Girlchelly's blog

Hey Sup Forums, /jp/ here. Because of the loss of Nyaa I hear many of you are hurting for porn.

So I thought I would share Girlchelly's blog to tide you over. It seems many of you had become overly reliant on sukebei and might not know about alternatives. Can't help you for JAVs

Other urls found in this thread:

Please don't spoonfeed.

I'm from /jp/, not Sup Forums thank you very much. I am neither 12 years old, nor a jackass.


>/jp/ doesn't know about the pantsu
Let's keep it that way. Polite sage for newfaggotry, crossboarding and spoonfeeding.

thanks a lot man!!
im one of those starving for H
i know only the very basic of japanese language so it would be difficult to get what im searching
but not impossible
thanks again buddy

Kuso thread.

t-thanks jp-kun
Eventually sukebei will rise again though, just like Nyaa

Fuck this cunt for putting that goddamn picture in every single one of his torrents.

/jp/ would never be this nice. Fuck off, faker.

Thank you very much bro!


Please don't make us look bad in front of the /jp/ user, go back to lurking newfags.

>Can't help you for JAVs
Y-you, too.

Thank you user, trying to get into nihongo, this will be useful.

I am aware, hence the 'tide you over'

Flower Tradewind. It always helps to be redundant I suppose although I don't find Flower Tradewind to be very user friendly anymore, at least it's not Share

Thanks for the heads up dude. You're being a real bro for letting me know. Thanks again buddy.


girlcelly is a stealing faggot. Most of his uploads come from Justice on Freenet but of course stupid leechers are convinced he buys all these games because he never gives credit. Fuck that guy, seriously.

Who cares?

Woah bro, that's really nice of you dude, if only all Sup Forumsbros could be af nice as you my man