print more money due to demand from a growing economy here and overseas (plus a lot of economic shit to help keep the dollar valuable). We were taken off the gold standard in the 1970s because gold is pretty much finite and can't keep up with a growing population.

Bitcoin is finite. It can work as a replacement for big currencies (if gov approves) but I doubt it'll be accessable to everyone. The only thing backing it up is greed and investments from people who don't really understand how crypto currency work. They just like to hoard everything.

The dollar is like the standard bitcoin except it's backed up by the US economy and is not finite. The fed can regulate how much money is being printed (this includes selling and buying gov securities) to prevent recessions from happening.

Yea, it's sometimes shitty because no one knows how the economy will turn out in the future but it's better than decentralized and power falling into the wrong hands. Specically hands of people who do nothing all day but hoard crypto coins making bank to afford child porn and illegal drugs.

you may laugh but i bought some DMT for like 40 bitcoins on the original silk road. now i'm a so called "no coiner" but i want some just to participate in the big meme

Is it a currency?

If yes, Jews own it.

>implying it's never tanked like this before
Just be patient, buy in now while you have a chance to jump on the downtrend. Lot of other cryptos are cheap right now too.

you wasted 400,000$ on something you could easily have baked at home for about 30$

it's human nature and a consequence of freedom
a feature of capitalism

Oh yes, a complete meme of a "currency" gains popularity. It's value skyrockets because everyone dumps money into it for no reason other than hoping it will continue increasing. Then the price goes down. Must be the Jews.

>losers not investing in crypto

That's just hoow any market go user, it had it's bull run and now it's bearing.


It will probably go down a bit more as it corrects it self, then evenetually it will start on another bull run. It's psychology of the masses, people flock too it as it's on the bull run, throwing in more and more shekels believing it will increase forever non stop. Then boom it goes and those people lose a lot of shekels for not selling out in time

It's the Chinese. They quietly own 80% of BTC.

I wouldn't. The more I look into it, the more suspicious I get. The only way I will get into crypto currency is if a service offers it as an alternative form of payment, but I think I'd invest at most 2% in cryptos. My main vehicle will be in the country's primary form of currency since it's beneficial for the country.

I don't know the benefits of crypto currency in the country's economy either than the hype and monies. It's like people getting paid to shill their worthless stocks on the internet but in this case people have no idea what their throwing money at.

well china is also cracking down on this as fuck these days. Not even mining is allowed anymore.

Sucks for those who have a lot of them lol
I wonder if they will have to resort to the black marked eventually. I'm not fully aware of the situation there

lol crypto is a legal ponze scheme you fucking mong. (((they))) don't have to do anything

>investing in cryptos is smart and will help take down the political establishment

Nuclear war would happen before the elites ever give power back to the people.

In all of this mess, I've made about 0.4 btc this month. Not exatly a big shot in this, but that's something at least. Hope I will make it a couple before summer, but one can only hope

I could have started this last may, but I've just had these alt coins there. What I did wrong was to just watch the price of it against the dollar. This stuff is really weird, it's all priced against the bitcoin. Have I sold in may I could have been trading about the same sum as I initially got and been in on ie etherneum ride

Could have, should have, ought to have lol. I still don't understand that this crap is worth anything at all. I still remember it hit a krone the 2nd time

Its gonna be a catalyst for Gen Z to get off their asses and bring about a new Hitler.

Think about it

>Ultra conservative generation arising.
>Hate a leftist ideology passionately
>If crypto collapses it could cause an economic recession if it is given more time for normies to bnlindly buy into

All convienently within the beginning years of a new century.

2033 is going to be like 1933, I can feel it.

(((USDT))) Us Dollar Tether

A kike who used to work for JP Morgan owns an exchange called bitfinex. They are making them claiming they have the dollars to back them, They don't.

They are buying BTC off of themselves with Internet monopoly moneytoo push the price back up whilst they are buying cheap.

>he doesn't know we already have a digital currency that we use everyday to buy shit with the RFID chips in our bank cards.
It already happened. All they have to do is make paper/plastic/gold/silver money untradeable by law.

Cryptos are a scam to rob the people out of their cash. Pre

This. Pump and dump in a shallow market.

Also, dipshits need to know what words mean. Ponzi means something, dotards. It's not synonymous with 'anything shady.' Aircoins aren't a Ponzi scheme.

This up and down trend, I fear, might actually be the same people getting momey out of the coins in the long run. Since there is no regulation, NO ONE knows who's controlling it. At least I'm well aware of the fed (and its various locations to keep one from having too much power in a location) but decentralized is going to cause eventual corruption if it hasn't already been corrupted.

Crptocurrency sounds too good for people wanting decentralization. It's definitely feeding off the primal needs of idiots who don't want government interference aka most libertarians and anarchists.

This happens every early January.
Look at history of BTC chart.

No government can prevent you from accessing your Bitcoin. That's the whole point.

literal shill or retard?

So buy some and rise with them. If you don't sell they take nothing from you.

Retard that just increased my holdings by 50% at half price.

Just sold all my crypto holdings, its a pyramid ponzi scheme

They can stop you from converting it into something usable. What's the value of an aircoin if you can't buy a tank of gas with it?

Yep except by crashing the market and shutting down the internet.
If you don't believe the government will take everything that's yours by force you are an idiot to think otherwise.



I would like to know what is virtual currency based on, even if it is converted from current currency what explains the diviation of rising value?

Everything is a scam, doesn't mean you can't make money off it if you're smart. Made about$150k off crypto in a month, not gonna complain about it.

crypto is a legal ponze scheme. you don't understand.

>Ponzi pyramid shenanigan!
God damn it.

>the Fed
>bring this competent

Yes. But you have to understand the reason for the boom in price in November, 2017. This was when HEAVY market manipulation started and the price was pumped after a "flippening scare" where BCH (Bitcoin as it was originally intended) started gaining more hashpower.
Banks and ((())) subverted BTC's development in 2015 via Blockstream which adamantly opposed any increase to the blocksize - which means BTC was stuck at 3-7 transactions/second. The intention was to cripple it so that it could not gain mass adoption, but keep it valuable enough that people would keep investing in it. If they were too overt, people would've switched to a different coin.
So, the November pump was a way to make mining BTC more profitable than BCH to prevent miner's switching to BCH (which would kill BTC).

So you held nothing before, or you sold before it shat the bed? Somebody lost 30% in a day. Not you?
Either way, you are a small fish just along for the ride. Big money KNOWS when a dip or bump is coming, because created it by buying or selling billions.

(((Their))) endgame is a global cashless society - so cryptos are perfect for that.

These are a beta test run

created by an AI that created itself on our information networks

I don't get why anyone would buy bitcoin. You just know its gonna crash

The only thing (((they))) want more than a crypto market crash is for the alt-right to divest from the market. All the FUD is presented with that, first and foremost in mind.

HYPE (or drug dealers).

That's literally what's backing it up. Bitcoin investors like to argue that the US dollar is backed by nothing since we were taken off the gold standard. The dollar is actually back by the US economy and people's faith and credit in it (that's why Trump will probably be a huge issue for us). A strong economy means you're getting more for your buck in the long run.

>turned a few hundred into 10k +
Gee no idea why.

>That's literally what's backing it up
Don't fool yourself. That's all that backs anything up

I lost 75% in a week. But i never sold. All these new weak handed buyers sold and lost.
Anyway, I bought the dip. I'm already up 25%.
The market will return, and as history of BTC has showed, it will be worth more than it was before the dip. 2018 is going to be the year of the alt-coin.
I've already made a good amount on alts.

Most people won't make it big with bitcoin. More will lose than win.
Best way to make cash is doing small term investments, some people just spend their entire days trading cryptos
Even if it did skyrocket over 100k, that's still 100k too much for a highly unstable worthless meme currency. Most businesses especially small businesses won't accept BTC however there is a good chance big corporations will start accepting them thus giving more power to the big corporations over the people who will eventually crash BTC once they hold the majority of ownership.

>Most businesses especially small businesses won't accept BTC however there is a good chance b
Newegg takes it, you can get Amazon gift cards with it, hell some gun shops take it. "no one takes it" is a meme

>George Soros has given $18 billion to his pro->democracy foundation
>by Jackie Wattles @jackiewattles
>October 17, 2017: 7:55 PM ET

You do the math


some guy just dumped 100mil tether (100 mil imaginary USD) into BTC to convince retards crypto is a real thing and it shouldn't crash.. i find it truly remarkable that people never learned from the maddoff trials.
>stock goes down
>ponze leaders take losses to convince scared suckers its just a small hiccup in a journey of infinite growth
>new money keeps coming in
>ponze leader still turning huge profit despite having to invest more and more money to make front look legit
>everyone and their mother saying "its too good to be true, look at the signs, money doesn't grow on trees"
>ignored all the way up until financial HAPPENING when the whole shiteroo crashes.

the amazing thing about crypto, is that they (tether, bitfinex, gdax, etc.) have already explicit stated they have no obligation to make sure you can cash out. the fuckening will be legendary because no one will get in trouble.

Fiat money can keep up with a growing population. Limited resources can't.

>obligation to make sure you can cash out. the fuckening will be legendary because no one will get in trouble.
Just like a real bank

Fiat money cannot keep up with compound interest. No force on earth can contend with usury.
I do find it funny that someone created Bitcoin Interest, which is based upon this principle of usury.

>I lost 75% in a week. But i never sold. All these new weak handed buyers sold and lost.
Anyway, I bought the dip. I'm already up 25%.
What? BTFD requires you to sell the bump.
Anyway, Au hit 1340.
Remember to sell the bump. Are people just holding and buying MORE during the dips?
Crazy shit.

I'm not a day trader. Don't have the time to sit and watch. I'm holding until market corrects; which it will.

Not Bitcoin -- rode the XRP wave, then Eth, then out.

He also said big corporations can take it. The last I checked, Amazon was doing well in the stock market.

I'm pretty sure big businesses will be able to afford the BTC losses. Not so much for the small shops.

Day trading was the only thing that could keep me from pol, for a while

A 30% price decline is really not much if the yearly return is still >1000%. So unless you are a late investor everything is still perfectly fine.

>No one takes it
I wasn't implying that, I was saying that majority of businesses will not accept bitcoin.

Btc is too awkward and slow for most transactions; another fast standard will displace it eventually

I misread his post a bit. But anyway, you don't send Btc to a wallet owned by those companies, usually, they use a service like bit pay that handles the crypto - fiat conversion and sends them the proper amount

Yes. I'm not arguing for its merits as a viable currency, bitcoin cash is much better at the moment

no, no, no! real banks are backed up by your federal tax dollars so that if (when) they fuck up, it hurts you, personally, less. Banks also offer things like CD's that pay you for literally fucking nothing, at virtually no risk- all with the comfort that the USDpetrodollar is the world standard and will be bailed out every single time because without the US consuming and having a stable military presence in the mid east- China, Saudi Arabia, and the EU watch their economies bite the dust.

Hm, I'll think about that.


When you idiots hyped it big enough to get full blown exchanges like the cboe involved, the game changed. The cboe needed a reserve of btc, a fucking huge one, to offer their btc derivatives.

The last few months of 2016 were a rally based on big players acquiring enough btc to sit down at the table they just made. You tards saw it as a prophecy of anarchocurrency coming true.

The short term was a huge rally. The middle to long term is the introduction of a stabilizing and stifling market forces that end with Goldman Sachs middlemanning 75% of btc volume and preventing future volatility(maybe). There's gonna be 6months of correction. And the fact that late January is showing a crash means the street doesn't share the crypto exuberance. They're just churning like they always do. The lag of the btc spot market might keep the volatility high. But im guessing the futures end up killing all volatility or the whole damn market collapsing. If the market makers get short squeezed out of business, them you cryptoniggers can claim a serious victory. But that'll take like 9figures of new buyers.

Despite the hype and the fact I dumped most of mine, I still like XRP as the one that might get adopted. Very fast transaction rates, and a cost that doesn't confuse people.

Bahahahah! Going long on something that swings double digits in an hour. Dipshit.

Yea there was some Japanese bank consortium that was going to use it for the infrastructure, kinda neat

I've already made a few thousand with a mere $400 investment.
Not on Bitcoin, though.

if cripto can be manipulated so easily by jew, why they would keep fiat?

No, you lost X amount from your high. Probably last night. Your initial investment means shit at this point.

That's what I wanted to get into. I just like the idea of something backing it up even if it was a bank. It's like a stock. If it grows, then Japan might even legally adopt it and I can get more out of it even in the slow run. I gotta find out if I get back my initial investments when something happens tho.

Waters still murky for the crypto industry. I want to understand my investments if shtf.

I'm getting hungry. Gonna eat now.

South Korea crashed cryptos by 50% , wait until the EU beats them down.

Mark of the beast

See if you can buy in when you figure it has bottomed -- I still believe it could hit $5 bucks this year.

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Night, bulls what don't "day" trade a 24/365 digital commodity.

HOLD! lol

Actually I'm already in the green.
Via stellar. Soon it will be in the green with verge, with ADA, and with ETH.
The other three I am holding are long term investments when the project becomes more developed.
Don't get pissed that yours suck and you bet everything on Tron.

we warned you bitcoin was collapsing immediately after it's board of directors was infiltrated

>what is buy low sell high
A crash is the best time to buy.

buy when bitcoin hits $1.00

They own the whole internet? Dang, we a screwed.

>still doesn't understand it's the high, not the investment

And right before the crash is the best time to sell, but BC could go to 100K!
HOLD! HOLD like a drowning retard!

Yes, I guess if they destroy everything Bitcoin could be destroyed along with everything.

The end goal for Bitcoin is not having to convert to anything.

bitcoin is not backed by gold
it is supported by faith
you must truly believe
for bitcoin to be resurrected

It is widely believed that 2 trading bots wash traded BTC from $150 to $1000 in the first place.

And not a single one of you can explain Bitfinex wash trading or the huge tether scam that's going on.

None of you belong in the currency exchange markets. Bitcoin gonna catch the banhammer in Korea and China. Once bitcoin dies...margin pumping with fake tethers dies. Your alts are worth nothing.

It's the new online poker.

Are you fucking retarded??

XRP has 100 billion tokens total. 2/3rds of which are not even released yet.

5 dollars equals a 500 billion dollar valuation.

Now think about how much money that is. Think about supply and demand....How are you going to beat back smart contracts releasing a billion tokens a month for the next 4 years?

I say this all as a crypto engineer. I literally write Ethereum smart contracts for a living. You're all fools. Bitfinex is playing all of you.

bitcoin can exist through entire destruction of the planet. you only need the algorithm, and your backup seed.

Goal achieved.

>they're stores of value
That's the bro-ist argument out there.

You know What else is a store of value? Candy bars. T shirts. Legos. Ammunition.

They're currencies. They're worth nothing if they're not used as currencies.